I am happy to see street riders with next to no chicken strips, because now I know yet another ass-tard to stay away from.
Street riders who routinely take their tires to the very edge are either immature, undisciplined, or unprofessional. It's just a matter of time. One day, sooner or later, at some point.... they'll round a blind decreasing radius turn with zero reserve left on the tire before seeing that stalled vehicle/deer/road hazard/etc. They can't stand the bike up or they'll hit the object. They can't push to dive inside, or they will lowside. Essentially, they are ******.
As previously mentioned, there are some unbelievably fast street riders out there with sizable chicken stripes. They know how to get their ass off the seat and utilize proper body positioning through a turn, which allows more power to be applied to the meat of the tire, allowing them to drive out of corners with authority.