Spring Hill, TN is is within fun riding distance to Unclaimed Baggage in Scottsboro, AL. Way in the back they usually have at least one working lifetime map Garmin for $10. Laying around somewhere I have a spare 50LM from them. Disappointing compared to 760, 765, 1490, and 2595 I also have but I'm not afraid of losing it in the parking lot or on dirtbike in the woods.
Have driven more with the 1490 than any other. Its biggest problem is memory not big enough to hold the current default map of North America. If you put it on micro SD card then it is so slow to search that it will never find a restaurant on interstate before you pass by. Will search for hours and never find anything if you are moving. Mine tends to crash every 500-1000 miles. Once it told me to take an exit off interstate in Arkansas. Made no sense so I looked closer and found it was telling me to take the off-ramp and immediately the on-ramp right back to where I was. So another time the traffic function was apparently trying to route me around a 20 mile wreck and I ignored based on past bad advice. Now know better how to know it is reporting traffic but haven't seen anything useful since 2012.
Recommend buying as big as you can afford. 5" is a current sweet spot, perhaps 7" will be soon. Make sure you get lifetime map updates. I haven't used Garmin Bluetooth for anything, I have other Bluetooth hands-free solutions that work good enough not to bother with Garmin's.
I find Garmin's free traffic service to be almost useless but those I use receive data over FM broadcast sub channels. Never used one slaved to a cellphone. Waze is much better for traffic, but not as a general purpose GPS.