Csuton seats

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My recco: Go with what you know will work.

There are lots of well known custom seat builders and most will do a great job to get you where you want to be. An unknown? May just be throwing money in the wind.

PS - Hopefully someone will come along and fix your speling fux paws.

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Looks like a pain in the ass to me.

You can not tell from "looks" how comfortable a seat will be when you plant your tender vittles on it.

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Easy, metalman. If FredW didn't do it, someone else would have -- there's lots of us spelling/grammar/punctuation policemen around here. Keeps us from yelling out the front door, "Hey, punks get off my lawn!"

I'm going to give my stock seat another few months, but I think I saw the writing on the wall with back-to-back 500-mile days. Mostly I'm blaming all the asswipes on this board throwing their money away on custom seats, then trying to convince me I should do the same. Peer pressure; isn't that what you call it? Psychological warfare.

I'll check out your link, dude. (Hope it's spelled correctly.)

Lighten up Francis (Hud)...you're kidding about the peer pressure, right? Nobody is telling you what seat to buy. Get what's right for you...just so happens that as of late, a lot of us (asswipes) are happy with the Laam seats that we purchased.

And yes...it is still Friday.

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I think they look fantastic and I welcome another option in this field. I thank you for bringing this to our attention.

While I acknowledge the Russell Day Long is the superior long distance seat and is the Gold Standard by which other seats are judged, I think other options are a great thing. The RDL is not for everyone. I have had 3 Laam Customs and loved them all. For the day to day riding and commuting I don't think a Russell would be the best seat for me.

As much as I respect Fred and his knowledge of all things motorcycle, he has no tolerance for any seat but a Russell.

Competition and diversity are good things. Last year the BMW R1200RT was "The Best Sport Tourer". Does that mean that all the other manufacturers should just stop building Sport Tourers and acknowledge that BMW is The Best? I don't think so.

I was checking out the website. Thought I'd do a little reading. Not making any endorsements here, I have no horse in this race. But I thought that one item from the website was pretty interesting. I found the following comparison between leather and synthetics a good read.


darksider #44

Copied for you here:

"An age old question that I will attempt to answer with the facts and some years of experience. Of course Leather is the romantic choice! It boasts of quality and luxury! However, the facts are that leather begins a slow drying and constricting process just after tanning. There is no absolute way to stop this, though you can slow it down a bit with the proper conditioners etc. The ‘outdoors’ unfortunately speeds up this process with moisture and sunlight. The constricting or shrinking is a very tangible attribute of leather. Over time, I have seen plastic motorcycle seat bases misshaped like a banana underneath a leather cover. I would venture to say that leather may lose up to 50% of it’s original size.
A good synthetic that has the best sun and moisture inhibitors built into it will likely outlast leather by at least 50% of its life, if not 100%, and of course is a fraction of the cost. I base this on 23 years of experience, seeing hundreds of old seats in my shop, both leather and synthetic, gauging the age of the seat etc.
So, I simply give folks the facts. There is nothing sexier than a nicely appointed leather seat, however, you may also be amazed at the technology, selection, and ‘real like’ qualities of today’s synthetics."

Here's a pic of the cause of the ruckus…..


I will have to agree with Fred on this one though. That particular seat looks uncomfortable and somehow does not fit the look of the bike.

Of course that may be the difference between a custom seat and a csuton seat!
Those csuton seats are made a bit differently!

Again, I appreciate another option in the field of custom seats. I saw the seat pictured above on the ST-owners forum and gave it no further thought. It does not look nearly as nice as some of the other seats on that website.

What I don't understand is why folks will go through so much trouble to avoid having a Custom Built Seat, built for themselves. They will buy used seats, they will buy aftermarkets, they will spend more money in the long run for less comfort... Once you sit on a seat built just for YOU...

Looks similar to Sargent but more cushion. Anyway, it sure looks better than some BarcaLounger mounted atop a motorcycle like some of the so called saddles I've seen.

My 2 cents - Ok maybe 1

If you only ride short days or short Mileage each day then I don't think a custom seat is needed. (a little info on my riding)

I did course at 50 years young and been riding 5 years - Not all year round - to much snow.

The second year or summer I did 36 hours straight from Tor. to Salt lake City. Now I rode a cruiser at that time

but had an Ultimate seat. I got off the bike with no troubles at all. The next day was from Salt lake to San Fran.

Again no probs. Last year - My 5th - Started Tor to Colorado 2 day. Then did Mtn Evans - Pikes Peak - Aspen

Independent Pass - National Monument - Arches - Bryson Canyon - Grand Canyon then San Diego. Now IBA

Coast to Coast ride - 46 hours - (Pain) then still had to ride back to Toronto. It ended up just over 8 Thousand

miles in 11 riding day.

My point is this - Some peeps do a lot of high mileage and need the comfort & that is why I need a custom seat.

I find that the stock seat is good for about the first hour or so then takes it's toll on you. I do use an air hawk as

well but that only adds some comfort. My trip last year I was having to stop every 100 Kil as I was in to much pain.

Every one's butt is different and pain tolerance is diff. (For me after a long distance it felt like someone was sticking

a sharp knife where it shouldn't be) So to each his own. I have used a custom seat on 2 of my 3 bikes. If you have a

really good build on the seat it does make a huge difference. If you have never had a custom then you wouldn't know

the diff. Get a good seat by Russell or someone else and you won't go back.

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Yo! I referred to some (all?) as "asswipes" only because y'all are slowly convincing me to part with my money ... and it WAS Friday.

Long-time friends have identified me as tighter than the bark on a tree, which I admit may be accurate. So, considering a $400 expenditure (or more) for something this old codger originally considered non-essential is not something that makes me comfortable. (Angel: "You probably can afford it, you know." Devil: "Yeah but $400 buys a lot of beer. Or a lot of gas. Or a lot of beer AND a lot of gas. And the stock seat works fine ... kind of.")

For those that took offense, understand that my vocabulary tends towards the melodramatic and colorful; a Southern trait that's culturally inherited.

If I actually thought you (collectively) were asswipes, I'd find another asylum in which to demonstrate my ignorance.

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Wow. Guess I hurt someone's feelings without even trying to. Imagine that happening on the Internet?
You must be a little thin skinned if you think "speling fux paws" is an insult. It was a joke. See how I misspelled those words (spelling faux pas)? Yeah... just a little intentional irony.

In my post I was trying to be helpful and guide you to choose a comfortable seat and not risk wasting your money on something that might not work as well. Believe me, I have BT and DT myself. I don't think that any seat being sold as an "off the shelf" replacement is going to measure up to one of the well known and proven custom seat makers.

Redfish Hunter said that I will only tolerate Russell Seats, and that is true for my own money and on my own bikes. I'd just as soon spend a little bit more up front for what I know (from first hand experience with three different Russell seats) will work. But I would also not hesitate to recommend ordering from Bill Mayer, as well as Russell Day Long, as those are the two seat makers that are well known to make seats that are truly comfortable. Seth Laam is getting some very good reviews too.

re: the Barca-lounger seat "look" , worrying about what a seat looks like seems pretty foolish to me. It's how the darn thing works that matters, assuming that you intend to ride on it, that is. If you are just going to stand around and look at it, then any "pretty" seat will do just fine.

As for this seat:

Here's a pic of the cause of the ruckus…..
That "looks like just another Corbin to me. I know how painful Corbin seats are.

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