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Sorry to hear of your crash and hope the recovery goes quickly. I also live in Knoxville so please PM me if there is anything I can help you with as you re-hab. Oh yeah, also PM when you get back on 2 wheels if you want somebody to ride with!

Damn man, sorry to hear about that. Sounds like you took some rather serious injuries, but I'm glad you were able to write about it.

How fast do you think you were going when you went down? Sounds like you probably low sided?

What type of damage to the bike? I'm hoping you had frame sliders on.

Hope you feel better, glad to hear your still looking foward to riding!

I hit a rock in Idaho last summer, about the size of TWO softballs. But we were in a straight section (pickup in front passed over it and I must have been following too close or was distracted) and we bent both wheels. Limped it home 250 miles with weird wobbles but tire pressures held - I'll give credit to Michelin Pilot Roads for toughness. Mountain riding has special hazards. We were in very primitive country this weekend (the Yaak Country of extreme northwest Montana) and we encountered plenty of rocks, not to mention downed trees actually in the roadway.

Glad you and your machine are on your way to recovery and you plan to git back up on that horse that threw you.

Damn, I nearly hit a rock in the road last summer. I got around it by sheer luck, not good riding skills. Just shows that you never know whats waiting for you. Anyway, glad to hear that you're recovering. Take it easy.


Sheesh, dude! I hope your recovery is speedy and complete!

And welcome to the club within the club. B)

Sooner or later one of us capitalistic types will come up with CRASHCLUB shirts.

Ouch... heal soon. Broken ribs are NO fun. If somebody starts a conversation with, "Did you hear the one about..." slap them immediately.

Sooner or later one of us capitalistic types will come up with CRASHCLUB shirts.
when i went down at eom 05, fjrjuan and charliehoss got me a t-shirt that said "sometimes the dragon wins"... lol...

I guess it's a fine line.

If you ride without making assumptions about what you can't see, then that's going to slow you down a good bit.

I got back from touring the Dragon a few weeks ago, and I suppose I DEFINITELY made a few assumptions about having good conditions around a few blind corners--not to mention hoping without hope that I wasn't going to encounter another car or bike in my lane.

Wow - sorry to hear about your accident. Please heal fast & get back to riding.

Sometimes - it is just an accident - try not to be too hard on yourself.


2006 FJR1300

slow2lrn - great to hear you're saying you can't wait to get back on and great that you're on the mend. Bruised ribs are awful. Can't imagine 6 broken ones. Take care.

hope you heal up soon, I broke my collar bone, three times and if you pinch a nerve inbetween the bone during your crash, I feel you pain!

hope you have a speedy recovery.


Sorry to hear about the fall. It happens sooner or later to all of us (although I met this 84 year old guy on an old BMW air head who said he had never had a wreck and he was still riding after 45 years). :blink:

I had two bike accidents in my youth (a long, long time ago in a galaxy........). One was a lack of attention on my part when my riding buddy locked up the binders (at night) and I wasn't paying attention. Got a few cuts and bruises laying it down in the shoulder of the road to avoid hitting him but nothing serious.

Second one was truly an accident as this teenage girl with a learners permit ran a stop sign and I T-boned her car. As I did a summersault over the top of her hood and skidded across the street my mind was mumbling "what the f$#@". My brand new Bell helmit was actually fractured by the impact, a testament to safety gear. No broken bones but a lot of road rash. I passerby helped me straighten out the forks so that I could ride to the ER. I sure as hell couldn't do that at my age today.

Hope you mend quicky and for sure get back on the bike; what was said about getting back on is true. You'll ride with a higher "sphincter tension" for a while <_< but you'll be a better rider after you relax some.


it could been any of us 3 rocks very hard to get around i dont care how long you have been riding .Get well soon
