Can you talk me out of buying a Scala Rider Q1 Teamset?

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Mad German

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2015
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I've been reading countless threads about communicators and have it narrowed to the Scala Rider Q1 Teamset or the Sena SMH10. I know some people rave about the quality of sound from the Sena, but then I've also read some negative reviews of the sound quality. With the Sena, I can't change the speakers unless I buy 2 additional base plates that have the 3.5mm jack.

However, with the Scala Q1 Teamset, if I'm not happy with the sound, it already has the 3.5mm jack, so I can easily swap speakers if I want to.

I know sound quality is subjective, and I'm not expecting concert hall quality sound from a motorcycle headset. That being said, is there a huge difference between these two units?

All I want out of a communicator is to be able to talk to my passenger and listen to music. I don't care about talking to other riders, as I ride solo most of the time, but on occasion will ride with my wife.

One of the things I'm concerned about is the lag (for lack of a better word) when initiating a chat by pressing the talk button or using the voice command. I thought I read somewhere that with the Q1 it was something like 4 seconds before you could talk. Does that seem right? It seems awfully slow if it is. What about the SMH10, does the "talk line" open up right away?

Thanks for the suggestions guys. (Other than just saying one is better than the other without giving solid reasons why, of course. 😉)

What you say about the Sena requiring purchase of additional base plates is confusing to me. A friend with SMH10 doesn't use speakers at all, favors in-ear phones which connect via plug.

My 20S speakers connect via 3.5mm plug. Don't sound anywhere near as good as my Sennheiser over-ear headphones but with wind noise that would be impossible. I do find my 20S sounds better with 30dBA foam ear plugs.

I've never listened to a Scala, but .....

The only real reason I bought a Sena is to chat with other riders. This has come in handy many times, but has been extremely frustrating when pairing is difficult. Pairing can be as easy as placing two 20s units close together and shaking them. (Yep, that's right.)

I cannot bear to ride with Aunt Kelly unless we're connected, so I carry a Duracell USB power pack in an outside jacket pocket. When Miss Sena says, "Low Battery", I pull over and plug her into the Duracell. That combination works for 16 hours of conversation.

Music/vocal quality through the Sena is excellent (with the iPhone, not so much with the Garmin) and earphones make the ride quiet and calm.


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Mad German, I'm also a Sena 20S fan. Does all the right things but ... most of my riding buddy's also have Sena's of one sort or another.

So if you a few folks that you ride with a lot, go with the flow wither it Sena or whatever.

If your the first one in the bunch to buy, go with Sena and let them follow your lead.

Uncle Hud, that's a great way to go. I just plug mine into my usb outlet on the bike.

I like my Scala kit and most of the people I have talked to on it couldn't even tell I was on the bike, Noise cancellation and sound are both very good IMO, the auto shutoff/ mic up delay is a bit annoying (on the intercom only), but it does give you a warning beep when it goes to sleep and it cues back up automatically if you give it a loudish yell. If you buy a kit and you are riding long distance solo, I listened to music and/or talked on phone for 12 hrs all the way to Nova Scotia from CT. Can't remember if and when I had to switch modules for battery life.

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="N4HHE" data-cid="1342657" data-time="1476334004"><p>

What you say about the Sena requiring purchase of additional base plates is confusing to me. A friend with SMH10 doesn't use speakers at all, favors in-ear phones which connect via plug.<br />

<br />

My 20S speakers connect via 3.5mm plug. Don't sound anywhere near as good as my Sennheiser over-ear headphones but with wind noise that would be impossible. I do find my 20S sounds better with 30dBA foam ear plugs. </p></blockquote>

The base that comes with the SMH10 has the speakers hardwired to it. Sena will gladly sell you an additional baseplate that is equipped with a 3.5mm jack, but it's an extra. The Q1 baseplate is equipped with a 3.5mm jack.

Wife and I have been using the Sena SMH10 units for more than 4 years so far. Primary usage is bike to bike communications but I have used mine for music while riding my first Saddlesore and some other rides. Paired with an IPod touch I'm okay with the sound quality and volume I get from the stock Sena speakers. There's no doubt it could be better but I'm on a motorcycle not in a concert hall. Sound quality with my phone is such that most people didn't know I was on the bike until I told them and even then they initially didn't want to believe me. By far though the biggest selling point for me has been the ability to charge while in use. I have 12v power in my tankbag and just keep the Sena charging cord coiled up and ready and once I get the "low battery" warning just pull over and plug in for a couple hours. We just rode in the Void Rally last weekend and that included hours and close to 500 miles in heavy rain at the edge of hurricane Matthew. The best possible review I can give to the Sena is this; when these finally break I'm buying the same thing if it's still available.

If you look around, you can buy the Helmet Clamp Kit SMH A0304 that has a Aux output instead of speakers, that I run with a set of Earmold speakers.


Then just buy the Sena SMH10-M01Replacement Module.


Worked out cheaper anyhow, Ebay is your friend.

My wifes G4 set died twice. Mine is still working fine. So I purchased the Q1 teamset. Quality is good but as you say the delay in queing up is annoying sometimes. I am still using my G4 headset so I will have a spare if her dies again.


I'll sell you my Scala set. I never could get it working correctly with each other, maybe I missed something, I gave up trying and tried to sell them on here, no bites. Contact me maybe we can work something out. I didn't replace them with any thing. I just run with an MP3 and ear buds. When I told people that I had a communication set for my motorcycle so I could talk to my wife on the back they just stared and asked "Why?" I think they were right!

I take weeklong and two week trips with the wife. Wouldn't be near the enjoyment on the trip without it.

I usually use my SENA to make fun of Marty or Gramps...but it has other uses as well.

I have had the sena and now have the Q1. Both were good. I DO like the ability to use earbuds with the Q1. The included little speakers were never quote loud enough for me, but depending on what kind of windscreen you are running, it might work.

Range on the SMH10 was about 1000 ft. Meaning you could talk to another rider. The Q1 is only good to your passenger. Range is about 30 ft or so.

Battery life on the Q1 is excellent. I can ride all day and listen to tunes or talk to my GF on the back, 8+ hours, no problem.

You can charge the Q1 while using too if needed, but I haven't needed that funtion yet. The VOX option is nice, but my GF loves to sing while listening to her tunes, so we had to change it to PTT so it wouldn't keep kicking in. :)

I don't think you can go wrong with either, really.

Good point Ken. I really like the ability to change speakers on the Q1 without buying anything extra. I'll look at the bases and see what I can find. I just bought a new helmet, so I'm wanting to keep the money I spend on my bike down a bit, I have a budget. Of course, since I've never ridden with system like this, I might find the sound OK.

I guess what aggravates me is when guys who admittedly don't have experience with both units I'm looking at simply say "You need to buy XXXXX because it's the best!"

Thanks for the tip, Ken. Please keep the suggestions coming, especially if you've had both the Q1 and the SMH10.

I don't think this had been said yet but since you brought it up as a negative for the Scala, the Senas have no lag when connected as open intercoms. You talk, they hear.

I don't think this had been said yet but since you brought it up as a negative for the Scala, the Senas have no lag when connected as open intercoms. You talk, they hear.
I spoke to the customer service rep at Scala and he said when using the voice commands, you need to say something to open up the communication, same as with the Sena. I asked about a delay and he said the only delay is when you say something (like "open") to open the communication. When you open the communication manually, by pressing the button, it's the same as if you're talking on a two way radio. Press the button, ~1/2 second later you hear a beep, start talking. Not sure where I got the 4 second delay from. After talking to the Sena rep (from what I could understand: thick accent, bad attitude), it operates the same way as the Scala.

I don't think this had been said yet but since you brought it up as a negative for the Scala, the Senas have no lag when connected as open intercoms. You talk, they hear.
I spoke to the customer service rep at Scala and he said when using the voice commands, you need to say something to open up the communication, same as with the Sena. I asked about a delay and he said the only delay is when you say something (like "open") to open the communication. When you open the communication manually, by pressing the button, it's the same as if you're talking on a two way radio. Press the button, ~1/2 second later you hear a beep, start talking. Not sure where I got the 4 second delay from. After talking to the Sena rep (from what I could understand: thick accent, bad attitude), it operates the same way as the Scala.
If you use PTT, which I do all the time, then leave the intercom can have conversation without delay of course...with another rider and/or riders. I have made fun of gramps and NTXFJR all in the same curve.

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Actually, for your use, the Sena would be paired with and set for intercom mode so the channel would always be open, like a cell phone. No voice prompt or delay will be required. I do not know if the Scala can do this. Just wanted to make sure you knew the feature and benefit of the Sena 5, 10 and 20!

Wheaton beat me to it. But he and I have connected this way before too!

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