.........I admit I was kind of pulling for that one moron in the diamond lane who had his (one) wheel on the fog line to go just a bit farther to the left. Just enough to get a nice long-lasting road rash souvenir.
Well if that aint a FU'd attitude toward another rider.
So far in this thread we've seen riders wishing harm on other riders, an officer calling them "fuckheads" and an assortment of insults toward these fellow riders and others wishing them harm, some wanting to personally cause it. ....and me thinks the hypocracy of what is good for the sport is deafening.
Scariest thing I've seen on our public roadways? ---- WFO Reno when a hurd of maladroid, fat and old phuckers riding FJR's were attempting to navigate hwy 4 through the sierras. Many of these guys were 2-up, many for what seemed like the first time doing so, many on a road that they should not have been on and many on a bike they shouldn't have been on. Stumbling all over the highway. Saw two almost drop it when their passenger attempted to get on the bike. Many were wide in blind turns and the like causing others, incuding myself to make wild maneuvers for safety on the dangerous road. We ended up letting this dangerous fleet of FJR guys go on by ..for our own safety. Never wished them harm, likey instead said a little prayer for their safety -they needed it. Never called the police, but did consider calling the hospital because there was no doubt a few would likely be putting themselves and/or others there. Never considered personally causing them harm out of animosity. Wouldn't have taken much more than saying "boo" to put them over the edge as they were way out above their skill level on this road.
I've seen and even partaken in some crazy, dangerous **** on bikes, but nothing compared to that day watching these FJR guys up in the sierras on hwy 4. And now that group is ripping some skilled riders doing wheelies LOL LOL LOL can you say hypocracy??
This time of year here in the sierras, we see our hospitals and morgue get busy with motorcyclist. Not surprising, most are unskilled old men who often injure or kill their unsuspecting passenger on the way to doing the same to themselves ....all in an attempt to be cool. It is these old guys who seem to worry more about being cool than the younger generation of quick reflexes and strength.
As far as these wheellie guys ....ya, not smart, but put me on the list who has done dumber at one time or another. I can't pull wheelies like the impressive ones in the video, but if I could I'd be doin' it. Likely not on I-5 ...but if I felt the timing was right ....hmmm.
We hear again and again: "Ride your own ride" and I guess that doesn't apply to the people who post here as it seems their motto is : "Ride the way I want you to ride". Yet more hypocracy.
-As far as the chick in the video calling 911. Pretty sure it's that fat little bitch from 4th grade who always ran to the principal when someone did a powerslide on their bicycle up to the bicycle rack. I see she hasn't changed.
Impressive wheelies guys .....good luck not getting caught and nice move keeping steady speed and politely blocking wayward cagers from getting in the mix and causing problems
.....for example -like the guy who posted here wanting to run you off the road in his 4runner. Your accidents won't likey be a result of your skillful riding, but rather caused by the animosity of someone like that fellow.
Man O Man what a bunch of nasty phucks on this thread.
Riding his own ride and wishing he could wheellie like those guys ....renojohn