Custom molded earplugs

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Bike Effects

Well-known member
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
Napa, CA
At the San Mateo (San Francisco) Motorcycle show in December I made a totally unplanned purchase of custom molded earplugs from the W.K. Baker Co., the owner if which is one Keith Baker. We (another forum member did the same) paid our money (over $200) and waited patiently for them to arrive which was supposed to be in 3 weeks. After 3 weeks we begin to call and write emails. We got no responses from our calls and emails and emails and calls became a dally occurance for me and only after I threatened a credit card charge back did I get a call back. I won't go into all of the lame excuses I was given, but the earplugs were sent and I got them yesterday, after waiting a month and a half.

The first problem was that I ordered a green right and a red left earplug (I am a pilot, after all) and they came both green. The other forum member got the red/green combo, which he did not order.

I was so relieved to get them that I didn't care at that point! OK, time to put them in. I tried for an hour and a half on and off and then just gave up. Today my riding pal (Flight Jacket Required, that is his forum handle) came over and helped me cram them in. (Should I be able to dress myself at this point?). After that I went to the drug store and bought some Baby Oil and I can, with some effort, put them in by myself. After riding for 25 minutes for a coffee run, we stopped and I removed them. It HURT to take them out and they were very tight while in. After coffee, more Baby Oil and put them in again. After the 25 minutes home, removing them was an EXCRUCIATING experience!

Obviously, this is not acceptable. I don't even know why I am considering having this guy redo them, as I have suffered abuse from this Turkey. Has anyone had these FIXED or do they need to be redone? What have been your guys experiences with these?

Sorry to hear about your bad experience. I had a set made a year ago at the Seattle motorcycle show . . . the kind with the speakers in them. They did turn up in a reasonable period of time. I lost them after about two months . . . and i don't tend to lose things like that. Never replaced them. They just aren't as good as the soft foam kind. Not as comfortable and I found that if anything brushed them . . . like the inside of the helmet . . . that they pranged my ears badly. So painful to wear and painful in that they transmitted noise from the helmet. I'm sure there are people that swear by them, but I swore at them.

Sounds to me like your set is mixed up with the other guy. They should rotate in easily and feel reasonably comfortable when in place. I had a lot of pain when putting on/removing helmet with the set I bought at the MC show a few years ago. Not from the same company you mention though and now I don't use them at all. They also don't offer as much noise reduction or comfort as a set of good foam plugs.

Waste of $$ if you ask me. <_< YMMV

At the San Mateo (San Francisco) Motorcycle show in December I made a totally unplanned purchase of custom molded earplugs from the W.K. Baker Co., the owner if which is one Keith Baker. We (another forum member did the same) paid our money (over $200) and waited patiently for them to arrive which was supposed to be in 3 weeks. After 3 weeks we begin to call and write emails. We got no responses from our calls and emails and emails and calls became a dally occurance for me and only after I threatened a credit card charge back did I get a call back. I won't go into all of the lame excuses I was given, but the earplugs were sent and I got them yesterday, after waiting a month and a half.
The first problem was that I ordered a green right and a red left earplug (I am a pilot, after all) and they came both green. The other forum member got the red/green combo, which he did not order.

I was so relieved to get them that I didn't care at that point! OK, time to put them in. I tried for an hour and a half on and off and then just gave up. Today my riding pal (Flight Jacket Required, that is his forum handle) came over and helped me cram them in. (Should I be able to dress myself at this point?). After that I went to the drug store and bought some Baby Oil and I can, with some effort, put them in by myself. After riding for 25 minutes for a coffee run, we stopped and I removed them. It HURT to take them out and they were very tight while in. After coffee, more Baby Oil and put them in again. After the 25 minutes home, removing them was an EXCRUCIATING experience!

Obviously, this is not acceptable. I don't even know why I am considering having this guy redo them, as I have suffered abuse from this Turkey. Has anyone had these FIXED or do they need to be redone? What have been your guys experiences with these?
If your buddy is experiencing the same bad fit maybe they have your plugs mixed up? $200 seems way high, I got a pair made at a hearing aid store for about $60...

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If your buddy is experiencing the same bad fit maybe they have your plugs mixed up? $200 seems way high, I got a pair made at a hearing aid store for about $60...

I believe for the $230 those were not just plugs but stereo molded plugs. I maybe wrong but $60 is for plugs only no speakers.

I had a set made last November. I was in Atlanta and went to Racing Radio's next to the Atlanta Motor Speedway. I had stereo ear plugs made. I had red of right, blue for left. I received them in 3 weeks and they fit very nice. The guys down there did a great job, and shipped them to Hooterville for me. They cost $165. I really like them.. Smitty

At the San Mateo (San Francisco) Motorcycle show in December I made a totally unplanned purchase of custom molded earplugs from the W.K. Baker Co., the owner if which is one Keith Baker. We (another forum member did the same) paid our money (over $200) and waited patiently for them to arrive which was supposed to be in 3 weeks. After 3 weeks we begin to call and write emails. We got no responses from our calls and emails and emails and calls became a dally occurance for me and only after I threatened a credit card charge back did I get a call back. I won't go into all of the lame excuses I was given, but the earplugs were sent and I got them yesterday, after waiting a month and a half.
The first problem was that I ordered a green right and a red left earplug (I am a pilot, after all) and they came both green. The other forum member got the red/green combo, which he did not order.

I was so relieved to get them that I didn't care at that point! OK, time to put them in. I tried for an hour and a half on and off and then just gave up. Today my riding pal (Flight Jacket Required, that is his forum handle) came over and helped me cram them in. (Should I be able to dress myself at this point?). After that I went to the drug store and bought some Baby Oil and I can, with some effort, put them in by myself. After riding for 25 minutes for a coffee run, we stopped and I removed them. It HURT to take them out and they were very tight while in. After coffee, more Baby Oil and put them in again. After the 25 minutes home, removing them was an EXCRUCIATING experience!

Obviously, this is not acceptable. I don't even know why I am considering having this guy redo them, as I have suffered abuse from this Turkey. Has anyone had these FIXED or do they need to be redone? What have been your guys experiences with these?
Sounds like you and your buddy got each others plugs.

I've worn molded ear plugs for the last 25+ years and have never had problems like you've had. They should go in easily, conform to your ear canal and be virtually un-noticed once they have been in for a few minutes.

I usually go to the local audiologist to have impressions made and let them send them out to be molded. Usually $45 to $60 for just ear plugs. I did this also when I ordered my stereo ear speakers from Ear Inc.

I would definately insist that WK Baker replace yours.


I would definately insist that WK Baker replace yours.
The problem is that Baker won't have your ear-canal mold any longer. I agree that they have yours mixed with someone elses.

I had some made 3 years ago and they are so uncomfortable and have the problems others have mentioned that I don't wear them. I've gone back to the foam plugs that seem to have a better attenuation of the ambient wind noise.

Sorry, Jeff. If I'd only known I'd have given you a warning.

I would definately insist that WK Baker replace yours.
The problem is that Baker won't have your ear-canal mold any longer. I agree that they have yours mixed with someone elses.

I had some made 3 years ago and they are so uncomfortable and have the problems others have mentioned that I don't wear them. I've gone back to the foam plugs that seem to have a better attenuation of the ambient wind noise.

Sorry, Jeff. If I'd only known I'd have given you a warning.
I may have mine mixed with someones, but not my buddy. That was my first thought. His fit, although they are a little snug. Mine fit (I think!), but are tighter than hell. I have had a lot of experience with ear molds in aviation. The good fitting ones are great, the ones that don't fit are torture. I want the wind noise attenuation, without ruining the sound quality of the Starcom. I have accomplished that, but there is too much pain. I spoke with an old riding buddy tonight that has a set of Challengers from the Earplug Company. From seeing the picture of these on the web site, they are identical in appearance to mine. He says that he wears them for hours on his bike and uses them on planes to listen to his iPod and they never become uncomfortable.

Now I am on a mission. I think Baker will not take care of me, but we will see.

I purchased mine from Marilynn of "Now hear this" had them the next day.

I've rode for 10 hrs with these in with no problem at all! I've noticed there

are quite a few companys selling these at bike shows when Marilynn was the only game

in time for quite some time. Here's the write-up on Mark Johnson's site;

i have 2 sets from Now Hear This; made about 2 or 3 years apart. The only difference was the 2nd set was made with a shorter cord (i recommend it unless you need all that length in the standard cord). Both fit well. The first were worn throughout the entire 2003 Iron Butt Rally (18 to 22 hour days for 11 consecutive days) with only minor discomfort some time toward the end.

IMO that's how they should fit or you should get your money back. If they refuse, then use the weight of your credit card company to dispute the charges.

I recently purchased a set from "the earplug company" -

I had molds done at a local audiologist -

sent them off and told them red for right ear and green for left and made a point of telling them that the molds were protruding from my ear a bit and that I had a tight helmet.

They arrived in a week and just spent 3 days - 7 hours riding a day or more and I'm ecstatic with the quality of sound - the quiet of the plugs and the gain they provide. I'm plugged directly into my sirius radio without any additional amplification and because the road and wind noise was so low - I didnt have to play the music nearly as loud.

ear comfort was a little sore the first couple of days I rode with them, but after about 3 days I was able to go on this extended ride without a problem. they were a little uncomfortable when I put on a balaclava as it made the helmet a bit tight.

is your helmet a tight fit?

they should go in your ear fairly easily once you figure out which is the right and left. it actually does sound like you might have received someone else's pair

Bought a set at the Vancouver M/C Show for $65 from MJ Hearing. They did them up right there, injected the silicone into the ear canal, pulled them out once it set, took them less than 45 minutes to finish them off and I left the show with them in my pocket. As others before have said, they go in easily with just a slight twist, and once they warm up to body temperature they're hardly noticable. Spoke to others who were having second and third sets made, they all said they have had positive experiences, no problem with prolonged wear but most preferred them without the cord. Those who had helmet speakers said they had no problem hearing their tunes - comparing that the custom moulded stereo plugs cost $300, going the way of $65 plain plugs and $50 helmet speakers makes more sense.

I'm with Bounce, no, wait, you've chased the guy enough, I'd just go to the credit card company and dispute the charges on the basis that the vendor hasn't delivered as contracted, and give them a copy of the BBB complaint I'd make to add weight to the argument - maybe then he'll come to you and offer to make it right.

<snip>is your helmet a tight fit?

they should go in your ear fairly easily once you figure out which is the right and left. it actually does sound like you might have received someone else's pair
I do believe I have someones else's. I found an old molded earplug I used to use for flying and it looks TOTALLY different. And no, the helmet is not a factor in this case.

I did get a call from Baker this morning and I am sending them back today.

I have a pair. I looked at them at the bike show a couple of years ago but didn't pull the trigger. As I remember I thought they were charging $200 - I could be wrong on that. However last year I was having a hearing test done and was talking to the audiologist about ear plugs for riding, etc. She said 'I do those'. To make it short, she did an ear mold and in a couple of weeks I received the monitors/plugs. They were about $200 and manufactured by 'Starkey' the hearing aid company. I bought them mainly to listen to my ipod - they are great. Very comfortable under the helmet, very little pressure issues and only then after having them in for extended periods of time. They block out almost all of the ambient noise (wind noise, etc.) and as a result I can play the ipod at a much lower volume level, and the sound quality is excellent. I tried the ipod earbuds (forget it), ipods in-ear headphone speakers (better but still not great) as well as a couple ofther types of ear phones, non worked well as they all let in a lot of noise requiring increased volume levels on the ipod, in addition to not being very comfortable. Glad I went with the customes -

Like everyone else said, they should be comfy. Mine (another Now Hear This set) are. There is a very short break-in period where they loosen up just a tiny bit. By the way, for cheaper plain plugs try the on-site vendors at gun shows. I got my last plain plugs at a local gun show for $35, IIRC. We get charged a "motorcycle tax" or some such at the Cycle World shows!

I bought a pair of EAR-ific Molds at the New York Show from Tim McCarty

and they are great! I'm been wearing them at work and they feel great

after 4-6hrs. Can't wait to try them on my FJR when the bad weather

breaks! :clapping: Tim spends a lot of time with you making sure the

ear plugs fit right.

As an update, I have sent mine back and now have to have new impressions made locally and try again. Baker did say that they would pick up the extra cost and he is answering phone messages.
