Close call today and a reminder

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The gut knows... When your gut is talking to you, above and beyond commons sense and training, listen

Too many people dont listen until they have tangible proof

Hi everyone,This reminds me of a close call a few weeks back. The wife and I were coming home one evening and came up on 3 cars stopped. The front car was waiting to turn left so I approached slowly checked my mirror to see if the right lane was open. It was open but I saw lights coming up behind me so rolled over to the right side of the lane and stayed on the white line for a few seconds to give the cars in front the option to pull out and go around. In those couple of seconds an S-10 pickup slammed into the line of cars doing about 50mph. I was 10 feet from the car in front of me on the white line. The trucks passenger mirror brushed my wifes elbow and must have been his bumper left a small bruise on her calf. This truck pushed the cars 40 to 60 feet down the road. Shook us up pretty good but we pulled over and gave assistance to some pretty banged up people. I know the good Lord was watching over us for sure. We hugged and calmed down a bit and made it home safe. Needless to say I always check my six.

Take care and be safe!

PS And my brave wife asked for a ride the next evening and we continue to ride everyday we can.
I had a similar incident several years ago on my Ducati. I typically stop at lights so I can slide up next to the car in front of me and one day I got to a stop and was looking in the mirror. This work van (Econoline?) just wasn't slowing, and as I slid left he just creamed the back of the car I was supposed to be behind. I had such an adrenaline rush afterward that I was shaking.


Same has happened to me. I pulled up next to the car in front of me when he stopped suddenly. I had room to stop, but the guy tailgating me had no chance. The driver rolled the window down to apologize for the quick stop, said I did good to avoid, and I told him it wasn't him I was avoiding, check his six. The other vehicle stopped, but only 5 feet behind his bumper.

And with FZ1 mirrors, it's even easier to be aware of your six. :assassin:

You would have if you were in my class. :)
Place your self at least a bike distance from the front bumper. Put the bike either in the right or left section of the lane, your choice. If you see someone is coming in too damn hot. Split the lane.
So THAT's where I remember that from :)

I leave a bike-and-a-half distance between me and the car ahead. I usually take the right side of the lane, only because in the town I used to live in the right lanes were usually empty (slow lanes??). I only had one instance where I had to split the lane and I happened to stop right next to an officer. When I pointed out why I was sitting so close he waited for the car that "rushed me" to pass then pulled them over. :)

And yes, the FJR will quickly dance at the slightest urging ;)

I don't typically downshift either, unless I'm approaching the intersection too quick and want the motor to help slow me down a bit. Might be wrong, but it's how I roll...

The gut knows... When your gut is talking to you, above and beyond commons sense and training, listen
Too many people dont listen until they have tangible proof

I know this might sound weird... I call that my (secret squirrel shit) and

my (spidie senses ) you know from spiderman... yea its a gut sense that

somethin just ain't right!!.... it's saved my ass a whole bunch growin up and if I

listen to more often .... well you know what I mean....... :rolleyes: :unsure:

I don't typically downshift either, unless I'm approaching the intersection too quick and want the motor to help slow me down a bit. Might be wrong, but it's how I roll...
I do out of habit. Riding an AE makes it pretty easy too.. I follow myself down (gears) in case I need to squirt some fuel. Had I been in second at 15 with no clutch I would not have been able to move as quickly.

If you stay in 5th and wait until you are nearly stopped to shift.. what are you going to do if you gotta move?? Not sayin wrong or right, just asking..

I dont have the option of holding in the clutch as I decellerate.. I can wait until I am nearly stopped to shift.. but 5th would have been no place to be yesterday.

Jes sayin

I don't typically downshift either, unless I'm approaching the intersection too quick and want the motor to help slow me down a bit. Might be wrong, but it's how I roll...
...If you stay in 5th and wait until you are nearly stopped to shift.. what are you going to do if you gotta move?? Not sayin wrong or right, just asking..
Seriously. What would you do?And when do you down shift?

You should always be in the correct gear for a correct RPM/road speed.

When I traffic I do my best to stay dedicated to the idea of controlling my surroundings... Keep a good distance between all vehicles around you and never get into a blind spot. Use the acceleration of the bike to open / close gaps. VIP....keep it in a usable gear at all times. It boils my blood when some of my buddies ride their cruising gears all the way down to the stop. I dont care what you ride. A bike just wont get you out of the way when the mill is spinnin under 1k.

I don't typically downshift either, unless I'm approaching the intersection too quick and want the motor to help slow me down a bit. Might be wrong, but it's how I roll...
...If you stay in 5th and wait until you are nearly stopped to shift.. what are you going to do if you gotta move?? Not sayin wrong or right, just asking..
Seriously. What would you do?And when do you down shift?

You should always be in the correct gear for a correct RPM/road speed.
I don't think he meant that he doesn't downshift at all, I think he meant that he doesn't down shift, and then let the clutch out, thus 'engine braking' (a term I hesitate to use, because people can easily confuse it with the actual engine braking that semis have, which is prohibited in in most towns because of the noise)


Glad you did what your gut, and previous experiences told you to do. I hate the fact that what's behind us is scarier than what's in front of us...

Since NAFO isn't in the cards for you or I don't forget the BBQ at my house (4-4:30 till whenever. If you are bringing the bike then don't bring your bathtub hooch, cause I know your rules! +100!)...

Let's see how your gut reacts to free food.


Anyone close by that can make it is welcome... admission is owning a Feejer, or desire to own a Feejer... guess that covers everyone.

I don't think he meant that he doesn't downshift at all, I think he meant that he doesn't down shift, and then let the clutch out, thus 'engine braking' (a term I hesitate to use, because people can easily confuse it with the actual engine braking that semis have, which is prohibited in in most towns because of the noise)
Nope, I did not assume anything. But for the benifit of less experienced rider that might be reading I explained why I do. Thats all, Since I am on a AE I dont have the option of holding the clutch in.. I did on my wing and still followed myself down in gears.

Chris (ArtistonFJR) Thanks.. My tummy reacted nicely to free chow.. And I might and you are a Master of the grill. It was a very pleasant evening and I hope to return the favor. Your wife and daughter are great to be around as well

Next time I will have a clear face shield so darkness is not my limiting factor. BTW Your wife was correct.. I got hit by the very edges of the TStorm. It was cool to watch it roll in with the light show and then duck inside the garage just as I started getting pelted.

We shall do that again Bro. Next time, My turn. We need to go to Hanna and have breakfast one morning. Let me know

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