Deviated Septum

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Had it done at 11:00 this morning. I'm feeling much better than I ever expected I would be at this point (I know someone is thinking it, and the answer is Tylenol w/Codiene). They gave me a general anesthetic - was enjoying the buzz before I passed out. I didn't get to enjoy the cocaine they used as a topical. I don't have splints or gauze packing in my nose. I've been hanging out on the recliner all day. When I get up to hit the head (throat is a little sore from the airtube they used and drinking a ton of water), it starts to bleed a little bit, but, no big deal - quits in a few minutes. Kinda sucks that I'm a bit congested and getting some nasal drip and I can't blow my nose yet. Not that big of a deal - flushing it out with saline

btw - if my wife asks any of you, I'm in severe pain and will need lots of TLC for the next 4 days.

btw - if my wife asks any of you, I'm in severe pain and will need lots of TLC for the next 4 days.
Of course you do...and we all support you in that! Congrats on having come through it so smoothly. I'll cross my fingers for the rest of your healing. Enjoy suffering through the next few days of intensive nursing. ;)

Uhm...hon...would you bring me another brewski? Please, sweetums? It'll really help hydrate my throat. :yahoo:
