CFR Vintage Riders Breakfast

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Kasey: If you're going to add up all of the ages, Lord Knows Why, then I'm 60 this June. Saturday is good for Stanley Boys!

12 year old Son Seth will be with me at breakfast. We can use young Seth to fetch our prune juice, Metamucil and Depends!

... why not add up the ages of all the attendees of this shindig and see what you get? ....I'm thinking you could get many many centuries of experience out of the bunch of geezers who'll be there this time.
How about we have Seth add up the ages at breakfast in between his fetching?


2. We will be spending extra time taking our individual photos as requested by TurboDave and since Sat. is also our Banquet night that would leave Friday wide open for your longer day rides.
Pegscraper would you consider doing the photos?

For the Saturday morning vintage breakfast, you betchya.

You will not get immediate photo postings because my laptop must remain home do to lack of storage space. We should return about the 30th.

PM me.

My son just confirmed that he will cover the Labrador for me so I am in for the VFR (!) Breakfast. What time and where, again, please? I forgot.

My son just confirmed that he will cover the Labrador for me so I am in for the VFR (!) Breakfast. What time and where, again, please? I forgot.
"I forgot"? - I expect to hear that phrase frequently in conversation with our assembled Vintage Riders at 0830 Saturday June 20th on the Leland Hotel outdoor patio overlooking the beautiful Upper Arrow Lake. :)


I knew you would appreciate my teeing it up for you!

Thanks for the time and place info.

If the online maps are correct, the town is pretty easy to navigate. Let's see, the Selkirk Inn is at 6th Avenue and 2nd Street, the Kuskanax Lodge is at 5th Avenue and Broadway (Broadway = 0th Street), and the Leland Hotel is on 4th Avenue at what would be Minus 1st Street if there was a street there instead of the lake. All within 2.5 blocks north to south and two blocks east to west.

And here is our very fine breakfast setting at the Leland Hotel!


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Well one of us qualifies on age and the other for the bike

Kasey could you add two more and I'll take lots of pictures of the official members.


What started in Park City, Utah as a bit of a lark (and where I crashed the party as a 56 year old kid) has, eh hmm, matured into a significant grass roots movement.

What started in Park City, Utah as a bit of a lark (and where I crashed the party as a 56 year old kid) has, eh hmm, matured into a significant grass roots movement.
I am so happy that we will have international exposure and more new members of the Vintage FJR Riders as a result of the great efforts of Kasey to organize the breakfast.

As a result of the economy here in so. CA and being a retired person with limited funds to travel, I must save my funds to participate in the 2009 Iron Butt Rally which starts in August in South Carolina. I shall truly miss each of my old friends and the chance to make new ones. Have a great time!! :clapping:


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Well one of us qualifies on age and the other for the bikeKasey could you add two more and I'll take lots of pictures of the official members.

Hi Chris - Pegscraper has agreed to take pics and I'm sure he would appreciate another photographer to cut the job in half - thanks for offering.

We'll be 35 'round the tables as of today and we'll toast our OJ to you TurboDave - wish you could be there too.


Well, I'm under the age cut off.

Does anyone have any fake ID? (2)


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No I.D. of any kind required. Most of us can't see clearly enough to read the I.D.

No proof of age required. We all take the position (never advocated by anyone under forty, I've noticed) that age is merely a state of mind.

No I.D. of any kind required. Most of us can't see clearly enough to read the I.D.
No proof of age required. We all take the position (never advocated by anyone under forty, I've noticed) that age is merely a state of mind.
ok then put my name down as well; but don't ask me my age!

No I.D. of any kind required. Most of us can't see clearly enough to read the I.D.
No proof of age required. We all take the position (never advocated by anyone under forty, I've noticed) that age is merely a state of mind.
ok then put my name down as well; but don't ask me my age!
So ---- How old ?? B)
