Hi... I recently bought the FJR 1300 (2004)...I just love this bike with the exception of how I fit on it. I have raised the seat using a custom seat, raised and moved back the bars and I still experience massive back pain after a ride. Although I searched the site for recent topics, I could not find it. Does anyone have suggestions of how a taller rider (6',2") would mod the bike to accommodate a comfortable position. Any info will help..thanks
6'4" here...900 mile days on dead-stock bike (before it was just a dead bike) were normal weekend fare.
(dis)Comfort on motorcycles is such a personal issue I think you're just gonna be chasing undomesticated waterfowl by asking for other opinions, since the opinions you get will be from people built differently from you.
Where's the pain? Lower back? Middle back? Or, typical for riders on new bikes, burning pain between the shoulders?
Lower back pain could be caused by gluteal muscles impinging your sciatic nerve. Stop more often, walk around.
Middle back pain could be caused by poor riding posture. Search the forum for "yoda position"
Upper back pain, burning pain between the shoulders, is usually a symptom of your body not being used to riding a new bike. It's a lot like beginning a new exercise regimen. You're gonna hurt from using new/different muscles in new & different ways until your body becomes accustomed.