Crash report - warning: graphic language may be used

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Cattle guards can be a bitch, but watch out for them near corners. I know someone posted that they are not in corners due to loss of traction, but there used to be a cattle guard on NM Hwy4 between Soda Damn and Fenton Lake. If you were northboud going into the sweeper hot, the cattle guard was just about where you would start to slow. Having to wait until it was crossed put a couple of bikes in the ditch (coupled, I'm sure with people riding too fast). After enough bikes crashed and enough people bitched, they just got rid of it all together.

Then there are the genuises in Albuquerque who put a large metal drainage grate across the entire road in the middle of a turn on Avenida Cesar Chavez. The grate is about the width of a cattle guard and has the same traction properties. They were polite enough to post signs warning motorcycles to use caution due to loss of traction.

Hey Tex, Glad you are OK and getting back to it ! Also your candor and self-depricating tone is quite refreshing and lots of us had a "yep, that coulda been me " moment. I wadded up a perfectly good 75 RD 250 back in 77 due to my lack of respect for cattle guards....but I lived to totally **** up in lots of other situations ! At least we motorcyclist dont live much in the "quiet desperation" mode...its my hope anyway. Take care and hope to see you in the hills !

Blessed...with too much heat !


As a fellow Texan, I surely do sympathize with you about the cattle guard thing. If they are wet or have any slimey stuff on them, it can be like riding on a washboard coated with diesel fuel.

+1 on wearing good gear. I'm still looking for some decent summertime gloves that can be worn in 90 degree weather, yet provide adequate protection. The perf leather fingerless kind are comfy, but lack substance.

The good news your o.k. The bad news you wrecked your new bike. Wow thats for sure got to be a sick feeling. And i agree the damage is extensive. Hard to believe what they charge for replacment parts Good luck getting her fixed back up. Live and learn

I'm just glad to your **** **** fucking ok dude. Atleast you had your gear on and your fingers still work allowing you to type the report. I would echo the "go get checked out" statements above. Glad ok!
