Clunking when cold

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2006
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Denver, CO
I have an '06 that has developed a wierd problem. The bike was running fine, no problems, until I changed the oil this weekend. I had a 20w50 petrolium oil in it, and after reading numerous oil discussions here and elsewhere, changed to a 5w40 synthetic oil (Castrol Syntech). Now when the bike is cold, I hear and feel in the bars 2 or 3 'clunks' coming from somewhere in the engine, perhaps on the right side, though I can't tell for certain where it's coming from. Once the bike warms up just a bit, it stops. I've heard this on 2 separate tanks of gas, and I've been using the same octane the whole time (87) without problems before the oil change. Could using this oil be responsible for the clunking? After spending $30 on oil, I'd hate to change it after a couple hundred miles if it's not likely to fix this. Any suggestions?

Maladjusted engine from the factory....take it back and have them put in a new motor.....preferably, an 05 motor.

Maladjusted engine from the factory....take it back and have them put in a new motor.....preferably, an 05 motor.
Hmmm, I was looking for something more... helpful. And immediate. :p

Could using this oil be responsible for the clunking?  After spending $30 on oil, I'd hate to change it after a couple hundred miles if it's not likely to fix this.  Any suggestions?
While I suppose anything is possible, I'm hard-pressed to think that this oil change is related to the clunking. Not sure how to advise since I can't hear the clunk. Monitor it closely to see if it changes over the next couple hundred miles.

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Sorry, bud...them folk aren't on line right now. I am in india and can only provide sarcastic and demoralizing info for ya. But, if you like it....wait around....I am sure that radman can not only help you but, make you look like an idiot. :lol:

Making some look like an idiot is easy in this world. Helping them out takes time and patience. And knowledge. Doing both at the same time is priceless. Radman makes it look easy. I just like making fun of people.

Well, I was going to try an experiment; I have a couple of quarts of Mobil 1 4t racing oil (15w50) left over as I used this kind in my Triumph, so I figured I'd drain a couple of quarts and add this in and see if it helped anything. I warmed the bike and pulled the drain plug, and the oil that came out was awfully dark for only a few hundred miles of use, and thinner than any oil I've drained from a bike before. I got skittish and decided to drain it all and replace the oil; I'd rather spend a little money now than a lot later. I'll pick up some heavier weight oil tomorrow and see what happens....

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I had changed my oil to Castrol Synthetic 5w40 once. And while I realize this sounds of BS and has no scientific reasoning, I just didn't like the way it "felt" and "sounded" in the engine. I changed it. Went to Shell Rotella 5w40 synthetic. Feels good. Sounds right. Me Likey.

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Sorry, admins...this is an oil thread....

Kids, go to out the wear's the way to go.

I had changed my oil to Castrol Synthetic 5w40 once. And while I realize this sounds of BS and has no scientific reasoning, I just didn't like the way it "felt" and "sounded" in the engine. I changed it. Went to Shell Rotella 5w40 synthetic. Feels good. Sounds right. Me Likey.
I've heard good things about the Shell Rotella T 5w40, and looked for it at this oil change. No one around here sells it, so I picked up the Castrol. I still have no idea if this was causing the problem, but when I get different oil tomorrow I'll have a better idea. I've always had good results with the Mobile 1, I'll probably use that again--at least I can get it around here.

Just got some new Rotella-T last evening from Advanced auto parts for about the same price as WalMart. Advanced also has the Mobil-1 Gear oil, whick my local Wally's does not have. BTW, I use 15-40 Rotella-T dino oil.

Wal Mart carries the 15w40 dino oil from Rotella in the 5 gallon bucket for $37 (I think that was the price)

You say it occurs cold, but not warm. Makes me think a lean misfire, especially if it happens shortly after a cold start. Not really oil related, but simply a coincidence as the engine is breaking in, and the time for idle and TBS adjustments comes near as everything has taken a "set" so to speak. Moron. There, that should about meet up with advertised expectations... :D

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My '05 does this too, every once in a while. It only happens just after starting up cold. This has been reported by others, as well. My best guess is that it is coming from the cat. converter or exhaust. Maybe fuel burning in the exhaust after a lean misfire? I don't think it is oil related, and probably nothing to worry about.

You say it occurs cold, but not warm. Makes me think a lean misfire, especially if it happens shortly after a cold start. Not really oil related, but simply a coincidence as the engine is breaking in, and the time for idle and TBS adjustments comes near as everything has taken a "set" so to speak. Moron. There, that should about meet up with advertised expectations... :D

Hehehe, thanks for the moron. I feel better as a human being now.

Okay, I went to my favorite local mechanic--very good, knowlegable, honest guy. He said that he's seen the Japanese bikes have some clunking when the bike was very cold and idling a little rough--he suspected that it was coming from the transmission gears clacking a little during a rough idle. I went back to the motorcycle-specific oil I've used for years, Mobile1 4T racing 15w50, and the clunking completely resolved, probably because the thicker oil keeps the gears from clattering together as hard. I'd like to find a 15w40 synthetic oil around here (St. Louis), but can't seem to find the Rotella-T oil (and yes, I've been to WalMart, and Autozone, and a couple of other places). I searched Shell's site--I'd have to drive about 45 miles out away from home along I-70 to find a truck stop that carried it! My mileage was better with the Yamalube 40 weight, but for now 50weight synthetic is about the only good oil I can find.

"...changed to a 5w40 synthetic oil (Castrol Syntech)."

I would like to know the reason for putting an oil in the bike that is 15w lower than the minumum reccommended by Yamaha.
