Center Stand Question

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Somewhere in the info for the '06 introduction I noticed that Yamaha modified something about the centerstand, etc. that was supposed to make it easier to get the bike up on the stand. I've never compared it to my '04 but something was changed on the '06. The swingarm was lengthened and that may have affected the centerstand operation too.

Any additional weight on the rear of the bike would seem to make it more difficult to get it up on the stand. I rarely have the side cases mounted so I have the easiest configuration possible for ease of centerstand operation.

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I take mine off the centerstand while standing next to the bike, and then let it down onto the sidestand. Make sure it's in first (so it won't roll away,) grab left handlebar with left hand, left grab rail with right hand, delpoy the sidestand, and heave leftward (bike's forward.) I find that process much easier than mounting the bike and trying to rock it down from the stand.
I usually hold both handlebars, that way I can use the front brake (but only gently so it slows smoothly).

...I never take the bike off of the center stand unless I'm sitting on it.... Taking a >600 lb bike off of its center stand is a great way to drop it on its right side. If the weight of the bike starts to lean away from you that sucker is going down....
Standing beside the bike, facing towards the right handlebar, I turn the bars slightly to the left of straight (only half an inch or so at the bar end). That way, as it comes down onto both its wheels, it has a slight tendency to lean towards you, not away from you. Easy to retain stability.

For the record, I weigh about ten and a half stones (translated into Colonial Speak that's about 147 pounds). I have little trouble getting it up, to repeat what many have said I stand facing the bike, left hand on left handlebar, right on the hand-hold. Right foot (with goodly soled boot) on the stand, push stand to ground, lift bike until both stand's feet are on the ground, then I lean over the bike a bit and put all my weight on the stand (left foot off the ground). It won't lift yet. Now I sort of bounce on my right foot, without any lifting (my back is pretty bad, lifting-wise). Bike pops up.

Which reminds me of the time I had the use of the original Kawasaki Voyager six-cylinder touring bike for the weekend...

I'm at the dealership, getting a quick run-through from the dealer friend-of-mine who's trying to sell me the bike and he is describing how to use the centerstand. Same routine as the FJR, i.e., stand on the left side, lower the center stand, grab the lift handle, step on the stand tang and up she goes. However, the KZ1300 Voyager, at 900+ pounds (quite a bit more than my Gen I, but on par with the Gen II) had a spring/cam assist built in to the centerstand mechanism, so you when deployed the C-stand, you got a mechanical assist getting that fat fook up in the air.

I wasn't aware of the mechanics of the centerstand, so when I tried my first attempt at deploying the thing, I literally jumped in the air to put ALL my weight on the centerstand tang. Much to my surprise, the bike, all 950 pounds of it, leapt into the air like a startled rabbit! The bike became airborne and came crashing down on its right side.

You could have heard a pin drop in the dealership at the moment! :eek: :D

It was epic!

Awesome!!!! So, still a friend, this dealer guy?

When that 1300 Voyager came out, I convinced myself I wanted one really really bad. I've ALWAYS had a spot for straight sixes, and putting one on a bike just makes me shiver all over. I had a shot at a CBX about 15 years ago, but it was absolutely toast (oil dripping, brake fluid on the rear wheel, would sorta run once it was jumped . . . Disappointed doesn't even come close.)

I was never able to convince the bank account how much I needed to have one of those, though. Never got so far as dropping one on the dealer's floor test-riding one.

Awesome!!!! So, still a friend, this dealer guy?
Unfortunately, he's passed on, but he was a GREAT friend. You shoulda been there...that half-ton MOFO literally jumped 2 feet in the air! And made a LOT of noise when it landed (but nothing was fortunately broken)!

When that 1300 Voyager came out, I convinced myself I wanted one really really bad. I've ALWAYS had a spot for straight sixes, and putting one on a bike just makes me shiver all over. I had a shot at a CBX about 15 years ago, but it was absolutely toast (oil dripping, brake fluid on the rear wheel, would sorta run once it was jumped . . . Disappointed doesn't even come close.)
Yeah, I know the feeling. about 20 years ago, I passed on a CHERRY CBX...the at-the-time wife put her foot my ass!! :eek:

I was never able to convince the bank account how much I needed to have one of those, though. Never got so far as dropping one on the dealer's floor test-riding one.
Lemme tell ya, dropping a brand new bike on the dealer's showroom floor can REALLY test a friendship! :D

Thats funny stuff !! I am so excited to tell all that my 160pd ass got it up for the first time tonight,FJR that is !!! Wearing my work boots helped I guess, I am a happy man !! :yahoo:

At 180 pounds, this was no easy task for me. I finally figured out if I rotate my body at a 45 degree angle to the right, I can push and pull hard enough to get it on the center stand. My knee is now sore, but hey, I did it. I won't be doing it again anytime soon though!

Straight on did not work, not even close.

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