Custom molded earplugs

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At the International show in San Mateo, Ca. I had a pair of custom molded stereo earplugs made by Big Ear. My second set, the first set is made by Challenger. What a total difference in fit and finish. The Big Ear sound is way better, clearer and more detailed. The fit is also way, way better. Locks in place better and gives more db reduction from the outside. They are also smaller and less obtrusive. They also have a flat plastic plate on the outside to fit the ear flatter. The big ear customs were about $60-$100 more depending when and where you bought them but well worth the extra money for the fit and performance. I had to turn the volume down on my devices when riding. Glad I popped for the extra dough, it was well worth it. I will use the Challengers as a spare or for work.
Is this the company you went with? If so, which setup did you choose?

BE-1C is the model I bought. Fit is much better than the Challenger set. The sound is also much better. Mike in Fremont, Ca.
How much $$?

How much $$?

Jeff, I had a set of the BE-1C made up at the Long Beach show in December - IIRC, they were $300.00 plus shipping. There was NO show discount.

BUT - they were worth it. Fit is amazing, once you get it just right, and if there is a down side, it's that they are just too quiet. If I'm in a heavy traffic area (commuting to work, etc.,) I will usually only wear one, with a foam plug in the other ear. This allows me to hear ambient noise. (That, and it's illegal to wear both in California.)

When I use these, I have the volume on my 2730 set to 20%, with the audio specific volumes set to

Voice - 50%

xm - 30%

mp3 - 20%. (The MP3 seems to output louder than the radio.)

I'm happy with them. Should you get a set, I would recommend getting some Oto-Ease - Oto-Ease Ear Lube

Interesting how different people come to different conclusions.

I have 2 sets of custom ear monitors from Now Hear This. The main reason for the 2nd set was that I wanted a shorter cord. I use both and continue to enjoy them both on and off the bike.

At the International show in San Mateo, Ca. I had a pair of custom molded stereo earplugs made by Big Ear. My second set, the first set is made by Challenger. What a total difference in fit and finish. The Big Ear sound is way better, clearer and more detailed. The fit is also way, way better. Locks in place better and gives more db reduction from the outside. They are also smaller and less obtrusive. They also have a flat plastic plate on the outside to fit the ear flatter. The big ear customs were about $60-$100 more depending when and where you bought them but well worth the extra money for the fit and performance. I had to turn the volume down on my devices when riding. Glad I popped for the extra dough, it was well worth it. I will use the Challengers as a spare or for work.
Is this the company you went with? If so, which setup did you choose?

BE-1C is the model I bought. Fit is much better than the Challenger set. The sound is also much better. Mike in Fremont, Ca.
How much $$?
I talked him into a show discount, no tax and no shipping. $270 Normally $300 plus tax and shipping.

I had a set of plugs made at an audiologists office a while back... got them in a timely fashion and they worked great, but after a few months didn't "fit" as well as they had initially (maybe my ear canal shape changed)... Subsequently decided to try the Etymotic Er6is and haven't regretted it since.
Custom ones from an audiologist will dry and shrink after about 24 months -- per my audiologist.

I'm on my 2nd pair of customs now ($50) and have been happy with them both.

purchased a set of big ears at the new york show 2 years ago the problem i had was too much out side sound comeing in . call the company and just my luck the guy was doing a show in n.j i called him and his reply was i will come to your home and shot a new mold . i went for i will come to your hotel (gives me a reason to ride ) he shot the molds and i recived them back in 5 days no trouble since then . and i allways ride with music .

I tried wearing Indianatom's ER 6's and they do seemed pretty nice. I didn't try them while riding. I have to wear ear plugs because I already have a hearling loss (and I'm only 26). I was concearned that the ER 6's wouldn't reduce wind noise nearly as well as a custom molded ear plug.

I just wish the damn things didn't cost $2-300 smackers!

When I was 11 I had massive ear canal reconstructive surgery. This has left me with a wide open ear drum on one side. I actually purchased a kit from my ear specialist to mold my own ear plugs. I've even put ear buds in a pair. At this point i'm thinking about purchasing a high end peice of ear buds and making myself a high quality set.

I will say that your ear canals do change over time, last years plugs are no longer comfortable to me, so I just ask wifey to take 15 minutes ouf of her day and mold me up some new ones. The stuff i have requires hardner to be added to the silly puddyish stuff, in 15 minutes its done!! The kit cost me 150 bucks a few years back.
