Cheeseland Camping Overnighter

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So, Wheatie. A couple of days on the road, solo.

Just you and your FJR....

You must've done some contemplating.

...and, damn that's a beautiful helmet, brother.

I'm contemplating all the time when I I have no tunes when I ride.

Sometimes though it hurts to contemplate if you know what I I'm careful when I do. I don't wanna just go contemplating willy nilly without a safety net. ;)

EDIT: Regarding the helmet, bright colors in nature are quite often a warning/danger sign. I think that generally holds true for yellow helmet least it seems to be trending that way. See what you started? :)

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The one with the tent brought back fond childhood memories of camping with the family during summer. My late father did his Ph.D at Pittsburgh and he would take us camping and fishing every summer...

I bet those are sweet memories with your dad. Pennsylvania would be great for camping.

When did you guys move back overseas?

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Nice pics and report Mark. Thanks for sharing your weekend with us! I see your helmet matches the waterproof there a message in there somewhere? Take care of those bones ya old fart. ;)


For the camper on a budget. I have been using this style of air mattress for many years for camping. They come with a battery powered air pump. Fill it up enough that you don't feel the ground when you lay on it and the air inside acts as a pretty good insulator. It rolls or folds up pretty small once you squeeze all the air out. The down side is that it is heavy.
For the camper on a budget. I have been using this style of air mattress for many years for camping. They come with a battery powered air pump. Fill it up enough that you don't feel the ground when you lay on it and the air inside acts as a pretty good insulator. It rolls or folds up pretty small once you squeeze all the air out. The down side is that it is heavy.
Thanks Geezer for the info...I am the definition of camper on a budget this year. :)

wheaton, how was the campground? I've been thinking about bringing the kids there camping . Theres supposed to be some great conoeing, (Hope thats spelled right)

Are the camp sites jammed together where you'll here the next guys snoring?

wheaton, how was the campground? I've been thinking about bringing the kids there camping . Theres supposed to be some great conoeing, (Hope thats spelled right) Are the camp sites jammed together where you'll here the next guys snoring?
The campground is really nice...but check the website. But check ahead, I get the idea it is a very popular camping spot with just a limited number of camp sites. My back up campground for this was going to be Governor Dodge State Park which is way down by Dodgeville. There are a number private campgrounds near LaCrosse though if it is full. I would definitely recommend the place for camping. Beautiful area.

Edit: NO the campsites aren't jamned together. More like your traditional State Park, not like a KOA or private campground.

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Nice ride report and warm up for next month. Sorry. Given what you said about a chilly night, I guess it wasn't much of a warm up! It sure is a lot greener here.

I need to get something different for the ground, but I have to consider size and weight as I will be carrying gear for two. That synmat looks good, but pricey.

Really looking forward to the trip next month. (Feels so good to say "next month") Working straight through to May 7th, so imagine my desire to get there!

Atta Boy Mark!!! You'd fit right in with Bungie and I. We ain't afraid of no cold weather!!! It was about 3C that night and yes I didn't pack enough warm clothes either. This was Grundy Lake just south of Sudbury Ont. Last May 4th.


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Atta Boy Mark!!! You'd fit right in with Bungie and I. We ain't afraid of no cold weather!!! It was about 3C that night and yes I didn't pack enough warm clothes either. This was Grundy Lake just south of Sudbury Ont. Last May 4th.
Thanks for the kind words Rob...but I think your Bungie buddy hates cold and rain. :D He's dropping nebulous hints like he might not make it. Tell him to MAN UP and get his butt down to NC. :clapping:


BTW, I ended up ordering a ThermaRest Base Camp sleeping pad (large-25 inches wide).clicky

I couldn't see spending the big bucks as one of the reasons I'm camping this year is due to lack of funds. I also did not want to hoist around an air pump for an air I got the "self-inflating" kind of pad. $80 is more than I wanted to spend, but it is a compromise between the more expensive and the less expensive solutions. It's gotta be better than the partial length 3/4" foam pad I have now...I'll let you know after the camping meet whether it was good enough.

BTW, I ended up ordering a ThermaRest Base Camp sleeping pad (large-25 inches wide).clicky
I couldn't see spending the big bucks as one of the reasons I'm camping this year is due to lack of funds. I also did not want to hoist around an air pump for an air I got the "self-inflating" kind of pad. $80 is more than I wanted to spend, but it is a compromise between the more expensive and the less expensive solutions. It's gotta be better than the partial length 3/4" foam pad I have now...I'll let you know after the camping meet whether it was good enough.

I also have a Thermo-rest and I carry a Memory foam pillow and a toque. I found I lost a lot of heat if my head wasn't covered. When we all get together in May you will be able to look at what others have and what might work for you. I use my campming gear for Kayaking as well.

Hey Ol' Bungie isn't afraid of the cold and rain. I'm sure his reasons for waffling on this ride are legit.

Nice report Wheatie. Too bad I didn't get to meet you at CFO last year but reading your report brings back some fond memories from last fall. +1 on the Wildcat Mountain road as a fun one.

I ran into that Yellow Helmet yesterday. Something about yellow helmets and cameras that seem to catching on.

My version of "roughing it" is no room service, good luck with your camping and don't feed the Bears....

BTW, I ended up ordering a ThermaRest Base Camp sleeping pad (large-25 inches wide).clicky
I couldn't see spending the big bucks as one of the reasons I'm camping this year is due to lack of funds. I also did not want to hoist around an air pump for an air I got the "self-inflating" kind of pad. $80 is more than I wanted to spend, but it is a compromise between the more expensive and the less expensive solutions. It's gotta be better than the partial length 3/4" foam pad I have now...I'll let you know after the camping meet whether it was good enough.
I have one of those and like it. Like a motel better tho'...

Wheatie, something about your post has struck a nice nerve and has triggered long gone pleasant memories of years gone by. Thanks for that, my friend. You need to 'camp' at the Hondarosa mi amigo.. :rolleyes:

Wheatie, something about your post has struck a nice nerve and has triggered long gone pleasant memories of years gone by. Thanks for that, my friend. You need to 'camp' at the Hondarosa mi amigo.. :rolleyes:
Yep, I'll head out to Kali when the shekels come in. I'll cruise around on an old Harley.
