Center Stand

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At WFO in Moscow Idaho there was a guy from Minn. (I think). He could put his FJR on the center stand while he was still on the bike. I was never brave enough to try it. It seemed that he could get enough leverage standing on the stand and pulling back on the bars to get it up on the stand. True story, Maybe some of you who were there might have seen it. :)

At WFO in Moscow Idaho there was a guy from Minn. (I think). He could put his FJR on the center stand while he was still on the bike. I was never brave enough to try it. It seemed that he could get enough leverage standing on the stand and pulling back on the bars to get it up on the stand. True story, Maybe some of you who were there might have seen it. :)

Was he jumping down on like you kick start a Norton?

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Here's a way that makes it much easier. I believe the problem is that the centerstand is designed to lift the rear wheel way more than is needed. Before you try to lift it, drive the rear wheel over a small section of one-by four lumber. Now the distance to lift the bike is significantly less. The bike will be a breeze to get up, and there will be plenty of room to simply kick the board out of the way once it's up.

And that's called cheating. Also against the code.

Jacking the bike up to get the stand down is cheating, so we're talking about lifting the bike up on the centerstand. This should do the job.


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The key, as well said previously, is DRIVE the centre stand into the ground using the grab "handle" as leverage and it will pop up as easy as anything.

Driving the centerstand down into the ground with the big muscles in your leg is the key. Pulling up with your hand only assists the leg.

I could almost pop it up with no hands, if I could keep my balance. The handhold is just for guiding it up, and keeping both stand pads in contact with the ground during the move. Joy is mostly in the downforce with the ball of the right foot on the C/S tang.

Thanks again for your help. The problem was that I was not getting both sides of the stand down. WHen I got both sides down the bike was balanced and after that it was no problem! I think that I have found some new friends! Oh and thanks for offering to send your wives to help, that was really nice! :mellow:

Can't believe all the fuss here.

I find an incline and sit on the bike with or without pillion, doesn't matter. I face the bike up the incline and make sure I have about 20 or so feet gap behind the bike. I put her in neutral and let go the brakes. We roll backwards, when we get to about 10 mph I stamp the stand down with my left foot. She rolls up onto the stand no prob.

I have used this technique for years now and find that it works at least 3 out of 5 times without damage.

Well........ask a silly question.......

Sorrrryyyyy, couldn't help it.

Lots of weight on the right foot, I think I even lift my left off the floor so that all my weight is on the stand lever. Never had a problem.

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kaitsdad said:

These bikes have a center stand? Hold on, I gotta go out to the garage.....
:lol: :lol:

I think you found the secret - make sure you feel BOTH legs touching, THEN press down hard while lifting.

As a side note. I always carry a small piece of 3/8's plywood. 5"x3" I think, that has the center dimpled to use to keep the side stand from sinking in on soft surfaces. It is also usefull to make it easy to put it on the center stand in unusual situations, like if the slope is slightly up in the rear. Just put the block under the front of the rear tire, move up on it. You will be amazed at how much easier the bike is to put up from there.

I can't understand you having a problem getting this bike on the centerstand, the FJR has to be one the easiest bikes I've had to get up. My last bike was a 98 Honda VFR, now that bike took more of a bump, I guess you just need to work on you technique.

I can't understand you having a problem getting this bike on the centerstand, the FJR has to be one the easiest bikes I've had to get up. My last bike was a 98 Honda VFR, now that bike took more of a bump, I guess you just need to work on you technique.
You are right it is all about technique and fear of dropping the bike. I just never knew hoe to do it but thanks to everyone now I do.

Something that helps me -

Rather than grabbing the hand-hold I grab the muffler brace, rest my right forearm on my knee, and as I push down with my foot I sort of use my knee as a pivet and let the leverage lift up on the bike.

I hurt my right hand pretty badly early last year and it still doesn't have all its strength. This helps me a lot.


Pick you parking place, approach at about 15-20 mph. Apply front brake firmly and quickly so front wheel stops at desired spot and rear wheel lifts into the air. While rear wheel is in the air, quickly kick the stand down. Let bike settle back down on stand.

Stand on pegs, take bow.
