california registration

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Dec 2, 2005
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I hope this is the right area to post this...I recently bought a 2004 FJR from a guy in CA, this is also where I live. The guy bought it from another guy in Florida early last year. When the purchase happened in FL the FJR had 6900 miles on it and that's what was documented on the tiltle. The guy I bought it from then rode the FJR back to CA and had close to 10,000 miles when he entered CA proper. The guy then tried to register the FJR in CA but good old DMV told him no because he bought it with less than 7500 miles on it, regardless of where he bought it. I know what your thinking...why did you buy the FJR given the circumstances. Well, I did not know all the above and I did not know the nuiances of the Health & Safety Code statute 43156(a). I have been battling DMV for a week over this and it appears I'm getting no where. Fortunately the guy I bought it from will refund my money but that's not what I want! I thoroughly enjoy my FJR and want to somehow register it in CA (it currently has 13,000 miles). If anyone has experience, expertise or advice with this H&S statute or a different interpratation than above, please help me.


Maybe register it with someone in Oregon as the owner, then buy it from them with the current mileage. the dmv up there seems to be pretty efficient.

Unforunately DMV flagged the VIN when the person I bought it from tried to register it and DMV said it can never be registered in CA. Thanks though.

I've dealt directly with the Sacramento office in the specific division for this issue.

I'm sorry you're having this problem, but you are not the first to have this issue. You cannot win against the DMV! More than one owner has had to sell his FJR. That's why we CA owners ALWAYS warn new searchers/lurkers/waiters to buy a CA bike. Once it is flagged, it can never be brought back into CA and registerred, so get your money back and keep shopping. They will not let you sell it out-of-state and then buy it back, the serial number will always be highlighted in their computer system.

This is why we adamantly warn buyers not to go to D&H for CA bikes, and one of the reasons that most CA dealers won't deal on FJRs, hence the reputation of those dealers in CA who do.

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Keep the bike, move to Gardnerville NV just like Exskibum. California sucks! (but mine had 8257 on the clock when I imported it from Michigan, so I get to stay).

Have you looked into the possibility of retrofitting it to meet CA standards (adding a charcoal canister)?

Toecutter, it doesn't matter if he retrofits the cannister.

1) By rule of law, any out-of-state bike must have 7,500 miles on it before a California resident buys it and tries to register it.

2) The bike is now "red-flagged" in the DMV computer as having been brought into the state and attempted to register while being "out of compliance". No California owner can ever bring that bike into this state.

Remember, we are talking about dealing with "cubicle warmers" wh cannot operate outside the written guidelines they're given by the legislature and upper management. We must have "clean air", y'know.

Solution: Get your refund, buy another "legal" FJR.

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Toecutter, it doesn't matter if he retrofits the cannister.
1)  By rule of law, any out-of-state bike must have 7,500 miles on it before  a California resident buys it and tries to register it.

2)  The bike is now "red-flagged" in the DMV computer as having been brought into the state and attempted to register while being "out of compliance".  No California owner can ever bring that bike into this state.

Solution:  Get your refund, buy another "legal" FJR.
This info is correct and now this FJR will have to leave CA.

I too own an out-of-state bike, bought it brand new in NV. The differnce for me is that I first registered in NV, then brought it in after the magic 7500mi. CA requirement.

The only time an out of state vehicle below 7500mi. will be allowed in to CA, is when it is brought in by a new resident to the state.

It is all clearly spelled out here:

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When the purchase happened in FL the FJR had 6900 miles on it and that's what was documented on the tiltle. The guy I bought it from then rode the FJR back to CA and had close to 10,000 miles when he entered CA proper.
Since the intention was to bring it to CA from the start, you should have told a little white lie on the original sales paperwork, since after the journey from FL to CA would have been way over 7500.

Toecutter, it doesn't matter if he retrofits the cannister.
True. There is a specific factory applied CA emmisions label that the good folks at the DMV will be searching for on your out-of-state vehicle (which of course they will not find) when you roll up for the CA registration.

Thanks all for the advice and wisdom...I'm certainly not happy about it but life likes to throw little curves every now and then. Now I have to go through getting my money back not only for the FJR but the license and tax fees (805.00) and pay off the loan...what a pain. Well when I find another FJR I'll be back on this site, until then...

Toecutter, it doesn't matter if he retrofits the cannister.
True. There is a specific factory applied CA emmisions label that the good folks at the DMV will be searching for on your out-of-state vehicle (which of course they will not find) when you roll up for the CA registration.
Would the people at DMV actually need to see the bike for registration or is it simply paper shuffling at the office?

Toecutter, it doesn't matter if he retrofits the cannister.
True. There is a specific factory applied CA emmisions label that the good folks at the DMV will be searching for on your out-of-state vehicle (which of course they will not find) when you roll up for the CA registration.
Would the people at DMV actually need to see the bike for registration or is it simply paper shuffling at the office?
The vehicle has to be on site at the DMV for inspection

The California DMV sucks, sorry to hear about your trouble.
We really shouldn't blame DMV. They happen to be the agency that must "Enforce" what lllegislators pppass for law after being ppressured by the environmentalists.

M-m-y g-generation...........

Thanks all for the advice and wisdom...I'm certainly not happy about it but life likes to throw little curves every now and then. Now I have to go through getting my money back not only for the FJR but the license and tax fees (805.00) and pay off the loan...what a pain. Well when I find another FJR I'll be back on this site, until then...
jhereg, good luck. Yuh doesn't has ta leave the forum while yer searchin' and waitin', only not quite as much fun wen yew doesn't has a bike ta compare wit.

There are some good ones for sale, just keep looking.

Thanks all for the advice and wisdom...I'm certainly not happy about it but life likes to throw little curves every now and then.  Now I have to go through getting my money back not only for the FJR but the license and tax fees (805.00) and pay off the loan...what a pain.  Well when I find another FJR I'll be back on this site, until then...
Do you have any freinds/family in another state outside CA for registration? You could use their address. If you do, just remember to bring along your proof of taxes payed, else you will have to pony up twice.

Thanks all for the advice and wisdom...I'm certainly not happy about it but life likes to throw little curves every now and then.  Now I have to go through getting my money back not only for the FJR but the license and tax fees (805.00) and pay off the loan...what a pain.  Well when I find another FJR I'll be back on this site, until then...
Do you have any freinds/family in another state outside CA for registration? You could use their address. If you do, just remember to bring along your proof of taxes payed, else you will have to pony up twice.
You cause new problems with that'll have a CA drivers license and a bike registered in your name with an out of state registration....Creates more problems than its worth.
