Cobin on an 06

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Got the Smuggler for my AE today as well, and am very happy with it. Great service from Corbin, as I had requested a rush on it, and it came in exactly 2 weeks. As already noted, the latch/hinge mechanism is a little suspect, but otherwise, I know already that I'm gonna love the rest of it. My color match is also pretty good, but mine has a bit more of a purple tint in the bright sun than the blue tint of the stock color. I was trying to deceide how I liked that, and after sitting back and looking at it, (and getting a second opinion from Jenny) I think if anything it may shorten the look of the bike, and given all the color activity already going on with the bike, it isn't an issue with me at all. For some reason, I also seem to fit the Corbin seat better now too. I kept trying to slide further back on it with the Corbin rear seat installed, but with the Smuggler, I seem to be sitting just perfect. (I ordered the 1" thick pad on the Smuggler) So for me, even though it is a pretty pricy unit, it is definately a keeper.

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Cheap isn’t a dirty word. Especially when served and/or complemented by other superlatives such as, free and/or easy! :grin: Right?

The Corbin Smuggler Trunk is perfect for transporting small items around town or on trips. It fits perfectly and the design blends into the FJR as if it was meant to be that way. Inside is lined and the lock has a separate small key. A great product well executed by Corbin. Farkled out, my 06/AE FJR will do everything my car can do, except when it's raining. Expensive at $700, but I'm glad I took the plunge.

BTW, for the inseam challenged, the Corbin seat height measures 30-1/4" off the ground.





Damn SilverStreak... your Corbin seat looks great. I'm dealing with a whole bunch of BS with them. My seat had all kinds of "puckering." Just a lousy job from them... :angry2:

With what I'm dealing with, I would not have purchased from them: (1) poor craftsmanship and (2) as you stated, the seat height is about the same as the stock low setting - not 29" as found on Corbin's website.

My stitching is even different, even though I specifically told them I wanted the exact same seat as found on their website.

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Damn SilverStreak... your Corbin seat looks great. I'm dealing with a whole bunch of BS with them. My seat had all kinds of "puckering." Just a lousy job from them... :angry2:
With what I'm dealing with, I would not have purchased from them: (1) poor craftsmanship and (2) as you stated, the seat height is about the same as the stock low setting - not 29" as found on Corbin's website.

My stitching is even different, even though I specifically told them I wanted the exact same seat as found on their website.
Your saddle definitely looks out-of-spec compared to mine.

I agree, they left out stitching that would have taken out the leather "puckering".

Attached is a image of my seat done properly.


Use this image link to send them a copy:


I have a bad issue with the stock seat. After 1 1/2 hour my "sit bones" or hip joint area is numb and painfull. Although, I have had that problem with most all seats so the issue is me more than the seat. Yesterday I had a chance to borrow a friends Corbin. Stayed in the saddle for about 9 hours on back roads covering about 300 miles. Hugh improvement! Yeah, I was getting a little sore by the end but nothing like the numbing pain from the stock seat. With the stock seat I have to take 3 asprin every 4 hours. With the Corbin I took nothing. Also, sitting lower in the bike gave me a great feeling on the twisties with a big boost in confidence. It just felt better to be lower in the bike.

When we got back to his house and I put back my orginal seat and headed for the 1 hour drive home. Instantly the old pain was back. Plus, now I felt like I was sitting so high, (in the high position) and it really threw me off. I cornered like my first day on this bike. Yes, it does not give a lot better ground reach due to the width but sitting lower in the bike is a very big improvement and worth it alone in my opinion. The Corbin does make you sit further back, which is good, and my shoulders did get sore because my handle bars are full forward. If I had moved my bars aft, with the Corbin seat it would have been even better.

Hope this is helpfull.

Just a tip on the corbin stiffness issue, I've had mine for 14K miles and while the do break in and eventually conform to you , you can expidite the process . I used a long , heavy,socket wrench driver (steel 12") to CAREFULLY "tenderize " the seat, about 2-3 minutes a day over a couple of weeks . You don't have to hit it hard , just a good thump over the seating area and make sure of course you don't hit the bike. It worked wonders and it's been a great seat ever since. I've ridden many all day rides in comfort since.

I *love* the idea of getting a new corbin front and rear and a smuggler, so I can cover all the bases. But daaaaaammmmmm that'd be a big chunk of change.

Just a tip on the corbin stiffness issue, I've had mine for 14K miles and while the do break in and eventually conform to you , you can expidite the process . I used a long , heavy,socket wrench driver (steel 12") to CAREFULLY "tenderize " the seat, about 2-3 minutes a day over a couple of weeks . You don't have to hit it hard , just a good thump over the seating area and make sure of course you don't hit the bike. It worked wonders and it's been a great seat ever since. I've ridden many all day rides in comfort since.

Actually, I think everyone has different needs for a saddle depending on your height, weight, and your ergos on the bike. I'm 5-10 and 160. For me the Corbin seat is just fine. I do think the firm seat make the FJR handle more precisely because I'm better planted and can make subtle weight shifts when leaning.


I *love* the idea of getting a new corbin front and rear and a smuggler, so I can cover all the bases. But daaaaaammmmmm that'd be a big chunk of change.
See Post #28 for followup.

$1100 + tax + S/H for the saddle and smuggler was real steep, but for me, it was worth it.

Your saddle definitely looks out-of-spec compared to mine.I agree, they left out stitching that would have taken out the leather "puckering".

Attached is a image of my seat done properly.


Got my seat back from Cobin. It looks EXACTLY the same as the first one I received from them. I'm so pissed. I demanded a full refund, they said they'll give it another try - no refund. WTF?


I also purchased the Corbin front seat. I plan on getting the rear plus back rest next spring. Just put the seat on yesterday and took the bike out for a 4 hour ride today. My primary reason for getting this seat was due to the claimed 2" lower seating position by Corbin. I'm a tad vertically challenged and this seemed like a good way to gain some footing.

Initial reports are that this seat is NOT 2" lower as they claim. In addition, any lowering affect I might have gained seems to be negated by the fact that this seat is wider at the thigh points and on the nose.

The plus side was that while riding it was very comfortable and I know once it's broken in it should feel even better.

I might send it back in for a nose job once I put a couple hundred more miles on it. Fit and finish is pretty good. While not as nice as Silverstreaks it's no where near as puckered as 818Guys.

If I could get the nose and sides at the thigh points shaved I think it will be completely acceptable.

I'm interested in a Corbin for my 06 and know a few on you have bought one. How are they working out for you?
I didn't get mine yet, but I will say I ordered it from my dealer - from whom I get a discount on all parts and accessories - and I don't pay shipping. Works out to be considerably cheaper than buying from Corbin directly. I'm supposed to have it in the next couple of days and I'll gladly post up a report.

Fit and finish is pretty good. While not as nice as Silverstreaks it's no where near as puckered as 818Guys.
What does your stitching look like? Like Silverstreak (and Corbin's website) = good or like mine = crappy?

Those retards at Corbin said the stitch pattern on the webside is a "later" stitch pattern - meaning it's new; this is total BS considering Silverstreak purchased his seat before I purchased mine.

The best part :rolleyes: of this whole issue with Corbin is on their service invoice sent back with my second seat it states: "need to recover the (sic) both seats and put the stitching that is on the web site, it must be that type of stitching."

I guess the individuals who build their seats do not know how to read...


I still don't know... I sat on Nightlife's bike at EOM...

It definitely puts you lower, I don't' know what peeps are bitching about. My biggest concern with it actually is the leg-room you give up by putting one on and the fact that you loose the adjustability. I only have a 30" inseam, but have been using the upper position:

a: for more leg-room,


b: for to get as much wind as possible.

Peeps that have those big billboard windshields won't find b: to be a reason not to buy one.

So for now I'm sticking with stock and my AirHawk, cause I just don't know yet.

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What does your stitching look like? Like Silverstreak (and Corbin's website) = good or like mine = crappy?
Those retards at Corbin said the stitch pattern on the webside is a "later" stitch pattern - meaning it's new; this is total BS considering Silverstreak purchased his seat before I purchased mine.
I purchased mine 2 weeks ago now and it looks just like the one on the website. I'll try to get a pic posted up of it tonight.

Please keep in mind that I'm not bitching about the seat. I find it to be very comfortable and stylish to boot. I was merely stating that my footing position is the same as with the stocker. I believe this to be a result of the seat being wider (albeit lower) than the stocker.

I find the seat to be well crafted and very uniform. I'm pleased with it's comfort. Just wish I gained 2" of footing also. :)


My saddle measures 30-1/4" at it lowest point (forward) off the ground.

You might consider putting Dr. Schoals foot pads in your riding boots.

This adds 1/4" and is more comfortable to "boot". :lol:

Here's my Corbin as promised for 818Guy. Fit and finish is pretty good but too much padding up front on the nose. I'll be getting that shaved in a couple hundred miles.

EDIT: Forgot to add that I ordered direct from Corbin on 8-24-06.



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Thanks. :clapping:

Interesting, though, your stitching is like mine and not like SilverStreak's (which is like the website). Look at the stitching on the sides where your legs will be. SilverStreak's is "closed" and does not continue all the way to the end like yours (and mine).

To get the saddle profile I have (LOW), I requested a special lowered seat height from Corbin when it was ordered. Plus I wanted the same stitching pattern shown on their website.

