Cooking with gas

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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2009
Reaction score
Mims, FL
I'm retired Navy as some know, but more than that, I was a cook. Don't do it much these days since I don't have access to a humongous kettle and a paddle to do my work.

I was watching Food Channel the other day - I love to see Giada "stir" - and she made some damn fine looking home made raviolis, so that has been wearin' on me until today and had to just make some.

I didn't have her ingredients for the filling, butt made do with Parmesan, parsley, and some little bits of london broil I had.

No rolling pin for the dough, so started looking all over for something suitable, wandered out to the garage next to the FJR, and voila! I see the propane cylinder from some earlier m/c work. Dang, that thing works great! No leaks thank god.

Now I got a plate full of raviolis and just waiting for mama to get home and we'll see how I did...

After watching Giada cook you will be chasing mama around the dinner table before you even start to eat the ravioli's. You better tell her you got the recipe from Emerald Lagasi. ;)

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No rolling pin for the dough, so started looking all over for something suitable, wandered out to the garage next to the FJR, and voila! I see the propane cylinder
Roll the pasta dough between your hands to make a long rope ~2" in diameter. Take one 1x12 and cover it with 4' of wax paper then center the pasta roll in the middle, cover with another 4' length of wax paper and a top 2x12. Place on the driveway and run your vehicle down the boards. Check thickness, repeat until desired thickness.

-- Redneck Cook Book.

Page 236 has a great ground opossum filling seasoned with ramps, a bit of sassafras to lighten the meat, some shredded collard greens; mix all ingredients with 8 oz of farmers cheese and you have a great southern ravioli. Best served with a tomato sauce.

Nigella Lawson is my goddess of the kitchen. I wish she did shows more often than just the holidays.


THIS girl:


Looks like a Bobblehead? Holy ****, I had to Google her to even know who we were talking about. But, now that I do, that girl could Google me and bobble my head any day. She could cook a shoe in my kitchen, and I would eat it with a smile on my face. Just so long as I got "dessert."

-- Redneck Cook Book.Page 236 has a great ground opossum filling seasoned with ramps...
The only thing worse eatin' than bad 'possum is good 'possum. :(

Plank cookin' carp: clean the carp, select a good lookin' thin plank, roast carp on plank 'till golden brown, throw away the carp and eat the plank. ;)

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What the hell, 'Zilla?! Whattaya live in a damn cave or sumthin'?

As for the rest of ya, we're heading to Cleveland in a couple of weeks to attend the ultimate food-geek gathering: The Fabulous Food Show <clicky>. Giada's gonna be there. We're gonna see her demo. It's gonna rock...

And now I'm hungry, so time for me to go start on my chicken piccata for dinner tonight...

THIS girl:


Looks like a Bobblehead? Holy ****, I had to Google her to even know who we were talking about. But, now that I do, that girl could Google me and bobble my head any day. She could cook a shoe in my kitchen, and I would eat it with a smile on my face. Just so long as I got "dessert."
+1, Gunny! Hubba, Hubba, Hubba!!!


+10, Ten Fold Gunny! Hubba, Hubba!

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Don't leave us hanging fljab, how wuz the gas tanked raviolioliolios?
They turned out danged good! I ran out of filling, so the last 7 had raspberry jelly in it for desert. Mama was happy; I'm banking that one for a future kitchen pass!

You know, I looked yesterday afternoon a while after I posted this originally, and it didn't come up on the "View New Content" so I thought that, well, you guys were thinkin' "Jeez, cooking?"; I'm glad to see it got good response and many know the pleasures of watching Giada stir...

One thing tho, I used her recipe for the dough, which is different from the way I used to do it and from just about every other recipe I've found online. I wasn't totally happy with it, so I'm gonna do another batch, probably tomorrow (mama found the real rolling pin for me too) with the other dough recipe and we'll see how it goes. I did stop by the store today for more fillin' stuff (no possum this time - been looking butt no good road kill or opportunity for fresh stuff).

I retired a Chief Cook and thought I was pretty good at it when I was in the groove, but you know, in the military practically no one tells ya that you did a good job in the galley, most are grumbling about the Navy in general (it is a volunteer Navy you know...), so we learned to do good on the line, but the special stuff we made from extra things we had was just for us and our buds.

As a wise old cook told me once when I was just a nub asking about portions, "If they're cool, hook 'em up, but if they're a dick, ****'em, let'em starve!"

Maybe I'll do a load of homemade raviolis for the Florida tech meet altho that should be easy; I think it's just gonna be me and Tony...
