Comparison of mapping programs

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Thank you sir! I have been using the GMap2GPX utility till now, but it lacks meaningful names for the way-points, instead it randomizes the way-point names to some word and number combination. Looking forward to playing with TYRE and Google maps.

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Shinypartsup, no goat-trail experience at all. I would think these programs, being auto-oriented, would not be much use at that, anyway.

tesla, Street Atlas is very easy to use, with just a couple of ideosyncracies, and Delorme has a pretty nice set of forums on their site as well. I think with the newer Streets & Trips, now with GPX export, I may be considering it a new favorite. I think I like Street Atlas's reports and printouts better, and the speed customization is specific, not just a vague "slow" to "fast" scale the way Streets & Trips does, but Streets & Trips has better map accuracy I think, and the construction notice download is a real help. I still like Street Atlas's use of screen space far better than Street & Trips, since the map is primary unless you ask for something else. Streets & Trips still puts other stuff on the screen in place of the map, even when it doesn't really need to. You get driving directions every time you recalc the route, when all you want to see is what the route looks like on the now smaller map. Very annoying. And consider that Google Maps works well, has very up-to-date maps, but requires Internet access, not a given at some roadside stop in the middle of nowhere.

One feature that works on my 2009 trial that I couldn't make work on 2008 is construction data downloads. The directions window will give you a "click here" line to get the most up-to-date information about road work on your route. I have 2008 on three computers, and none of them will retrieve those. The 2009 worked fine, and I found that I-55 around memphis has some work going on, and that my Wheeling bypass, I-470, is actually closed until June 30th (according to the download data.) Now that I see that working, that's a very useful feature!!
This is a known issue with S&T 2008. To fix it follow these instructions:

1. Create an empty text file then rename it to something like ConstructionFix.reg (the first part of the filename doesn't matter, the end does)

2. Right-click on the file and choose EDIT.

3. Paste the following info into the file, exactly as it's shown (copy and paste would work great):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



4. After putting the above in the file save it.

5. Double-click on the file to run it. You'll get a warning about entering things in the registry. It's ok, just click continue.

What this does is create the proper registry entry so S&T knows the proper location to go to look for the update. If you're worried about what it's going to do you can run regedit.exe and go look at the existing entry and see where it's looking. If you know how you could also manually edit the entry so it looks like the fix.

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Awesome work on this comparison. I just thought I would add a few updates based on the new 2010 release of MS Streets & Trips.

  • Both GPX import and export are finally supported. Unlike DeLorme, there is no limit on the number of points contained within the GPX file. Yeah, now I can forget about the extra converter tools.
  • Here is a video I stumbled upon showing how to transfer stops from S&T to a Garmin Nuvi. Alternatively, you can just export to GPX and manually drop the GPX file onto the NUVI's GPX folder on the device.
  • Drag 'n drop routing. When you mouse over the route highlight the cursor changes from the arrow to a hand and you can "drag n'drop" the route to make it go on the roads you want.
  • Abiltity to rename your route waypoints to something more meaningful than "Near Denver"

  • Streets can work with any USB GPS reciever that exposes a virtual COM port (not new but there seems to be some confusion on this point). Even a 3rd party USB GPS receiver like GlobalSat BU-353 works great. It's waterproof and has a magnetic mounting! :yahoo:
  • download a free 60 day trial or order a copy from or some such place .
I have a question concerning 2010 street and trips and this new .gpx export. I've been using street and trips 2007, then using a convert program to convert it to .gpx. i then load that .gpx file into mapsource , which in turn loads it into my garmin. I was under the impression that mapsource converted the .gpx file into some other format for the garmin (which was the reason you had to use it). i've never heard of anyone being able to drop a .gpx file into the nuvi (cause i dont think it stores these routes as .gpx files). If the new street and trips will allow export to .gpx, I think it will only allow me to bypass the conversion step. I'll bet you'd have to take that exported .gpx file and open it into mapsource before downloading it into your nuvi. Let me know if i'm wrong about this. I'd love to be able to skip the mapsource part of my procedure, but i dont think street and trips 2010 will be that ticket. Hope i'm wrong....

also, whats the difference between a .gpx mapsource and an gps eXchange 1.0 format?...both types export to .gpx.

please advise,


If the Nuvi accepts a .gpx file for import, it will calculate its own route from the information in the file rather than using the route as calculated by Mapsource. I don't have access to a Nuvi, but from what I understand it doesn't accept routes from Mapsource, just .gpx files, then you have to "import" the file in the Nuvi's menu and calculate a route in the device from that. I'm sure someone will be along to correct me if I'm wrong. :)

I think you should be able to simply copy the .GPX file from Streets & Trips to the Nuvi while it's connected to your PC. It will appear as an external disk. You would bypass the conversion and the Mapsource load and transfer.

Keep in mind my thread was written with my Streetpilot in mind, and the Zumos are pretty similar in operation to those.

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If the Nuvi accepts a .gpx file for import, it will calculate its own route from the information in the file rather than using the route as calculated by Mapsource. I don't have access to a Nuvi, but from what I understand it doesn't accept routes from Mapsource, just .gpx files, then you have to "import" the file in the Nuvi's menu and calculate a route in the device from that. I'm sure someone will be along to correct me if I'm wrong. :)
I think you should be able to simply copy the .GPX file from Streets & Trips to the Nuvi while it's connected to your PC. It will appear as an external disk. You would bypass the conversion and the Mapsource load and transfer.

Keep in mind my thread was written with my Streetpilot in mind, and the Zumos are pretty similar in operation to those.
Mapsource is what comes with the nuvi. Its the "sanctioned" way to get custum routes into the device. I dont think that when you transfer a file from mapsource into the device that it exports it into the device as a .gpx file. Mapsource converts it into something the nuvi can understand. It then shows up in the my favorites folder (but also included all the waypoints. the only way to import a custom route is to transfer the route to the device, then go into the "my data" folder and select import routes from file or folder. the device somehow finds the route and puts in in the "custom routes" area (which is where the damn thing should put routes in the first place. PUtting all the waypoints and the route in the favorites folder is just plain stupid). . The old tom tom i had was different. you could use the convert program (to conver the .est file from street and trips into a .itn file for tom tom) and send it directly into a specific tom tom folder. It seemed to know what to do with .itn files.

I dont think the nuvi works the same way. I'm surprised we dont have many street and trips 2010 users if this functionality would allow for such an easy transfer into the garmin. Most of us hate mapsource but are forced into using it in some method to transfer our custom routes into our devices. Converters to gpx formats have been around a long time and i've never heard of anyone taking that file and dropping into a garmin.

lets see what others say....


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Thank you sir! I have been using the GMap2GPX utility till now, but it lacks meaningful names for the way-points, instead it randomizes the way-point names to some word and number combination. Looking forward to playing with TYRE and Google maps.
You don't have to use TYRE to get the Google maps into your Garmin GPS.


You'll need an account on myGarmin .

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You see that line that says "only destination address will get sent?"



It's also possible to build a GPX file from Bing Maps, but it's just waypoints, no route. You still have to assemble the route in the device. Much pain.

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i thought i understood this process with mapsource, but the more i dig into it , the worse i seem to get at it.

when i use mapsource to get things into my nuvi, no matter what i do, it sends all the waypoints into the "favorites folder". The only way i know around this is to tell mapsource to download the route to the sdcard i've got in the unit. I can then go to the "my data" folder in the nuvi and tell it to "import a file from a folder". it then finds the route on the card, calculates the route, and puts it in my custom folder. Things get really weird though when i open mapsource and tell it to retrieve the route from the nuvi. It changes the route untill i hit recalculate. This does not give me a warm and fuzzy feeling about how this is workding.

I cant tell what mapsource does to the file because theres no record of it anywhere on the device. I cant even find it on the sdcard. Anyone know what mapsource does with these files when you tell it to transfer it to the device? I would like to delete my test files.

Theres no record of any .gpx files on the device.


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Well, a bit of an update on the GPS Utility I've pointed out for conversion of Streets & Trips. A forum member PM'd me about a limitation he ran into, and it seems the unregistered version only allows 10 waypoints. Since my little example route only had 5 or 6 I didn't encounter that. I don't use S&T for my day-to-day routing and so I never tried to put more waypoints though the utility. Registration for GPS Utility is 60 bucks (!!!!!!) though, so it's significantly cheaper to just upgrade or purchase the current Streets and Trips 2010 to get GPX export built into the program.

Thank you sir! I have been using the GMap2GPX utility till now, but it lacks meaningful names for the way-points, instead it randomizes the way-point names to some word and number combination. Looking forward to playing with TYRE and Google maps.
You don't have to use TYRE to get the Google maps into your Garmin GPS.


You'll need an account on myGarmin .

More info please. I do have an account on myGarmin, but when I use the "send" dialog in Googlemaps I only get send to email options.

How you do dat?

The Garmin has to be hooked up to the computer when you do that, I think, but look at the sentence right above the Send and Cancel buttons. All it's going to do is send a waypoint for the destination address. This is not Google Maps route to the Garmin!

i thought i understood this process with mapsource, but the more i dig into it , the worse i seem to get at it.
when i use mapsource to get things into my nuvi, no matter what i do, it sends all the waypoints into the "favorites folder". The only way i know around this is to tell mapsource to download the route to the sdcard i've got in the unit. I can then go to the "my data" folder in the nuvi and tell it to "import a file from a folder". it then finds the route on the card, calculates the route, and puts it in my custom folder. Things get really weird though when i open mapsource and tell it to retrieve the route from the nuvi. It changes the route untill i hit recalculate. This does not give me a warm and fuzzy feeling about how this is workding.

I cant tell what mapsource does to the file because theres no record of it anywhere on the device. I cant even find it on the sdcard. Anyone know what mapsource does with these files when you tell it to transfer it to the device? I would like to delete my test files.

Theres no record of any .gpx files on the device.

The Nuvis don't actually receive the "route" from Mapsource, just the waypoints, and it recalcs. Same going the other way, transfer the route to Mapsource, you get straight lines between the points until you recalc.

The Streetpilot, and I think Zumos, take the actual route from Mapsource, but if it has to recalc (off-route, add a waypoint, whatever) it may come up quite different if you haven't been restrictive enough with waypoints along the route.

I "think" you can save a GPX file from another program to the SD card, just copy it with Windows like copying to an external disk, and then use the import menu to get it into a route on the Nuvi, but I'm not sure.

i thought i understood this process with mapsource, but the more i dig into it , the worse i seem to get at it.
when i use mapsource to get things into my nuvi, no matter what i do, it sends all the waypoints into the "favorites folder". The only way i know around this is to tell mapsource to download the route to the sdcard i've got in the unit. I can then go to the "my data" folder in the nuvi and tell it to "import a file from a folder". it then finds the route on the card, calculates the route, and puts it in my custom folder. Things get really weird though when i open mapsource and tell it to retrieve the route from the nuvi. It changes the route untill i hit recalculate. This does not give me a warm and fuzzy feeling about how this is workding.

I cant tell what mapsource does to the file because theres no record of it anywhere on the device. I cant even find it on the sdcard. Anyone know what mapsource does with these files when you tell it to transfer it to the device? I would like to delete my test files.

Theres no record of any .gpx files on the device.

The Nuvis don't actually receive the "route" from Mapsource, just the waypoints, and it recalcs. Same going the other way, transfer the route to Mapsource, you get straight lines between the points until you recalc.

The Streetpilot, and I think Zumos, take the actual route from Mapsource, but if it has to recalc (off-route, add a waypoint, whatever) it may come up quite different if you haven't been restrictive enough with waypoints along the route.

I "think" you can save a GPX file from another program to the SD card, just copy it with Windows like copying to an external disk, and then use the import menu to get it into a route on the Nuvi, but I'm not sure.
I believe you are correct. you can take a .gpx file and drop it into the gpx folder on the nuvi. i think what happens is that all the waypoints in the route go into your favorites (which has very little benefit other than giving you some distict wayponts (as long as you've named them in a way that makes sense (which is another benefit of street and trips 2010)). The real world application is that once you drop that file into the gpx folder, you should now be able to go into the "my data" folder and choose "import from a file or folder" option. the GPX file that you dropped into the nuvi should be automatically found and you can import it (which basically means it will import the route into the "custom route" folder). What i'm fighting with is how many waypoints to put in. I dont know what that nuvi is planning to do with my .gpx file. i can see what mapsource is doing with it and make updates to the route as appropriate, but i cant see what the nuvi is doing internally. Thats why i always plan my route with street and trips, then convert it to a .gpx (using itnconv), then bring it into mapsource, do a recalculate, and add additional waypoints if it changed my route, then copy it into the nuvi and import into custom routes.


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The Garmin has to be hooked up to the computer when you do that, I think, but look at the sentence right above the Send and Cancel buttons. All it's going to do is send a waypoint for the destination address. This is not Google Maps route to the Garmin!

OK, I went into MyGarmin and downloaded the Garmin Communicator Plugin for my browser (Firefox) it and it now works. :thumbsup:

But you are right, it only sends a single waypoint to the GPS. :no2:

Keep lookin'...

I've been sorta playing with avoiding the use of MapSource but in the end, if I use MSST or Google Maps I still have to laod them into Mapsource to be sure the work right on the Zumo.

The conclusion I've reached is to just deal with the idiosyncrasies of route planning with MapSource, and I'll get the route I want on the Zumo with the least amount of headaches.

I've been sorta playing with avoiding the use of MapSource but in the end, if I use MSST or Google Maps I still have to laod them into Mapsource to be sure the work right on the Zumo.
The conclusion I've reached is to just deal with the idiosyncrasies of route planning with MapSource, and I'll get the route I want on the Zumo with the least amount of headaches.
Absolutely correct...... adding waypoints in mapsource can be be a pain, but once your use to the process, its still a pain, but very doable. I like to go other way and add too many waypoint into MSST, then convert the .est to a .gpx, then open that in mapsource and start taking waypoint out untill i get the minimum i need to keep my route. Its pretty easy to delete waypoints in mapsource and do recalculates to see what changes in your route. If your route changes undesirably, you can do an undo. Its one thing that mapsource actually does better than MSST. Deleting points and recalculating in MSST isnt what it does best. The recalculate in MSST causes the screen to change and forces you to re-zoom into the area you were making changes to. Mapsource just keeps your current view and shows you the new route. I do have a problem selecting waypoints on my route in mapsource to delete though. You need to be in selection tool mode and when you try to select the waypoint it will sometimes jump into a mode that connects the point before and the point after together. you then have to right mouse click and hit cancel, the retry. I've never really figured out what its trying to do, but i'm able to eventually work around it. If anyone has any suggestions about that one, let me know.



Here is a program I ran across a while back that seems a lot like the Tyre program.

ITN Converter:

The downside to this program is that you cant drag and drop your route. You have to manually pick the waypoints.

This is what I did to get the route to my nuvi:

I created a simple route

Saved it as a GPX file

Then dragged and dropped it to the GPX folder on the nuvi and it showed up in my data

Went to the my data folder on the nuvi and imported the route

It seemed to work well and the interface to the program seems nice and responsive.

Anyone else use this program?
