Commuter King?

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Creston, CA
Got to thinking..

I outride all my buds..

but can't hold a candle to members of this forum... this seems to be more of long distance I-can-sit-longer-and-pee-less-than-you kind of group.. :D

How many of you use your FJ's as regular commuters? I put on a fair number of miles just commuting and play riding.. 100/day 5x/week plus weekend pleasure riding.

What kind of commuting mileage do you folks put in?

Certainly no commuter king here. Just 34 miles R/T and only 2 or three times a week. But have some very lightly traveled nice twists on a couple of side roads along the way.

Certainly commuter King here, I only do about 50 miles round trip, 5 days a week unless the weather really, really sucks. My commute offers several different routes that includes lakes, mountains and farm land. I feel we should include a difficulty factor here -- I ride even when temps dip down to 10 degrees (F) :cold: but call it quits upon snow, ice, salt & sand. You SW riders can claim the Fresh from the Oven difficulty factor :lol:

FJReady should get the Fear Factor award because he does his commute in Boston area traffic :skull:


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along some great twisty Kentucky back roads
I too am very fortunate. 35 miles of great backroad (Ca 58 from east of Creston to Santa Margarita), 2 lane, vacant, twisty with great straight aways too.

Don't think I'd be nearly as eager to commute on the scooter if stop-and-go was the name of the game..

I rode everyday rain or shine 50 miles round trip. Over the winter I got laid off and my new job is 4 miles round trip so I take the cage instead. I find it odd that I miss fighting rush hour traffic in all kinds of weather on a bike. It made a nice way to start/end a work day.

Brett in MSP

I ride even when temps dip down to 10 degrees (F)
Didn't even consider the risk factos.. like cold. I get down to maybe 28F. That's about as cold as it gets here on the central coast of CA..

Great idea about the difficulty factor..


1. Splitting Lane mileage = 1.25x

2. Colder than 20F = 1.5x

3. Snow, ice, sleet, hail (sounds like a mailman, eh?) = 1.75x

4. ??? other factors ???

I seem to be the king so far at 105 miles r/t but I'm sure someone else will knock me off the top of the hill.

I live in west Phoenix and have to commute to the southeast corner of Phoenix. I avoid the interstate going through town at all costs and take a back road that is a secondary hiway. Speed limit 55 but I routinely cruise at 90 on this road. Its typical Phoenix roads, straight as an arrow and can see for miles. It gives me a chance to practice my passing manuevers. :)

I'll ride practically all winter and unlike other guys here in Phoenix, I won't ride when it gets above I sit out almost all of June through September. Last weekend was the first I've ridden my FJR since the first week in June.

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Unfortunately, my commute is only 10 miles R/T. Though I frequently ride home for my lunch break, doubling that. I ride every day, up to 6 times a week. I live in a small town south of Phoenix, and unlike the girly man :D directly above me, I ride all summer long. 115 degrees? Pffft! T'ain't nothing.

I wish my commute was longer. :erm:

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I probably average 4 days a week at 45 miles roundtrip. Don't ride if it is raining when it's time to leave in the morning or if I have to dress in something more than business casual. Do ride even when it has been in the upper 90s over the last month with around 90% humidity+. I would much rather ride the FJR in the 30s than in the 90s any day B)

I do about 70km (43mi) r/t everyday, rain or shine. I don't own a cage now, and the public transportation is a bit of a drag -- I have to first take a bus to another nearby "dormitory city" so I can take a train to Madrid, since there aren't any where I live (we'll get them in 2007, woohoo), and then proceed to a rather lenghty subway ride to work.

I only decided against riding this last winter when temperatures dropped to the -5/-10C (23/14F) range during the early hours of the morning, with the snow and ice that comes with it.

I don't, however, always ride the Feejer, I round-robin among my other bikes (a Yammi XJR1300 and a Kawi ZZR1100). I do, however, suspect I'll be riding the FJR almost exclusively when winter comes, the weather protection on the XJR is nil and the FJR beats the pants off the ZZR, too.

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I ride four days a week, just about year round. Not far only 14km each way, but I do have a nice on-ramp with a clear view in both directions, and on a good day I can hit my first big sweeper at over a ton. Sort of makes the rest of the day bareable, you know what I mean?

13 Round trip. I do a lot more pleasure riding than commuting.

Averaging 1066 miles per week since she was delivered 6 weeks ago.

I live in a year round riding area because I a silly enough to ride in 100+ degree heat

Averaging 1066 miles per week since she was delivered 6 weeks ago
Wow, that's a bunch! I guess it will be tough to keep that average, but keep us posted. My commute is about 12 miles R/T once every six days, but I do a lot of errands on the days off. After six months, I still jump on and go every chance I get. :)

My round trip commute is about 120 miles and it is all ugly freeway. I probably ride this distance an average of 3 times a week. On a bad day about half of the distance can be lane splitting (yes, there can be 30 miles of stop and go traffic). The only time I don't ride is high wind and/or heavy rain. I'd say there is 10 to 15 days a year where weather prevents me from riding to work.

You guys with short commutes and scenic routes make me sick. ;)

I ride almost everyday. long way is 105 miles round trip. Short way ( but has more traffic) 85 miles. I've logged on 10,500 miles so far in 3 1/2 months. Last week I was in Mass. for work and it was the first time the bike sat idle for more than 2 days since I bought it. :( But tomorrow I get to take a nice ride into Conn. for a family function. I hope I can remember how to ride. :D

