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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2008
Reaction score
Calgary, AB
Just a quick post... I took a flyer on a Crampbuster (sp?) throttle aid (about 10 bucks) to reduce the strain on my throttle hand... took it for a test on Sunday... about 400 km (240 miles for the metrically challenged) and damned if I made it back without any stiffness or numbness in my hand.

Kinda makes me wonder why we spend more on some of the fancier throttle locks/cruise control thingys when 10 bucks seems to have solved my problem.



The Cramp buster or similar aids are great. I wouldn't drive on a long trip without one, but the throttle lock does an even better job of taking the pressure off the wrist after hours on a superslab. Of course if you can find twisty backroads to every destination then there wouldn't be a need for the throttlelock/ cruise control. I'm for anything that makes the ride better or longer.

I was considering one myself, but have not ordered it yet. Funny that I am more inclined to hesitate about an inexpensive purchase ... if the solution was just under a hundred bucks I probably would have it by now.

It is a nice cheap option, but beware: if you hit it when you are not ready it can really mess you up. I almost lost it due to that thing.

Once you are used to it all is good. Not recommend for use with winter gloves.

Just a quick post... I took a flyer on a Crampbuster (sp?) throttle aid (about 10 bucks) to reduce the strain on my throttle hand... took it for a test on Sunday... about 400 km (240 miles for the metrically challenged) and damned if I made it back without any stiffness or numbness in my hand.
Kinda makes me wonder why we spend more on some of the fancier throttle locks/cruise control thingys when 10 bucks seems to have solved my problem.



do you have a size for the FJR, when i did a search there were 5 different sizes. Do you have the model #?


I was considering one myself, but have not ordered it yet. Funny that I am more inclined to hesitate about an inexpensive purchase ... if the solution was just under a hundred bucks I probably would have it by now.
My crampbuster has been thoroughly tested for 8K on long streches of slab and back roads. It is now up for sale at $190. Will that work for ya? B)

Crampbuster, who knew 10 bucks could do so much?
Oh, I thought Odot started this thread to discuss a lap dance? ;)


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I use the Throttle Rocker/Crampbuster on all my bikes and have found them to bring great relief. I use it with the Gerbing's electric gloves and haven't had any problems with control. I also unwound the spring on the throttle body one turn and that helped a lot.

I just ordered one and it should be here later in the week. Hope my experience is as good as yours.

Cheers from thr west coast!

I have one, actually been through 3 of them now. After about 20k, they fatigue, crack, and leave only the grip area behind. Never the less, a great tool in the tool belt.

I have one, actually been through 3 of them now. After about 20k, they fatigue, crack, and leave only the grip area behind. Never the less, a great tool in the tool belt.

A big :good: ....for sure....

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I love mine, never take it off, even in the twisties. You just have to get used to having it there.

It makes a huge difference on long rides. I am interested in trying to put one on the clutch side as well. I have heard that helps with the other hand, although it's your throttle hand that obviously needs it the most.

For 26,000 miles over two bikes I used the Throttle Boss, which is useful and unobtrusive. It is small, rubber and easy to take on and off, even with grip puppies. But I ordered a crampbuster (wide) this week for a long trip. Hope it isn't too big.

Looks like I'm not alone...

Agree with Keithaba... once used to it don't even notice its there... I can's see taking it off.

Originally I placed it at the inside end of the grip, closer to the throttle cable cover, which was WRONG... now at the end next to the bar weight, and it works great.

08FJR4ME... As for size, I bought the standard one from Aerostich catalog #1474.


Looks like I'm not alone...
Agree with Keithaba... once used to it don't even notice its there... I can's see taking it off.

Originally I placed it at the inside end of the grip, closer to the throttle cable cover, which was WRONG... now at the end next to the bar weight, and it works great.

08FJR4ME... As for size, I bought the standard one from Aerostich catalog #1474.

Griff, Thanks for the info.

I appreciate the reply, I know the handgrips are supposed to be smaller than what I am use to. Now i can order

a pair.

Dave :)

I like the Crampbuster better than the rubber Throttle Boss. With the Crampbuster you can rotate it around the grip in the 'throttle off' direction to reposition it while riding if necessary. I use it more for fine throttle control on an '07 FJR, more so than for hand cramping/fatigue. Just put a G2 on and like that a lot, but since I'm used to the Crampbuster being there it stayed and I still find it useful for fine throttle control (I like to keep a light hold of the grips, and have not done any throttle spring mods, nor do I plan to). The wide version works great, all the way toward the bar end side of the grip, as Griff mentioned.
