Calling new 06 owners what's your MPG

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Let's see, it's 4300 miles from Japan to California, and 2500 from California to Alabama... So when it arrives, it will have ...

.... let's see now....

6800 / 0 = infinite MPG? I'm guessing it will drop some once i get it. :yahoo:

37-39mpg, but I'm almost always cruising at 80-90mph, or gunning it in stop and go traffic. :assassin: > :) Got 44mpg on one trip riding with a (slower) buddy; I get at least 250 miles out of a tank.

Does anyone know if they have a fix yet for the "instant mpg" only reading "17" for the'06?

(Miles) Tank 5-Avg 20-Med

129 36.03 36.03 36.03

336 39.29 37.66 37.66

546 42.94 39.42 39.29

712 36.02 38.57 37.66

890 36.15 38.09 36.15

1,065 35.21 37.92 36.09

1,272 40.15 38.09 36.15

1,484 40.85 39.23 39.29

1,957 39.75 39.95 39.52

2,094 38.38 40.58 39.29

Last edited by a moderator:
(Miles) Tank 5-Avg 20-Med129 36.03 36.03 36.03

336 39.29 37.66 37.66

546 42.94 39.42 39.29

712 36.02 38.57 37.66

890 36.15 38.09 36.15

1,065 35.21 37.92 36.09

1,272 40.15 38.09 36.15

1,484 40.85 39.23 39.29

1,957 39.75 39.95 39.52

2,094 38.38 40.58 39.29

Are you an accountant? That is just too much record keeping. :D

Showing a bit of your compulsive nature. :dribble:

Good info...

Time for people to start thinking about these,

Driving one of those in Boston rush hour traffic would result in a life expectancy measured in microseconds. On a positive note, it looks like it would make its own coffin :glare: :blink:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Try an 04 chev 3500 dually crew cab w/ a 496 8mpg on a good day. or an 04 crew cab dually duramax diesal (6.6 turbo) 13 mpg on a good day!
$80 + per truck per fillup x 2 times a week.

Time for people to start thinking about these,


I would bet FJRfencer works his trucks and this thing couldn't pull golf clubs...

Aw hell no! I got 49mpg coming home from the Dragon a week ago; rode from Tellico Plains to St. Louis stopping for gas just once, and still drove to work the rest of the week before filling up. 318 miles before I finally filled up. My mileage just keeps getting better and better!

On a Saddlesore 1000 last Saturday, all on I-5, I averaged 45.35 mpg. The thing that was a little mystifying was the mileage on individual legs was all over the board, even though some of it was on the same piece of road on the return trip. Example: 42.93, 46.42, 50.73, 43.21, 47.10, so who knows.

One thing that's a little frustrating is the fuel warning, which seems to come on way too early. I went up to 40 miles after the warning started and still had .75 gal left in the tank.

One thing that's a little frustrating is the fuel warning, which seems to come on way too early. I went up to 40 miles after the warning started and still had .75 gal left in the tank.
You should be aware that the 'reserve' is 1.6 gal; the light comes on after exactly 5 gal have been used. Thus, take your shown avg (if you have an '06, that is), multiply by 1.6, and that's your range until empty (quick formula to do in your head if you're not so great at math--MPGavg + 1/2 MPGavg + 10% of MPGavg)

I actually like that it gives you such advanced warning. In the midwest it's no big deal, but when I was living in New Mexico, gas stations could be few and far between--many times on my Thunderbird I would coast into a gas station and put almost a quarter gallon more than the posted fuel capacity of the bike! My reserve on that bike was 1/2 a gallon--if I wasn't paying close attention to mileage, or if I hit a nasty headwind, I could be caught totally by surprise with only 20 miles left until empty--not fun in the sparsly populated west....

One thing that's a little frustrating is the fuel warning, which seems to come on way too early. I went up to 40 miles after the warning started and still had .75 gal left in the tank.
You should be aware that the 'reserve' is 1.6 gal; the light comes on after exactly 5 gal have been used. Thus, take your shown avg (if you have an '06, that is), multiply by 1.6, and that's your range until empty (quick formula to do in your head if you're not so great at math--MPGavg + 1/2 MPGavg + 10% of MPGavg)
Ummm, you're joking, right? About that being a quick formula to do in your head if you're not so great at math? Do you have an even quicker formula? Because that one is a butt kicker, dude and I consider myself an okay-smart kinda guy... :blink:

Ummm, you're joking, right? About that being a quick formula to do in your head if you're not so great at math? Do you have an even quicker formula? Because that one is a butt kicker, dude and I consider myself an okay-smart kinda guy... :blink:
Well, perhaps you should reconsider. :lol:

Seriously, this looks worse than it is. Cut your average mpg in half, add that to your avg mpg--that will be close enough. If you want exact, add another 10% of the average mpg. If I'm getting 45mpg, then I'll get 72 miles out of reserve. If your math skills are so rusty you can't do this one in your head, it's time to practice! Oh, and once before someone indicated that they could just slow down once they hit reserve to improve their mileage--I would *not* disregard the avg mpg shown on the interface. If you slow down your mpg will improve somewhat, but it will show on the screen. Every time I fill up, my avg mpg reading is within 1mpg of my actual mpg, and there is usually less variance than that.

41 here so far and that's been at normal ridin....75-90


One thing that's a little frustrating is the fuel warning, which seems to come on way too early. I went up to 40 miles after the warning started and still had .75 gal left in the tank.
You should be aware that the 'reserve' is 1.6 gal; the light comes on after exactly 5 gal have been used. Thus, take your shown avg (if you have an '06, that is), multiply by 1.6, and that's your range until empty (quick formula to do in your head if you're not so great at math--MPGavg + 1/2 MPGavg + 10% of MPGavg)
Ummm, you're joking, right? About that being a quick formula to do in your head if you're not so great at math? Do you have an even quicker formula? Because that one is a butt kicker, dude and I consider myself an okay-smart kinda guy... :blink:
Earlier post requires update. Now with 1500 miles on it and mpgs just kept improving. 49 on the last 4 tanks in commte driving. Some traffic, some open cruise, and several twisty sections with alot of turn on the happy handle. Very happy.
