Deal Gap

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2007
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NE Virginia
Not certain if this is the right place to post this? bUT, I'm looking at a quick jaunt to Deals Gap in mid August. Probably leave on a Thurs, get there and spend all day there Fri, and head back Sat, unless things get really interesting, then I could be persuaded to stay until SUn.

Just checking to see if there is any interest...riding fun increases directly with the number of riders involved.

Again, no hard dates or agenda yet, just testing the waters.

Thanks...oh, I'll be leaving from King George VA, maybe link up at VA/NC boarder.

Hola riceman,

You are definitely posting in the wrong area. This thread is for Eastern Owners Meeting business. The right place is under "Regional Ride Planning" under the "Southeast" section... although, this ride could include others from another region... so, you could post in the main "Regional Ride Planning" section. Please prepare for it to be whisked to its proper spot by the admin.

I'm in Norfolk, VA. We've got a pretty good FJR showing in these parts. Keep you eyes in the SE region... there will most likely be rides planned by the Old Dominion FJR Riders Group come springtime.


Hola riceman,You are definitely posting in the wrong area. This thread is for Eastern Owners Meeting business. The right place is under "Regional Ride Planning" under the "Southeast" section... although, this ride could include others from another region... so, you could post in the main "Regional Ride Planning" section. Please prepare for it to be whisked to its proper spot by the admin.

I'm in Norfolk, VA. We've got a pretty good FJR showing in these parts. Keep you eyes in the SE region... there will most likely be rides planned by the Old Dominion FJR Riders Group come springtime.

Thanks. Trying to figure my way around this forum. Waiting to be "whisked" :unsure:


Keep us updated with your plans for riding the Dragon. I might ride up and meet up with ya.. Welcome to the forum!!


Riceman,Keep us updated with your plans for riding the Dragon. I might ride up and meet up with ya.. Welcome to the forum!!

Hey "J". I will keep any updates, and firming up of dates posted. Just so everyone knows, I dont want to get to overly complicted with this. ie...near agenda-less, cept for meeting up, sharing stories and riding...emphasis on riding. Anytime riders get together and ride, regardless of whats being ridden, it is usually GOOD.

More to follow

I would love to make it. But since I am taking a couple consecutive weeks off work to attend WFO, and then following up in Sep. to EOM... Well, maybe I better pass.

Just don't be surprised if I show up, albeit unemployed!

Oh yeah. Welcome!

If the weather holds, I will be making a day trip to Deal's on WED 07MAR2007. Usually end up at the store at about 1100 hrs local time and ride until just about dark. Coming from B'ham, AL area.

Not to thread jack or anything.... but if it might help anyone out I've got accomadations availabe at Deals Gap TN from June 2-9... check out the Midwest section for more info... can't ever spend too much time there... :thumbsupsmileyanim:

I'm running up to the Robbinsville / Dealsgap area 16-18 March '07 from SC; reservations at Fontana Village for Saturday night, Friday night is up in the air. Glad to have company is anyone is interested.


Me and MSC in the morn (7th) if anone wants to show
Damn you guys make it hard to show up to work!! I'm feeling a bad cold coming on, I might see ya tomorrow? I'll give you a buzz on your cell if I can make it up there.


We are committing sacralidge(sp) in the name of friendship. One of MSC buddies has a gixxer 1000 so the three of us will trailer to the Ocoee river park the truck and ride up Blueridge from there. Otherwise the gixxer would be dead before we got there and would play hell to get back on a one day trip. You have my # and I'll have it on.

ETA at the gap is noonish local time (eastern)

We are committing sacralidge(sp) in the name of friendship. One of MSC buddies has a gixxer 1000 so the three of us will trailer to the Ocoee river park the truck and ride up Blueridge from there. Otherwise the gixxer would be dead before we got there and would play hell to get back on a one day trip. You have my # and I'll have it on.
ETA at the gap is noonish local time (eastern)
Sounds Good (Trailer Queen!!) :yahoo: :yahoo:


First timers (like me) beware of the "GRAVITY CAVITY" the Dragon almost bit me on my first run through.

The road looks more or less like a straight from your last curve exit to your next entry with the exception of a 4 foot canted dip in the road you (I) didn't notice until I was In it yelling Oh ****!!!!. Feej brakes GOOD- Target Fixation BAD!!!!! Videos to follow.


How were the roads (clean & clear)?? We're staying near Table Rock SP on friday night (3/17), then at Fontana Village (near Robbinsville) on Saturday night. thx


First timers (like me) beware of the "GRAVITY CAVITY" the Dragon almost bit me on my first run through.

The road looks more or less like a straight from your last curve exit to your next entry with the exception of a 4 foot canted dip in the road you (I) didn't notice until I was In it yelling Oh ****!!!!. Feej brakes GOOD- Target Fixation BAD!!!!! Videos to follow.
How does August 16-20 look for the rest of you? Right now, I am flexible with picking any weekend in August. Also, I'm not against meeting up with anyone along the way. Anyone form northern parts, could meet up in, say Richmond, and then meet more in the Durham, NC area. First, I'd like to lock in the dates. Anyone want to supply input, please do. I'm very much a novice at trying to put something together.

So, Aug 16-20...any takers?

Not to thread jack or anything.... but if it might help anyone out I've got accomadations availabe at Deals Gap TN from June 2-9... check out the Midwest section for more info... can't ever spend too much time there... :thumbsupsmileyanim:
I dont mind "jacking" at all. If that is what it takes to put riders together...then its "a good thing" :yahoo:

How does August 16-20 look for the rest of you? Right now, I am flexible with picking any weekend in August. Also, I'm not against meeting up with anyone along the way. Anyone form northern parts, could meet up in, say Richmond, and then meet more in the Durham, NC area. First, I'd like to lock in the dates. Anyone want to supply input, please do. I'm very much a novice at trying to put something together.
So, Aug 16-20...any takers?

Not to thread jack or anything.... but if it might help anyone out I've got accomadations availabe at Deals Gap TN from June 2-9... check out the Midwest section for more info... can't ever spend too much time there... :thumbsupsmileyanim:
I dont mind "jacking" at all. If that is what it takes to put riders together...then its "a good thing" :yahoo:
I would be very interested in meeting up with you. I live about 20 min north of Durham. However; Aug 16-20 is the Superbike race weekend at VIR. I am planning on going to that and would rather pick another weekend for the GAP.

How does August 16-20 look for the rest of you? Right now, I am flexible with picking any weekend in August. Also, I'm not against meeting up with anyone along the way. Anyone form northern parts, could meet up in, say Richmond, and then meet more in the Durham, NC area. First, I'd like to lock in the dates. Anyone want to supply input, please do. I'm very much a novice at trying to put something together.
So, Aug 16-20...any takers?

Not to thread jack or anything.... but if it might help anyone out I've got accomadations availabe at Deals Gap TN from June 2-9... check out the Midwest section for more info... can't ever spend too much time there... :thumbsupsmileyanim:
I dont mind "jacking" at all. If that is what it takes to put riders together...then its "a good thing" :yahoo:
I would be very interested in meeting up with you. I live about 20 min north of Durham. However; Aug 16-20 is the Superbike race weekend at VIR. I am planning on going to that and would rather pick another weekend for the GAP.
I was afraid that the races would be a conflict. But, it is early enough to change. How about 10-13 August? Any takers or conflicts? I can go for the first weekend as well, just not the last. Open to discussion.
