FJRocket,As asked above but not answered, does the wheel/tire clear the fender and that big round handle in the lifted position?
I don't know nuthin from nuthin, but looks like your wheel won't clear the fender and the handle on your lift. I might suggest using the same rectangular steel for the handle and making it go flat to the floor. Or a finger's thickness to the floor so you can grab it. Always nice to be able to leave the fender on to get the wheel out.
I did try one of that style that my friend had. It will hold up the front but my concern was the stability of the stand just sitting with the tire off. When I slightly wiggled the handlebars the bike wobbled a bit and it didn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling thinking about the cost to replace the plastic on the front of the bike if it fell. I think the two little black forks holding the bottom of the suspension fork is a compromise to allow it to be used with many different bikes ( it also sat a little too close to the ABS sensor). I didn't want to compromise.Great job! I thought about getting a fork stand after pulling my front wheel for a tire change last week. I was thinking about something like this
although not nearly as heavy duty as yours, I thought it might work for occasional tire changes. Had you tried this universal type before you decided to fab your own?
Just curious?
Was the angle on the top post figured out when the front tire was on the ground? Looks like it could be tweeked a bit for when the tire is off the ground.
Just my OCD coming out again. Sometimes i tend be a little anal. OH OH, THAT COULD BE A LEADIN FOR BUSTANUT AND ODOT.
I can do them for $20 plus shipping. I have lots of colors available - just not Galaxy, Cobalt, Black Cherry or Cerulean... :mellow:Powdercoat by Garauld maybe....... how much more
Thanks, but I have some friends that have set the bar much higher than I can attain, like Albert, who has done work for Jay - Leno, that is... I'm still learning.To get Kudos from the Master himself ...
Gary "garauld" has posted that he could do the powdercoating for $20 + S&H. If you like, since I dont powdercoat, I can send the completed stand directly to him and see if he will send it directly to you to save time.If I order one, how does it work ?
Will you be able to send it to Gary after for the paint ?
I am assuming they fit the FJR, based on the fact that a similar one I had for the SV650 did. I will be ordering a set for my other new (old) bike a Honda SuperHawk, so will be able to try them to see if they also work on the FJR. I'll post the result.