Congratulations to Pinhead

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Dave getting his finishing gas receipt in Phoenix. Gunnison, CO to Phoenix, AZ. I'll let him fill in the details.


Congrats Pinhead! And a warning: this can be addictive.


(Oh, and Badcat, re. your sig: That quote's an urban legend. Churchill never said that, tho' I once thought he did too.)

That bitch didn't even look that bad! WTF?!?!!??!

Badcat and I took him out to breakfast before he crashed in a motel. I was trying to talk his ear off, you know, catch up for an hour or so. But he would have none of that. Freakin wuss just wanted to go to bed. WTF?!?!?!

Congrats Pinhead!

Now what I wanna know is when is his better half gonna do her first SS1K and come on down here? We'll take real good care of her. ;)

Congrats Pinhead! And a warning: this can be addictive.


(Oh, and Badcat, re. your sig: That quote's an urban legend. Churchill never said that, tho' I once thought he did too.)
but, but I found it on the internet it must be true.... :crazy:

You are correct and the sig line is corrected...thanks..

Now what I wanna know is when is his better half gonna do her first SS1K and come on down here? We'll take real good care of her. ;)

Now that's just crazy talk! :D I'm ok with cheering and praying from the sidelines! :clapping: But thanks anyway!

Congrats Pinhead....can't wait to see you back at home!

Now what I wanna know is when is his better half gonna do her first SS1K and come on down here? We'll take real good care of her. ;)

Now that's just crazy talk! :D I'm ok with cheering and praying from the sidelines! :clapping: But thanks anyway!

Congrats Pinhead....can't wait to see you back at home!

Ssshh! Kyndall, while he is sleeping, you borrow his FJR. Ride it for a while and see what you think. Anyone who can ride as far as you do, on a stock Ninja seat, can ride a heck of a lot further on a comfortable bike.

Congratulations Pinhead. Not sure about the jacket though - it adds about 20lbs!! :clapping:

That bitch didn't even look that bad! WTF?!?!!??!
Badcat and I took him out to breakfast before he crashed in a motel. I was trying to talk his ear off, you know, catch up for an hour or so. But he would have none of that. Freakin wuss just wanted to go to bed. WTF?!?!?!

Congrats Pinhead!

Now what I wanna know is when is his better half gonna do her first SS1K and come on down here? We'll take real good care of her. ;)
1. Pinhead, Mr. Dave, congratulations doode! Now pay your CBA fine immediately. :****:

2. SkooterG - don't be trash talking my bud PinnieHead. I have recorded audio of you on the IBR - and I'm just waiting to free the dogs when the moment is right! :lol:

Ssshh! Kyndall, while he is sleeping, you borrow his FJR. Ride it for a while and see what you think. Anyone who can ride as far as you do, on a stock Ninja seat, can ride a heck of a lot further on a comfortable bike.
Congratulations Pinhead. Not sure about the jacket though - it adds about 20lbs!! :clapping:

I like the way you think Jill! So True!! :lol:

Thanks, everybody, for the congrats, and especially Burk and Greg for the encouragement.

And a warning: this can be addictive.
I can feel it happening already, but that's ok. My wife is always telling me that I need to find yet another way to piss away all of our extra money. :rolleyes:

I was trying to talk his ear off, you know, catch up for an hour or so. But he would have none of that. Freakin wuss just wanted to go to bed.
What was your first clue? Was it when I passed out with my head in my hash browns?

Now what I wanna know is when is his better half gonna do her first SS1K and come on down here? We'll take real good care of her. ;)
Ain't gonna happen, brother. ;)

Congrats Dave, now that you have gotten that taken care of you are ready for the 1088. :fan_1:
Believe me Dave, I'm thinking really hard about it. Burk is putting the pressure on too.

Congrats on proving to the world that you're a certified loony! :thumbsupsmileyanim:
I proved it years ago. This was just an attempt to renew my credentials.

....can't wait to see you back at home!

Now pay your CBA fine immediately. :****:
Check's in the mail, and my sincerest public appologies to the CBA membership for my apparent treason. But I want it to be known that I'm still on your team. This was nothing more than curiosity, Don, kinda like that episode you had back in college with your roommate, Frank... not that there's anything wrong with that. :****:

2. SkooterG - don't be trash talking my bud PinnieHead. I have recorded audio of you on the IBR - and I'm just waiting to free the dogs when the moment is right! :lol:
:eek: We're waiting.

Congrats Mr. PinHead. On the way back from SW-FOG I rode 600 miles with many twisties and it took me 13.5 hours. I was beat. You are a better rider than I. I bet your wife is very proud of you and can't wait for you to do another.........See you next year at a FOG Rally. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

The details (as if you care):

Here's my route -- in purple. The dip down to El Paso was just for the mileage.


If you haven't visited downtown El Paso in the wee hours of the morning before, I recommend you avoid it... unless you're RenoJohn. On the bright side, there were a couple of working girls who seemed genuinely excited to see me (until they smelled me), but I just didn't have the extra 2 minutes it would have required for them to earn their money B)

Furthermore, the city decided it would be fitting to shoot off fireworks in honor of my arrival. (Side note: I have no fucking idea what official fucking celebration was going on in El Paso that night, what with the fireworks and all, but every fucking time they fired off one of those fucking fire crackers, I thought I'd been fucking shot!. ****!)

I stopped quickly to take a couple shots of the border crossing, but obviously the border guards were uncomfortable with my camera's flash going off. When one of them left her booth and began approaching me (see picture below), I got the message and left... in a hurry.


When planning this route, I had imagined riding completely alone in the desert, just me and the rabbits and coyotes, at night, between Las Cruces and Tucson. That didn't happen. Traffic never let up one bit. Because of that, I was really never able to turn my brights and aux lights on. Then somewhere around Lordsburg, NM, it started raining, and it didn't let up until Tucson. WTF? Riding in the dark and rain, I was only able to maintain about 60-65mph.

Once in Tucson, I called Badcat and he was able to check radar and let me know I was almost through it. Smooth sailin' all the way to Phoenix.

Here's BadCat and SkooterG signing my witness form right after getting my last gas receipt:


FYI: I carried 3 "good luck charms" with me on this trip. My wife gave me one of her rings to wear on a chain around my neck, I had the bulletin/card from TWN's memorial service in my tail bag (he had an impact on me, though I never really knew him), and I had my 3 year old daughter's favorite ink pen in my tank bag. I made the boys use the pink princess pen to sign my stuff...


After arriving, I enjoyed a nice breakfast with SkooterG and BadCat, tolerated Skooter's incessant babbling for what seemed like hours, and finally checked into a motel for a few hours' sleep.

Later, it was out to dinner at a fine, upscale restaurant with a gaggle of Phoenix's finest gentlemen. I hadn't room to pack my tux for the occasion, so everybody else dressed down to make me feel less inappropriate. Thanks guys.




And what a dinner it was...


There's not much else to say other than I rode through the worst dust storm I've ever seen on the way home. I'm still Q-tipping red sand out of my ears. And once I reached the Colorado border, the weather turned predictably snowy.


Thanks again to Burk, Greg, Don, and most especially Seth, who I didn't get to talk to nearly enough.

Obvious Photoshop.Nobody's that skinny.
Almost nobody.

nobody's that pinheady...
:****: Hi Mark!

Ssshh! Kyndall, while he is sleeping, you borrow his FJR.
She knows she doesn't have to wait until I'm asleep.

You are a better rider than I.
Shush. I'm only faking this to gain acceptance in the group. Don't tell anyone.

Hey Pinhead,

You came right through Deming and didn't stop and say Hi?!? :blink: Did you at least honk and wave as you went through?

Contgrats.... I guess. I don't think I will ever even try this.


Congrats Dave! NICE writeup and photos. :clapping:

...and I don't really mean "nobody's this pinheady". I'm sure there are many more pinheads with more pinheady behaviour than you. However, I don't consider any of them my friend.

Congrats on gutting out the monologue by SkooterG...

...and your big ride of course!

-mcy ride you morons-

