Daddy and Daughter Does the Desert

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Great thread and congratulations on the father / daughter trip. Your daughter now needs her own bike so that she can learn the right way to ride from a pro. You are both lucky to spend the time together. If you asked her what the highlight of the trip was I suspect it was just spending time with her dad.

My daughter and I are headed out on a ride in mid August. She rides her Honda Shadow (mom and daughter have similar bikes) and we will start from her place in Spokane.... Head through Glacier, down through Montana, Beartooth Summit, Yellowstone, Jackson Hole, the Salmon River Valley and then back to Spokane. Should be about a 10 day ride.

I think if more parents spent time with their children doing activities together we would have fewer problems with families. Congratulations again.... Rich

Even to the best technicians, sometimes shit just happens. ;) I'm sure it would be fine, but.....
True, yet taking a chance now in then in life adds to the fun. ;)

Sounds a little bit lame to me. I think you just want to hoon around on those Idaho roads with the 'Busa.
Not with it's current OEM rear shock, it is completely shot; sadly, there won't be any significant hooning on the Busa this weekend..... :(
Now I'm almost feeling sorry for you big guy. Maybe you should just stay home and shampoo the carpet? :rolleyes: You still have time to ride down to O.C. and hit our friends at GP before heading up to WFO. Only 360 miles from here to WFO the boring way. Of course, our friends at GP don't work for free..... and it's not exactly boom time in the economy for lots of us. :(

You still have time to ride down to O.C. and hit our friends at GP before heading up to WFO.
Actually, no, I don't... can't happen today, and I depart for Moscow tomorrow right from work.

Then there this little issue of coming up with the $$$ for a decent shock... that's not happening right now, either. :(

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Awesome! Loved the pics and the report!

Dad to 3 girls myself. Have a massive knife and gun collection. Already practiced my speech "Son, I am not afraid to go back to prison..."

Good times!!

Hey - it was great meeting you out west. That sure was a weekend to remember... the weather, the rides, the cool people I got to meet - nothing like it. Looking forward to next year and I hope to see you there again.

Awesome! Loved the pics and the report!
Dad to 3 girls myself. Have a massive knife and gun collection. Already practiced my speech "Son, I am not afraid to go back to prison..."

Good times!!

One of my favorites (a friend of mine with 3 daughters told me) to tell the would be gents is: "remember whatever you do to her I'm gonna do to you..."

And I never let the boy just meet her some place. He has to park the car and come in the house. That alone is very intimidating, haven't had to get the shotgun out yet. I'm sure WC can be very intimidating...just sayin' :whistling:

WC she took some great pictures! Glad you are able to pass along your passion for motorcycling to your daughters also.
