Dealer recommendations for a LONG trip...and other noob questions

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Wright-Patterson Air Force Museum in Dayton OH is one fine diversion. Well worth at least a 1/2-day stop.

Any suggestions on what else, if anything, would make my trip more comfortable?
At the risk of inviting comments about animals and prison time, I'll throw in:

My first long trip on my stock '04 seat (Idaho to Bama and back) just about killed my ass! Was doing about 600 miles a day. I thought my butt would break in, but it only got progressively worse. Took a couple of weeks to recover!

There are some great custom seats out there, Russell seeming to be the most mentioned for Iron Butt types, so you might go that route. For me, I got home and butchered the stock seat myself, put in aircraft-rated memory foam, put an Aussie sheepskin over the top of the vinyl and my bum has been happy ever since. Did another trip later Idaho to Florida and no worries! One other factor, used "Under Armour" briefs instead of cotton on round two. The sheepskin does render a sort of 'old fart' look to the bike, but that was one of the best solutions.

The stock seat prolly works just fine for many, or you may not need to change it if making more stops along the way. You may wish to do a test ride of some length to see if any of these extreme measures are necessary for you. For me, it took about 3 days to really feel the pain from the stocker. :ph34r:

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happy riding

a torch always comes in handy, matches and a pen and note book to keep a brief record of fuel consumption ,riding temps etc and to jogg down memories of good times had on the trip, suprising what you forget after a few months at home till you go back through the ole notebook

There's a good group of people at Bedford Suzuki/Yamaha in Bedford, Pa just off I76 before Breezewood. Mechanic and owner are Fjr riders as well.

Also, If you need anything, let me know. Not too far for a fellow member.

Enjoy the trip. good roads on the way.

Well I have confirmed my stops in Mason, OH to visit old friends that now own Powderkeg HD for my first night. It is roughly 877 miles, a fair stretch more than half way. Now I know the first thing a lot of people are going to say is why so far on the first day, you are gonna burn yourself out. Well my response to that is I have the advantage of finding this bike will I am somewhat still young, 25 years old, so on day one I will more than likely be high on adrenaline and red bull. As for day two I will see roughly 441 miles and a really short day to my destination of Mt. Holly Springs, PA. On the way back however I will be taking about 3-4 days to cover it because I will have to return not back home to Oklahoma City, but to Grand Junction, CO to be at a friends wedding on Memorial Day. He and I will meet up somewhere along I-70 in Kansas and ride on to G.J. to be at his wedding on time...hopefully, baring any Hangover moments!
