Custom molded earplugs

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I had a set of plugs made at an audiologists office a while back... got them in a timely fashion and they worked great, but after a few months didn't "fit" as well as they had initially (maybe my ear canal shape changed)... Subsequently decided to try the Etymotic Er6is and haven't regretted it since.

I've got a set I had made while I waited at the Long Beach show a few years ago by W.K. Baker and they fit and work great.

I had molded ear plus made, best money I ever spent.

Comfortable, quiet and I don't get a sore ear canal.

I got them made at Ear Mold Australia, in Adelaide.

From when the material is first pushed into your ear to the finished product takes about 40 minutes.

At the International show in San Mateo, Ca. I had a pair of custom molded stereo earplugs made by Big Ear. My second set, the first set is made by Challenger. What a total difference in fit and finish. The Big Ear sound is way better, clearer and more detailed. The fit is also way, way better. Locks in place better and gives more db reduction from the outside. They are also smaller and less obtrusive. They also have a flat plastic plate on the outside to fit the ear flatter. The big ear customs were about $60-$100 more depending when and where you bought them but well worth the extra money for the fit and performance. I had to turn the volume down on my devices when riding. Glad I popped for the extra dough, it was well worth it. I will use the Challengers as a spare or for work.

I had molded ear plus made, best money I ever spent.
Comfortable, quiet and I don't get a sore ear canal.

I got them made at Ear Mold Australia, in Adelaide.

From when the material is first pushed into your ear to the finished product takes about 40 minutes.
I can only agree! I had mine done here in Sydney with Earmold, I got the headphone set and the normal set, took about 1 hour and I rode away with them in! Very comfy.

if anyone in Sydney is looking for them they are in Blacktown.

At the International show in San Mateo, Ca. I had a pair of custom molded stereo earplugs made by Big Ear. My second set, the first set is made by Challenger. What a total difference in fit and finish. The Big Ear sound is way better, clearer and more detailed. The fit is also way, way better. Locks in place better and gives more db reduction from the outside. They are also smaller and less obtrusive. They also have a flat plastic plate on the outside to fit the ear flatter. The big ear customs were about $60-$100 more depending when and where you bought them but well worth the extra money for the fit and performance. I had to turn the volume down on my devices when riding. Glad I popped for the extra dough, it was well worth it. I will use the Challengers as a spare or for work.
Is this the company you went with? If so, which setup did you choose?

I did it somewhat differently. At our local sporting goods store they had a kit for moldable ear plugs. It looked exactly like the material that was sold at the bike shows. The kit was $12. I mixed the two parts and had my wife contour the material into my ear deepley into the channel as directed and they work perfectly. I took a small string and attached them together. Because I did them myself, I was able to trim them to fit exactly.

For Christmas everyone in the family got the kits. I have seen them advertised on E-Bay.

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Hal -Did you change any tires yet? Remember when you get proficient I need to do a set on my bike!


I did, but I kept pinching the inner tube. :huh: That's what I get for using a screwdriver as a tire tool .......... :eek:

I have to run over to Wal Mart and pick up a new tube and tire.

(let's see, what size does my son's Schwinn take? )

I recently got a set of custom earplugs from Now Hear This. They fit well and are more comfy than the Etymotic Er-6i plugs I have but don't have nearly the level of sound attenuation. I've modified the Etymotics and use 33db foam plugs that I use a hole punch with to create the canal for the sound. The sound attenuation is terrific but they aren't as comfy as the custom plugs. I'm not sure what I'm going to do from here.

Well guys after 37 years of flying and 40 years of riding motorcycles my hearing is shot. I even wore foam ear plugs for quite a few of the motorcycle years. The younger generation of pilots are encouraged by the FAA and also the company I flew for to wear foam plugs in the cockpit and most do. There are always foam plugs available in the operations area before flights. So now I wear in the canal hearing aids at a discount price of $4500. On the bike I wear the Now Hear This ear molds and am very happy with these and they are actually more comfortable than the hearing aids.

Hearing disappears so slowly that many of us think we are doing great without protection but we are wrong. You could possibly get away with riding in flip flops, tank top and shorts but if you ride for a long time you can just about be sure of hearing loss.

All right don't post flaming replies to me. Please just yell at me because I won't hear you anyway!


Well guys after 37 years of flying and 40 years of riding motorcycles my hearing is shot. I even wore foam ear plugs for quite a few of the motorcycle years. The younger generation of pilots are encouraged by the FAA and also the company I flew for to wear foam plugs in the cockpit and most do. There are always foam plugs available in the operations area before flights. So now I wear in the canal hearing aids at a discount price of $4500. On the bike I wear the Now Hear This ear molds and am very happy with these and they are actually more comfortable than the hearing aids.Hearing disappears so slowly that many of us think we are doing great without protection but we are wrong. You could possibly get away with riding in flip flops, tank top and shorts but if you ride for a long time you can just about be sure of hearing loss.

All right don't post flaming replies to me. Please just yell at me because I won't hear you anyway!

What? What you say? :lol:

I agree with you 100% and always wear ear plugs in the vicinity of my machines or when on the bike.

Today's update. I am supposed to get my revised molded ear speakers tomorrow. I'm looking forward to trying them. I am a pilot also and really appreciate a good set of molded earphones.

who ever shot the mold on my first set of big ears screwed them up to much wind noise . called them up and just my luck the guy was in for a show in n.j . his replywas give me your adress and i will come over and shoot them again . I passed and just drove over to his hotel in n.j . big bucks but very well worth it .

I just got my molds done. I like the description of the ones from Big Ear, but 300 is a bit steep. The challanger from The Ear Plug super Store looks like it is similar and is only 198. Thats a little more my ballpark. I'm not obsessed with sound quality, and am really looking for the mold to function a an ear plug since I have a mild hearing loss. Anyone know of a cheaper custom molded ear plug?

After spending some time with a set of Now Hear This earplug molds that were "redone" after I complained about the noise attenuation I can say that this purchase was, in my opinion, a waste of $$ and the worst farkle I've ever bought. It's back to the Etymotics for me (with my custom foam earplugs).

After spending some time with a set of Now Hear This earplug molds that were "redone" after I complained about the noise attenuation I can say that this purchase was, in my opinion, a waste of $$ and the worst farkle I've ever bought. It's back to the Etymotics for me (with my custom foam earplugs).


I "HEAR" you. And I've tried to warn people many a time that the $$$ custom earbuds are in no way close to being the holy grail. They simply don't work for many people. After *several* tries myself with two different companies, I am a satisfied ER-6 user.

Still, they do work for some people, and some.............well they just have to learn the hard way.

I will be looking forward to Skiwi's review of some especially pricey jobbies he has on order that are "guaranteed" to work.

At the International show in San Mateo, Ca. I had a pair of custom molded stereo earplugs made by Big Ear. My second set, the first set is made by Challenger. What a total difference in fit and finish. The Big Ear sound is way better, clearer and more detailed. The fit is also way, way better. Locks in place better and gives more db reduction from the outside. They are also smaller and less obtrusive. They also have a flat plastic plate on the outside to fit the ear flatter. The big ear customs were about $60-$100 more depending when and where you bought them but well worth the extra money for the fit and performance. I had to turn the volume down on my devices when riding. Glad I popped for the extra dough, it was well worth it. I will use the Challengers as a spare or for work.
Is this the company you went with? If so, which setup did you choose?

BE-1C is the model I bought. Fit is much better than the Challenger set. The sound is also much better. Mike in Fremont, Ca.
