CT, MA, NH, and VT south to north routes?

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Oct 3, 2005
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Sag Harbor, NY
I'll be heading towards Burlington VT at the end of this month and I'm looking for some suggestions for North/South routes through New England. My plan is to start the journey in New London, CT. Anybody have some "must ride" routes or some "must eat" foods along the way?

I real enjoy Rt 8 in CT into Rt 100 in VT

Rout 8 in western CT and MA and Rt 100 in VT are very nice back country roads. Rt 8 highway from Bridgeport CT or staring in Waterbury CT on Rout 8 is a fun low traffic sweeping turn highway till the end of the highway section in Winstead CT.

But dont take Rt 7 in Mass, too much traffic. And don't let your GPS reroute and take you through Pittsfield MA on Rt 7, stay on rout 8 going through that area.

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I'll be heading towards Burlington VT at the end of this month and I'm looking for some suggestions for North/South routes through New England. My plan is to start the journey in New London, CT. Anybody have some "must ride" routes or some "must eat" foods along the way?
I feel the further north you go on Vt 100 before you cut west the better..

I agree w/ rt 8 thru Mass to 100 in Vt. Once in Vermont these are a few of my favorite routes...

1. 100 north to Vt 30 west/north to Burlington.

2. Continue further up 100 north then at Ludlow take 103 to 140 to 30 north at Poultney.

3. Continue a bit further up 100 to Hancock and take 125 west to Middlebury then continue 7 north to Burlington.

4. Or if your really feelin it, continue even further up 100 to Irasville and take Vt 17 west thru Bules Gore all the way back to 7 north.

Vt 100 and 17 are spectacular up in this area. Just keep an eye out for moose....


I live here in Western MA, right along your route. I'd love the chance to hook up on your way through if my schedule agrees and if you'd be interested. If so, just mention when you'll be where.

If it were me, I'd probably take CT32 to RT44W to RT8N. 32 is nice but gets a little dull, there are some nice little towns along 44 and 8 is the perfect road for motorcycles. Can't really help much with the eateries.

Thanks for the input! I've ridden sections of 100 and most of Rt 32 and will definitely try out some the other roads mentioned. If Rt 8 is that good maybe I'll take the ferry into Bridgeport instead of New London and pick it up directly from there. As soon as I figure out where I'll be and when I'll be there I will post up and maybe I can meet up with a couple of you.

We are getting heavy rains up here in Vermont right now and some roads are now WASHED OUT! :eek: When you get your route planned shoot me a PM with route you are taking and I'll see if they are washed out.


We've had some those heavy rains around here also which caused a couple of pucker moments yesterday when riding. Nothing like coming around a corner at speed and finding 5 cubic yards of gravel and rocks all over the roadway :dribble:

We've had some those heavy rains around here also which caused a couple of pucker moments yesterday when riding. Nothing like coming around a corner at speed and finding 5 cubic yards of gravel and rocks all over the roadway :dribble:
Only thing WORSE than that is finding half the road gone as well. :unsure:


I'm up in the White Mountains, New Hampshire at the moment and there have been many washouts reported in the area due to recent heavy rains. But don't let that deter you from riding some of the prettiest roads in New England. Any of the main roads within 50 miles of Mt Washington are very scenic and usually provide some entertaining riding.

Try route 16 in Gorham, Jackson NH or 302 in Bartlett or 155 (?) near twin mountain. Even the highway (rt 3/93) through Franconia Notch area is very nice. Further west, Rangely Lake area in Maine is very nice.

Further north in Errol/Colebrook NH offers very uncrowded roads and opportunities to see some moose.

Take your time and you'll find many new roads to call your favorites.

Snikr wasn't kidding!



Central Vermont hit by flooding; evacuations prompted

The Associated Press

Article Last Updated: 08/06/2008 03:16:37 PM EDT

Wednesday, August 06

MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — Heavy rains have flooded roads in central Vermont, forcing the evacuation of homes in several areas.

Flooding is reported in Hancock, Granville, Rochester and East Middlebury.

Homes on Tucker Hill Road in Hancock have been evacuated because of high water and on Lower Plains Road in Middlebury because a bridge has shifted.

Route 125 between Hancock and East Middlebury is closed and parts of Route 100 and Route 7 also are flooded. Secondary roads in Goshen and Leicester also are impassable.

State emergency management officials say rescue teams are being set up in Hancock, St. Johnsbury and Stowe in case water rescues are needed.



I will say that if you're looking to go north through western Mass, if you get on rt. 8 from CT it's the sweetest way north at least as far as Hinsdale or Dalton, then it gets dull for a bit until North Adams/Clarksburg VT where it gets fun again.
