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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2006
Reaction score
Orange Park, FL
My wife has scheduled my vasectomy during my new FJR arrival window. Anybody ever got snipped then tried to ride? How long do you have to keep the frozen peas handy?

I was off the bike for a week, frozen peas and a good athletic supporter are your best freinds.

The drugs are a bigger obstacle than anything else. Once off of them you should be good to go. Eunuch. :D

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My wife has scheduled my vasectomy during my new FJR arrival window. Anybody ever got snipped then tried to ride? How long do you have to keep the frozen peas handy?
Yep. Back around 1982. Had a Yamaha back then, too. Maybe that's why it took another 20 years before I got another one. I rode home from the V (~25 miles) since it was my only transporation at the time. That wasn't bad. What was bad was parking the bike outside and covering it with the big canvas bike cover and a storm rolling in that night. The wind caught the bike and tipped it over. I heard it fall and set bolt upright at the sound. I ripped loose some stitches and had to have one side of the V redone later after the first surgery healed and tests showed I was then only as potent as the average human male.

Dude... You let your wife schedule your vasectomy?! So tell me, how often does she let you take your balls outta her purse? I bet only when she makes you hold it while she goes into the dressing room, eh? "Here, honey, hold this while I go try these on. Go ahead and scratch your balls while you wait." :haha:

Hey, it's a tough crowd in here. Just ask Scab. ;)

I scheduled my 'snip' for a Friday afternoon figuring on being couch bound for the weekend. NOT! We had 18" of snow show up Saturday night. So I spent Sunday shoveling, slowly, and taking every opportunitty to sit a spell in the snow bank to keep the gems cool.

I'd say two or three days should be good for getting back on the bike.

You got it, TWN, tough crowd. I have learned though:

If you are looking for sympathy, you can find it in the dictionary.

Somewhere between SHIT and SYPHALIS.

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Do exactly as the doctors tells you or you will have a case of the biggest blue balls known to man kind . than what is she gonna do when she hadndles them for you :bleh: :bleh: :bleh:

Do exactly as the doctors tells you or you will have a case of the biggest blue balls known to man kind . than what is she gonna do when she hadndles them for you :bleh: :bleh: :bleh:

BTDT. Some guys bounce right back, but the reward isn't worth the risk. Imagine getting kicked there twice, then perpetuate the pain out for a week.

You can just never tell about these things. Heck, I had double hernia surgery 15 months ago and I am still not over it completely. I have a surgical mesh installed from my waist down to my thingy and down onto both legs. I'm the only guy I know with a C-section scar. Sexy. The doctors predicted 2 weeks down time, found out my entire lower abdominal wall was blown out AFTER they cut me open. Sheesh. After the surgery, my nads were the size of grapefruits. I was THE MAN. At least in theory, if not in practice. It was six weeks before I could go back to work and then I was walking with cane. Bummer. Even now, it doesn't take much (like twist wrong when dismounting the feejer), and BAM! that all too familiar "kicked-in-the-nads" feeling again.

On second thought, just RUN!

If it is scheduled in the time frame that Yami told you your FJR would be delivered, you will be long healed B4 the beast ever arrives.

Never have known of anyone to bounce right back.
  Maybe he didn't have any to begin with !!!!!!!  :haha:     :haha:     :haha:
I was having a night-before-getting-married out with the boys 18 years ago and ran into an old friend who was out dancing with his wife. He proceeded to tell me he had gotten snipped earlier that day. I don't know what happened after that night though. I was just thinking to myself, "You dumb bastard".

Anybody ever got snipped then tried to ride?
Maybe you could start the "Iron Nut Association". Do a thousand within 24 hours of your surgery.

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Do  exactly as the doctors tells you or you  will have a case of the biggest blue balls known to man kind .
This could work out, though, if you ordered an 06A... :D
