Custom Aluminum Sliders

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@ Toynut, many people bought the TOGs before the sliders were available.  Others have purchased the Togs and then found out about sliders.  If they have both, so what?  Actually, the TOGs stick out farther and may help prevent body damage in case of a tip-over...exactly what they were designed to do.


I was just commenting on the photo after seeing 4 TOGs/sliders PER SIDE for a total of EIGHT bulbous objects. I suppose with that many knobs on the bike you could hang and air dry your laundry off of the bike at speed. :haha:

Seriously though, I could easily see an upper/lower combination being more effective than a single TOG. Unfortunately the saddlebags will always be ground up as they are the least protected object in a horizontal drop. I guess until someone designs a good looking TOG for the hard cases,we will have to put up with an almost automatic $400 bill/case per drop no matter how much we protect the fairings. :blink:

Any competent/aesthetic designers/engineers out there? :D

I was just commenting on the photo after seeing 4 TOGs/sliders PER SIDE for a total of EIGHT bulbous objects
I only have TWO per side. One TOG, one aluminum slider mounted on Moko (or Moto) brackets. Where did you see four per side?

I think the two pictures you posted one on top of the other made it look like one picture, 4 per side.

I think the two pictures you posted one on top of the other made it look like one picture, 4 per side.
AHHH...yeah, I could see that being mistaken for a single picture. I edited my orig. post and put some space between them.

I am neither an expert nor an expert, but...
I was a phone call away from buying metal sliders from wildhair because I loved the way they looked. A few well respected guys on including joos very emphatically told me not to.

They very clearing stated that sliders need to be made out of a material that will absorb impact energy, not conduct impact energy. They explained that the nylon material sliders are made out of actually absorb the energy and will grind down to nothing during the process of absorbing impact energy. This is actually what saves the bike from damage. Metal sliders will simply act as rails and send the impact energy through the bike causing damage.
Absolutely 100% correct.

ANYTHING other than that Delrin material will transmit shock to the mount, even in a slow tipover. This is the reason they were made from Delrin to begin with.

It also has to do with the stiffness of the bolt. While doing it's job properly, it should be able to bend and not snap off.

It's a shame because I sure do like those aluminum ones! I'd be first in line to buy a set if I never knew how much better protection the Delrin units provide.

Excellent job.

I for one have seen dozens of FJR's after either actually come off or just simple lay downs and knock overs. The one with sliders have very little damage or none at all after a knock over. Those after low speed lay downs will have some damage, but a lot less than with no sliders. Those who actually had a come off have ridden their bikes home directly because the sliders protected enough of the bike that it was ridable.

That is the reason why you get sliders.

Now, I bought into the materials argument and have the nylon sliders. I love to see some test data though.

Woodstock, GunMD,

Thanks for clearing up my misperception of an otherwise splendid custom farkle.

I didn't notice that there were TWO left side images close together.

Must be my aging eyes. Thanks for reafirming the tastefulness of the FJR farkelers !

Now about that long overdue wash job...... :oops:

Washing? Heck, I've been riding so darn much I haven't had time to clean up. I know it looks like crap, but hey, there's always winter to clean up, right? Oh, wait, it's 60 degrees in the winter time, too. It'll never get clean at this rate.

Actually, I'm without the Feejer this week...on Official Govt business this week. Bummer.

You technical guys crack me up. The real reason you would not have anything other than black nylon sliders is because the shiny stuff looks like BLING, and that is verbotten on an FJR.
