Deals Gap Video

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What do you notice?
1. The rider is good.

2. The rider stays in the lane.

3. The rider has a death wish.

4. The rider passes a bike lying by the side of the road.
This is what I noticed:

- There were various doble-yellow line passes, at least one of which done on a left curve with crest... death whish indeed.

- Looks like that guy really needs to get to a John in a hurry.

- Camera seems to be mounted low on the cowl.

Otherwise, nice video.

Agree with the others. Also, it looks like he has been down that road a couple of times before.

Highly skilled rider, reasonably patient with passes, has ridden the road before. should have checked on downed bike, no death wish. If all the scary things I've done with airplanes, skiing, climbing, bikes and cars over the years suggest I have death wish, that is so wrong. I have a very serious life wish, just not a life devoid of excitement and a few thrills. There will be plenty of time much later in life to sit on the porch.

I bet the squirrel just up the road caused the rider down incident. Classic case of target fixation. :p

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Couple of nice wheelies.

Thanks for the video. For us in the "North Woods" it was a great treat and can't wait for clear roads again. You have awakened the biking beast within.

Again, thanks for sharing.

Oh, can I be in your will? I need some fast cash. :)

Gimme more.


What do you notice?
1. The rider is good.

2. The rider stays in the lane.

3. The rider has a death wish.

4. The rider passes a bike lying by the side of the road.
This is what I noticed:

- There were various doble-yellow line passes, at least one of which done on a left curve with crest... death whish indeed.

- Looks like that guy really needs to get to a John in a hurry.

- Camera seems to be mounted low on the cowl.

Otherwise, nice video.
RIDER: The rider is obviously a "local" and a rather skilled one there are a few major changing radius hairpins on the dragon and the ones I noticed he hit flawlessly those are usually the ones people cross the double yellow on and are the worst place to do so. And he did "overshoot" atleast 2 right handers but given the road he was on still an amazing ride.

GET OFFS: There was what looked to be 2 downed riders seperate locations not to mention the suicidal squirel.. :assasin: .... anytime you see bikes along side the road on the dragon and they are after the apex it means either someone went down or they are just stupid. there are few to zero pull off zones after the apex of curves on the dragon. Yes it is good the check out downed riders but it is so common on this road that unless you witnessed the actual accident or if it genuinely looks serious(ei...rider still lying on ground) its a good idea to keep moving adding more bodies and parked bikes along the road will just add more problems for following traffic.

DEATH WISH: This rider does not have a death wish. The sportbike in front of him for a good section is the one that does...he was obviosly out of his element on the curves, notice his lean of the bike instead of his body and riding above his limits just because he saw a faster rider in his mirrors

TRAFFIC: This was obviously done on a weekday as the traffic was MINIMAL. Anyone who attended the EOM last Sept can vouch for this.

DOUBLE YELLOW: Passing on a double yellow is common occurance on the dragon the entire 11 miles or so is all double yellow with a 35mph limit this is generally not a hazard when done using common sense. The Hazard comes with the cages that cross the double yellows IN A TURN! .....extremely narrowing the safe path of oncoming traffic of any kind.

Anyways... I'm no expert but I did stay at a HolidayInn Express!! :graduate:

Several cagers crossing double yellow, and noted that at least one cager was half way in the other lane............just before a couple MC's came by.

I also thought that one of the other MC's tried to increase his speed to stay ahead our video man.........however video man blew him away once he has a clear shot.

Even with all the skills this guy has.........and it is obvious he has plenty, it only takes one moron to take him out. Death, he is just an adrenalin junkie.

killboy has some excellent videos and pictures................


. . . . . ., it only takes one moron to take him out. ................
It only takes one moron to take any one of us out any time we are on our bikes. Trust me. You can be doing it right, carefully, lawfully, you name it, and that one moron can get you with out even hitting you.

It is good to remember that each time we ride.

Not that it has stopped me from riding.

Besides, nobody lives forever.

And now I want to ride Deals Gap, if somewhat more carefully than our friend in the vid. Over all I think I would feel pretty good about doing as well as he.


And the line up begins...........

Definitely knows the road.

Good rider,smooth with the throttle.

Way faster than me!

If you are the jackass in the red helmet,MOVE OVER and let faster riders by!
