Can anyone convert a MS S&T route file to GPX?

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I'll convert it for you. Pm me with your email.

Gave it a shot, but the Streets & Trips file is a route plan, not pushpins, so Mapsource isn't importing it properly. :( I would have need to convert all the route points to pushpins manually. Someone with GPSU can probably do it easily.

Looking at the waypoints in the file, some are not exactly on the route, and would cause you to exit the route, ride to a dead end and return to the route. You might be better off building a route from scratch in mapsource.

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Thanks a ton Specter! PM sent. Yeah, maybe one of these days I'll get it but I'm pretty comfortable with Map Source, and this has got to be the only rally in the country where the planner doesn't put it in GPX format.

Thanks a ton Specter! PM sent. Yeah, maybe one of these days I'll get it but I'm pretty comfortable with Map Source, and this has got to be the only rally in the country where the planner doesn't put it in GPX format.
I struggle with routing in general, and mapsource in particular. S&T is better IMO and I "think" that the 2010 version and newer converts without a need to have a supporting program.

Thanks everyone for trying. I just went ahead and built it off of the printed out directions. Wasn't too bad.

Puppychow, thanks for the offer and sorry if you wasted some time on it, but I'm all set. Got my gas stops included and the whole 9 yards. Add another cert to the wall next weekend!

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Thanks a ton Specter! PM sent. Yeah, maybe one of these days I'll get it but I'm pretty comfortable with Map Source, and this has got to be the only rally in the country where the planner doesn't put it in GPX format.
I struggle with routing in general, and mapsource in particular. S&T is better IMO and I "think" that the 2010 version and newer converts without a need to have a supporting program.

Yeah, I usually just use the routing tool and just click on the places I want to go while scrolling around in the map. Seems to work for me. Thanks for the effort!

Thanks a ton Specter! PM sent. Yeah, maybe one of these days I'll get it but I'm pretty comfortable with Map Source, and this has got to be the only rally in the country where the planner doesn't put it in GPX format.
I struggle with routing in general, and mapsource in particular. S&T is better IMO and I "think" that the 2010 version and newer converts without a need to have a supporting program.
S&T 2010 imports, but does not export, GPX files.

Oops, yes, it does. Sorry.

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Well, it appears I need to eat my words. I opened the wrong version of S&T the other day when I was looking to confirm GPX export, and of course didin't find it.

2010 does export GPX files, on the Data menu.

I apologize for the erroneous information.

So if you're a S&T user and would like to get better Garmin use out of it, upgrade to the 2010 or 2011 version. (Upgrading to 2011 if you already have 2010 isn't that big a deal - almost nothing new.)

Well, it appears I need to eat my words. I opened the wrong version of S&T the other day when I was looking to confirm GPX export, and of course didin't find it.

2010 does export GPX files, on the Data menu.

I apologize for the erroneous information.

So if you're a S&T user and would like to get better Garmin use out of it, upgrade to the 2010 or 2011 version. (Upgrading to 2011 if you already have 2010 isn't that big a deal - almost nothing new.)
No problem, thanks for updating the info! I had heard on LDR that the 2010+ versions did do gpx both ways, but I'm no expert for sure.

I have been using my '10 version to lay out my next trip to Michigan and SW-FOG with stops along the way to visit some folks enroute; I had not yet attempted to transfer it to my Zumo 550.

One of the things that has kept me out of rallys is my "fear of routing", but I know I have to just jump in and hang on. I did GBU this yr - which had a great setup fro new rally riders so didn't really need to use my S&T so much - and now I've just signed up for the Void rally which I will for sure need to use it and my new-to-me laptop.

Making routes with a Garmin is something I have been struggling with for quite some time- I just couldn't figure out how to do it. Finally, last weekend in northern PA, I was able to spend some time with an electronical guru of sorts and he was able to figure out was I was doing wrong. I tried S&T and MapSource and others but now use the easiest I have ever tried- HD Ride Planner. It will export gpx files to either my gps or my sd card, depending on whether there is a need to share a route. You might have to open an acct depending on what you want to do but it's free and they send emails when there's free hotdogs locally.

I'll be happy to go into more detail of how I do it if anyone wants to know.
