Denver passes noise ordinance affecting bikers

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My favorite line from this article has to be:

The bikers - including one man in a leather vest who identified himself only as "Diablo" - were unable to persuade most of the councilors to stop the ordinance.
Do you think the AMA will go to bat & try & fight this?...Or could this be the start of a growing trend?....

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I think the AMA will stay out of this - this is a growing trend.

People are just tired of listening to excessive noise.

Take "Diablos" bike to court and have a judge and jury listen to it and the sentence will be "Fry baby, Fry".

This pretty much sums it up -

But Denver police Officer Jim Pelloni said the ordinance is not intended to pester bikers but to answer complaints that "have gotten to the point where I can't handle them anymore," he said before the meeting.

"It's about respecting the folks in the neighborhoods," Pelloni said. "It's not for people who ride with respect" even if they have an illegal exhaust system.

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Give it a few years and it will be removed from the books.
I don't think so...

I live in the country - and one of the reasons I stay there is to get away from all the "city sounds" just like loud exhaust. I really despise my peace and quiet being interrupted by the "weekend Hell's Angels" that want to bring that crap out where I live. Most people, when they learn I like motorcycles, usually ask the same thing - "you got one of those Harleys with the loud pipes on it? I hate those things." To which I reply - "naw... I hate 'em too!"

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If it's too loud yer gettin' too old.
Not too old to pass you & Spidey....


It's odd to me that this has become a "bike" issue. <_<

Noise pollution is noise pollution.

I've got my neighborhood share of over-piped diesel pickups, no-piped scooters, grapefruit launching jap coupes and on and on.

I've never called in any complaints and I damn sure don't want to get singled out and popped because I'm on something that LOOKS loud.

Thank You :assassin:

I think the AMA will stay out of this - this is a growing trend.
People are just tired of listening to excessive noise.

Take "Diablos" bike to court and have a judge and jury listen to it and the sentence will be "Fry baby, Fry".

This pretty much sums it up -

But Denver police Officer Jim Pelloni said the ordinance is not intended to pester bikers but to answer complaints that "have gotten to the point where I can't handle them anymore," he said before the meeting.

"It's about respecting the folks in the neighborhoods," Pelloni said. "It's not for people who ride with respect" even if they have an illegal exhaust system.
If that's the truth, the future of motorcyclists in the U.S. could be very interesting :eh-smiley: .....

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It was just a matter of time.................

Will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Enforcing noise laws based on an inspection for EPA compliance opens up a big can of worms which will surely suck for everybody. Much as I hate loud pipes I hope this measure gets shit canned quick.

Yes, loud pipes are annoying, and I don't think an ordinance like this is going to go away

anytime soon. It IS, probably, a growing trend in the city.

My wife and I go to an outside upscale mall once in a while (no, we're not upscale,

but there's a couple of restaurants we like to eat at there, but I digress...) there's nothing,

and I mean NOTHING more irritating than having the Hardley crowd going through the

main drag, blipping their throttles, looking for atttention to make up for whatever deficiencies

exist in their personalities.

We can't maintain a conversation when these hooligans ride through. The mall is one of those

outside deals where you have retail space on the bottom and residential on top, so it creates a

type of 'canyon' where everything echoes because the sound is bouncing off everything.


The other noise polluter I find annoying are the little two-stroke engines mounted on those scooters

the kids are driving. 30-35 mph top speed, and the faster the speed, the higher the pitch of the engine.

No mini-bike I ever had was NEARLY as loud as one of those suckers.

Is a little peace and quiet too much to ask? I mean, SHEESH!!!! (rant over)



I for one hope this ordinance gets passed in Denver, even if it's only short term. Maybe it'll push the morons on hardlys that have to put open pipes on, to either stay stock, or near stock. Few things are as annoying as a hardly cutting thru a residential at 3am, and listening to him, and the alarms he's set off, as he gets the next 3 miles down the road. Loud pipes are only one of the reasons I detest hardlys.

My 2 cents


The AMA will probably step up to the plate and fight the bill. The AMA will fight any law/bill that puts restrictions on bikers. That's why I'm a member B) even if I don't nessessarily think it's a bad law they're fighting.

I live in Denver and technically I'm in violation of the ordinance running Holwshot cans on the bike. I hate the loud bikes - and there are plenty here. But it gives the LEO's one more reason to pull me over even though I'm still quieter than even a stock Harley. They should have attached some kind of decibal clause that you could use on appeal of a ticket. I know the guy that sponsored the ordinance, and may have to give him a call and chat with him on this.

What is loud? Is there a decibel level maximum? So if you get quieter, then quieter will become loud. Then what? I also hate excessively loud pipes. But are my Holeshots loud? Compared to what? How far will they go. Just because you are now on a motorcycle they have probable cause to pull you over and write a ticket. With no meter it is relative to who is listening. I vote for a decibel level maximum but not on some complaint from some cranky neighborhood troublemaker.
