Can one apply for a BB1500 on 1st applicaiton?

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2005
Reaction score
Spearfish, SD
**Edited from BB to BBG**

IBA wants you to achieve a SS cert. before attempting a BBG ride, but can you apply for both on your first attempt? Will it be rejected?

The reason I ask is that my brother does not have a SS1000 completed through the IBA yet, but we both are ready to accomplish a BBG ride. I do have a SS1000 approved from years back, and I know I can apply for the BBG1500. How about my brother? Does he need to ride a SS 1st and then wait for the IBA to accept the application?

Thanks again guys!

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Have you tried emailing Ira Agins?


(He might be a little busy right now)

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The SaddleSore 1000 (24 hours) and Bun Burner 1500 (36 hours) are on the same page and both fine for introductory rides.

They just don't want a person starting out doing a Bun Burner Gold or other extreme ride. From the website:

WARNING: Before you can apply for Bun Burner Gold certification (1,500+ miles in 24 hours), you must have at least completed one of the following; a SaddleSore 1000, a Bun Burner 1500 (1,500 miles in 36 hours), a SaddleSore 2000 (or other similiar IBA ride), the Alberta 2000, Minnesota 1000, TimberButt, Tarbutt Rally, Utah 1088, any Cognoscente Group event, any MERA event, or the Iron Butt Rally.
The SaddleSore 1000 (24 hours) and Bun Burner 1500 (36 hours) are on the same page and both fine for introductory rides.
They just don't want a person starting out doing a Bun Burner Gold or other extreme ride. From the website:

WARNING: Before you can apply for Bun Burner Gold certification (1,500+ miles in 24 hours), you must have at least completed one of the following; a SaddleSore 1000, a Bun Burner 1500 (1,500 miles in 36 hours), a SaddleSore 2000 (or other similiar IBA ride), the Alberta 2000, Minnesota 1000, TimberButt, Tarbutt Rally, Utah 1088, any Cognoscente Group event, any MERA event, or the Iron Butt Rally.
Thanks Ignacio. I thought that was written somewhere. We are indeed looking for BBG certs. We have some unofficial rides, but wanted to document this next one.

*** next question would be: Can one submit for a BBG with a SS completed, submitted, but still being processed.

*** next question would be: Can one submit for a BBG with a SS completed, submitted, but still being processed.

Found here by searching on bbg documentation ss first at Google.

But, riding with somebody on a sure you're very compatible. That's a tough ride by any measure and made tougher with a partner.

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*** next question would be: Can one submit for a BBG with a SS completed, submitted, but still being processed.

Found here by searching on bbg documentation ss first at Google.

But, riding with somebody on a sure you're very compatible. That's a tough ride by any measure and made tougher with a partner.
I definately agree. I wouldn't attempt that with any other person. Luckily we work really well together and can almost predict what the other will do in any given circumstance. In the last 2 years we have ridden a 3, 5 and 10K mile rides together.

This LD stuff is great! It is very addicting. I'm debating on adding an alum racing fuel cell made for go carts. Something like this will be easy to mount and provide 6 quarts of exta fuel:


I might go with something larger, but for $82 (tank) and $100-$150 (fittings) sounds reasonable.

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T-Bone and myself did the BB1500 last month and yes you can get certified for that ride before the SS1000, which I've got scheduled to do on my Thrux. The only problem is that it will take at least 2 to 3 months to get certified due to the heavy demand here in the summer months and IBA has a finite amount of volunteers. Good luck on your ride and might I add a suggestion to get the water bladder wally world sells for 10bucks. It will help you keep hydrated while you ride. :D

T-Bone and myself did the BB1500 last month and yes you can get certified for that ride before the SS1000, which I've got scheduled to do on my Thrux. The only problem is that it will take at least 2 to 3 months to get certified due to the heavy demand here in the summer months and IBA has a finite amount of volunteers. Good luck on your ride and might I add a suggestion to get the water bladder wally world sells for 10bucks. It will help you keep hydrated while you ride. :D
I did my first certified SS1000 in late May and got my certs in late June. I had the same question too but just figured to start out small. BBG for next spring I'm thinking Salt Lake City. Good luck on your ride.
