Cone Of Silence And Highway Pegs

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Doctor Throckenstein !!!
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
You may not think this is interesting, and YMMV!

I was riding today with a couple friends. We got out on the state 2 lanes going about 65. Normally, I can't wear a ballcap going that fast with my feet on the factory pegs. However, I found today that the cone of silence expanded a bit, and the buffetting was a bit less with my feet on Old Wild Bill's highway pegs! If my knees were on the tank, and my feet at the outer edge of those chrome pegs, the airflow around my head smooths out and I can keep a ball cap on my head pretty easily. Nice!

After a short break, I'm going to go out and test the same scenario with my helmet. Maybe it will cut down on some of the buffetting noise.

Man, it was a beautiful day in Indiana today. 82 - 86, sunny, very low humidity. NICE! I just left the XM turned off, put my EAR plugs in and enjoyed a wonderful ride. With those ear plugs in, the wind noise is really cut down and all you hear is the "turbine" sound of the top of the engine. SCHAWEET!

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Riding without a helmet, your "Cone Of Silence" may get real big one day soon. :arrowhead: Be careful dude! :agent:

I did not write this topic to start a no-helmet bashing discussion. Let's not go there. If you don't like the fact that I don't wear a helmet, please be courteous and keep it to yourself, or start your own topic. I do wear a helmet and gear depending on what I'm doing. If I'm just pleasure cruising, I enjoy the right not to wear a helmet. Thank you for your concerns, though.

Now back to your regularly scheduled program.

What I thought interesting was how many riders have commented on shield position changing the heat characteristics of the bike. There have also been a couple threads about leg position on highway pegs changing the aerodynamics and the heat issue. I thought it was interesting to comment on the buffeting reduction just by changing your leg position. I really did enjoy riding into the sun with my cap on and not getting my ears pounded quite so much. I had ear plugs in, XM Radio off, and it was a near bliss experience.

I was just I wonder what the cone of silence change will be once I install the CB 4+4! It ought to be real cozy behind the plate. I hope the new shield gets here next week.

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I did not write this topic to start a no-helmet bashing discussion. Let's not go there. If you don't like the fact that I don't wear a helmet, please be courteous and keep it to yourself, or start your own topic. 
Sorry. No can do. It's a public forum and will get public replies to any post anyone makes. That's life on the internet.

I do wear a helmet and gear depending on what I'm doing. If I'm just pleasure cruising, I enjoy the right not to wear a helmet. Thank you for your concerns, though.
Like the days you'll be wrecking because someone turned left in front of you or otherwise violated your right of way without warning? Please let me know in advance so I too can gear up only when it'll be needed.

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Well, last night I too rode without a helmet. It's time the true rad presented himself to the masses. I will ride to the local hardware store in shorts and a t-shirt. I enjoy riding without the requisite safety gear, on occasion, when the mood strikes me. I don't race or get in speed contests, just cruise at normal traffic speeds when doing this. Not that this is any guarentee that the feces won't hit the rotating air movement device, but it makes for a most enjoyable, calming, peaceful ride. And, at 53 years of age, and in a state that allows this freedom of choice (all too rare these days), it is my right. If I go down and carve my ass up, you won't see me whining about the results of this decision here. I have, after all, ridden this way for 37 years.

Thanks radman, and thank to all you mommies out there looking out for my best interest. I understand that one of these days I will be road kill.

I just got back from riding again without a helmet. Gosh, I am a moron! I'll never do THAT again.

91 out, ahh, heat under control. Sweet.

Happy to report that my bald spot is sunburnt from not wearing a hat OR a helmet. What a beautiful day!

Don't you guys use the Jedi Mind trick to ignore the heat? :eh: That's how I stay nice an cool under all my gear.... B)

I think the more gear you have on (at least around the engine), the cooler you stay! No Jedi Mind Tricks required. I know a retired doc who rides in full armoured black leather every day, and never removes his gear. Granted, he does not stop to bask in the sun very much. Got to admire that guy. He is certainly dedicated to his gear, and never complains about the heat.

However, for us morons that like to ride in shorts (almost went BARE FOOTED yesterday... almost...!), it sure makes a difference. And when you're old and decrepit like me, even the lack of brain cells doesn't help you ignore the heat. I really didn't notice the heat until I went on a 1st gear parade for 2 hours in 96 degree, VERY high humidity, completely sunny day.

Interestingly (to me anyway) today I was able to keep the cap on regardless of the leg postion. Shield up is more unstable than shield down, and it does seem to suck up the heat. I have the GIVI flip by the way. Again, the idea here is that when I get the bigger shield, I hope the cone of silence is extended enough that I can. It will be interesting to see how the bigger shield effects the airflow with regard to buffeting and bringing on the heat (although I think I have the heat problem solved).

Ok, going back out to ride again! WOOHOO!

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I've noticed that at highway speeds, having the stock shield up increases the heat flowing up from the engine bay and creates a definte push on my back. At 6'4" I have NO cone of silence regardless of what position the shield is in.

Thinking about a larger screen for next year.

Good catch, Woody! I skipped right over that one!

As far as you guys who ride without at least you're [sic] lids on... Hey, knock you're [sic] socks off... It's a sorta free country, right? I'm just glad that I won't need to help clean-up the jiggly bits when you take a shitter.

Oh, and don't forget to buckle-up! It's the law... :p ;)

It is obvious that many of you have not enjoyed the carnage first hand. Unfortunately, in my line of work I have.

The other drivers do not give a sh*t that you are only cruising or just running down to the store. There is not enough skin for the graffs you will need on your legs, back, shoulders, arms, etc. if you go down unprotected.

If you are going 35, so is your brain.

I have seen first hand how the proper gear will save lives. Granted, you still get hurt broken bones etc. But the fact is you get to ride another day.

:angel: Lets not get our wings before they are due!
