Concerned about who did my recalls

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FJRForums' Red-headed stepchild
Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
I bought a new 09' AE last Sept. I'm finding more and more evidence a total dumbshit was messing with my bike. The 2 windscreen bolts don't match and the 2 of the plastic screws are stripped. The glove box was broken with 0 miles on it and 2-3 fasteners were missing near the battery panel. Is there any reason to worry the ignition recall (or other recalls) could have been done incorrectly?

Actually I was just wondering if the job can be done incorrectly, it works fine now, so does that mean the job was done right?

Ignition recall involves replacing the switch and reusing the tumblers from the original switch. Not much to screw up if the Tech can read and follow the bulletin directions.

