CHP enforcing dot exausts in SoCal

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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2005
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san bruno, california
FYI from another site

"Title says it all.

Just when Mother's Kitchen was filling up with sportbikers, the party-poopers decided to crash the show. They rolled in and immediately began inspecting bikes for DOT violations such as loud pipes, illegal turn signals and rear view mirrors (or lack thereof), whatever. Then, more of them started planting themselves along the road along S6, and Hwy 76, at spots where they can pick out speeding bikers. They weren't kidding around as they pulled over groups of roving sportbikers to hassle them for whatever violation they can find.

Old Salt and I had to high tail it out of Dodge before they heard Old Salt's Yosh pipe. Dang! Just when we met a cute babe riding an F4i who actually wanted us to hang out for a while.

Damn Party-poopers!

Oh well. There's always next week. Here's to the CHP:

This poor sap had to explain to CHP officer why he should let him off with a warning and how his pipe really isn't that loud. The officers were having bikers start their engines to have a look and hear."


There is a growing attention to motorcyclists who use aftermarket parts that ride in Southern California, and it was concentrated at cruisers in laguna beach for the last couple years. They would pull you over, ticket you for loud noise (ticket 1), check to see if you have a Dot approved exaust (ticket 2), and catalytic converter (ticket 3). Since there have been more and more V-Twins being purchased and more Customed bikes, noise has been a problem here in orange county and now they are targeting the heart of sports bike heaven, Palomar. Pulling over groups of sports bikes for speed, noise volume, Dot certifications and catalytic converters. The photo above is of Mothers restaurant on top of Palomar over the weekend of 9/10/06.

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California roadtrip checklist:

1) Local maps

2) Spanish translation book

3) Tire repair kit & compressor

4) Throwdown donuts:

.........."You know officer...I just happen to have some donuts here in my,no, go right ahead! I sure appreciate the fine job you do..yes, sir I'll get that exhaust looked at right away....and thanks for the warning...

Like I've said before, it was only a matter of time. Easy revenue given that most of the state's registered fleet of 600,000 street bikes have some sorta non-DOT modification.

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"Well, the bike looks good Mr. Bin-Laden, yer good to go. Yeah, yeah, Allah back atcha"


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Obviously solving/preventing real crimes doesn't pay fill nor fill the city/county/state coffers. With millions of illegal aliens on the loose, terrorists slipping in everywhere, thousands of shipping containers going uninspected, etc.... it is important to make sure that motorcycles have DOT exhuasts.....LOL. No wonder people think the police are a joke.

Obviously solving/preventing real crimes doesn't pay fill nor fill the city/county/state coffers. With millions of illegal aliens on the loose, terrorists slipping in everywhere, thousands of shipping containers going uninspected, etc.... it is important to make sure that motorcycles have DOT exhuasts.....LOL. No wonder people think the police are a joke.

j, please keep in mind that the police are tasked with those, er, duties. I'm sure the bulk of them would rather be chasing the bad guys...

Now, time for this thread to close... ;)

Yeah, we should all be able to pick and choose which laws we obey, right?

They need to go to Hell's Kitchen on the Ortega. Of the 300 Harleys there this weekend, none had DOT exhausts and were much loader that any sport bike aftermarket pipe.

They need to go to Hell's Kitchen on the Ortega. Of the 300 Harleys there this weekend, none had DOT exhausts and were much loader that any sport bike aftermarket pipe.
When they're done down there, please send 'em on up to Fresno. Frickin' noise polluters are thicker than flies around these parts. The worst part is, they think it's cool. I guess when noise is all ya got, ya gotta run what ya brung.
I didn't realize cruiser bikes are supposed to have cats. Is that a law? If so, since when?

Does anyone know if loud pipes are the top complaint the general public has against motorcyclists?

Personally, I don't want to hear that racket away from the track anyway. If it makes a lot of noise and can't break the sound barrier, I think it should be fair game to shoot it. With a silencer of course. While I'm at it, can I include barking dogs in that?

Whoa, I think this head cold I have is sending me over the deep edge. :dribble:

Does anyone know if loud pipes are the top complaint the general public has against motorcyclists?
I heard that's the reason all motorcycles are no longer allowed on 17 Mile Drive. They also hate us for our freedom (to lane split). I'll meet 'em halfway. DOT exhausts, and please move over enough to let me through...
Yeah, we should all be able to pick and choose which laws we obey, right?
Well it's pretty obvious that we wish to choose. This group (myself included) is pretty flagrant about speed violations and I even think some are packing handguns where they may not be legal.

As for the noise I say go get 'em. Mostly the HD crowd anyway, and get those noisey kids at midnight.

I remember having to stuff steel wool into those pipes on my Honda 350 back in '71 for a court date. We were a rough bunch back then. Heck on wheels.

I heard that's the reason all motorcycles are no longer allowed on 17 Mile Drive.
Um, not true. On the way back from WFO, I meandered up to the kiosk and the nice rent-a-cop held out his hand and said, "10 dollars, please."
That rent-a-cop at the kiosk turned me away at the entrance. :angry2: Are you sure $10.00 was all you gave hime? :D

I heard that's the reason all motorcycles are no longer allowed on 17 Mile Drive.
Um, not true. On the way back from WFO, I meandered up to the kiosk and the nice rent-a-cop held out his hand and said, "10 dollars, please."
That rent-a-cop at the kiosk turned me away at the entrance. :angry2: Are you sure $10.00 was all you gave hime? :D
Actually, it was raining fog and I opted out. I did hit it on a weekday, though - maybe only weekends it's off? Either that or I gotta noob who didn't know... :dntknw:

Yeah, we should all be able to pick and choose which laws we obey, right?

I think pretty much everyone does that, yes. There are enough discussions of a variety of modifications that skirt the laws and radar detectors, etc. to pretty much make that a moot point.

I have a real problem with laws that are enforced purely for the sake of the law rather than for the good of the general populace. Similarily, I struggle with laws enforced to the letter of the law rather than the intent of the law.

An example is speeding in rush hour traffic when the whole traffic stream is going 90 MPH and yet an hour later the cops are writing tickets on the same stretch of road for going 10 over the limit of 65. I always thought the intent behind speed limits was for safety....sooo.....why is it safe to go 90 in rush hour traffic going with the flow yet not so safe in less dense traffic after rush hour to be going only 75 and get a ticket. The answer is obviously revenue generation and that I struggle with. If they want money, put up a toll booth and leave the traffic flow alone.

If someone is riding with an open pipe and making a nuisance of themselves then write them a ticket for their pipe. To stop a whole group of people under the excuse of looking at pipes is pure BS in my opinion and reeks of harassment. Especially if the bikes in question are parked at some parking lot and the cops come thru asking people to start them up when they did not witness them ride in. Whoever directed them to do such should realize that it makes a mockery of police enforcement in the eyes of the public.

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uh oh!
This thread had a hint of political in it! :eek:

Closed in

We REALLY don't want to cut off debate and discussion about politics THAT DIRECTLY RELATE to the FJR and motorcycling. Had a little talk with somebody that has drifted and hope that this conversation is now back on the topic of CHP enforcing dot exausts in SoCal.

Please keep it on topic. Folks that can't follow this guidelines risk spending a time-out where they get to watch, but not post at all.


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