Do I look like a Cop ?

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No One

Well-known member
Apr 30, 2008
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Got an 08 FJR.... BLACK..... was wearing my normal everyday work cloths.....BLACK. Last night my shirt happened to have a large white round logo on the back of it... And I have my full face helmet that is BLACK with white type logo on it.... I also have the gentleman's black 3M bag reflective tape on the bags.... A friend of mine has also brought me some SUPER 3M white reflective tape that I have tastefully added two "patches" near the license plate...... This kinda sets up what happened last night..

Got on to the Highway here in Dallas / Ft Worth... it was totally dark out side. Pulled onto the high way at a good clip, 75mph or so and there was intermediate traffic out... As soon as I rolled past the nearest cars there was a makebelieve line that was drawn behind me and ALL the traffic slowed down... This all happened in less than 45-60 seconds... It was VERY noticeable. I started chuckling under the helmet as I kept looking back in my review mirrors. The "line" of cars where probably at least 100 yards behind me. There was a huge chunk or gap behind me to the nearest vehicles... Just so I can paint a picture with words.. there was a good amount of traffic in front of me and off to my forward sides... I thought it was interesting and kinda funny at the same time....

As I continued on I had to head North.. This Highway had less traffic on it but I wanted to see if it was my imagination of what I just witnessed or " do I look like a cop " ? This high way was two lane in each direction. The fast lane was empty and there where about six or so cars in the right hand lane in the distance of approximitely a mile. Everyone was going about five miles per hour faster than the speed limit. I didn't want to blow by anyone but each car I came upon in the fast lane I rode very consistently and slowly along side and made sure that I passed them very slowly. As I did with each car, just as I passed them each car slowed down by probably 10 mph or more, IMIDIATLY....

That's what prompted this post............ does or has any one have this happen to them........ I guess to some, I look like a Cop at night.... Kinda funny I guess they can see me.....

Oh great, next thing you know we will read about you online for taking beer from teenagers! ;)


I have had this happen too, and I have been even asked when I stopped. Not on my FJR though (its black cherry). It used to happen on my Suzuki DL1000, which is black. I would wear black or dark blue clothing with a luminous stripe, a Class III safety vest, and a plain white full face helmet. Its sort of curious because the police around here ride white Harleys when they ride at all, and you never see them at night. Must just be something ominous about the guy on the black motorcycle with what could be a uniform.

No One,

That was funny. Don't change a thing and Please tell me what to buy to get Your Uniform... or at least I can get those fast lane hoggers out of the way.

No One,
That was funny. Don't change a thing and Please tell me what to buy to get Your Uniform... or at least I can get those fast lane hoggers out of the way.

Man, it worked FAST... and GOOD ! black pants... black shirt with a white pattern, have to have a helmet....... What I might try next is buying the whole Halloween COP costume with the badge and everything...... see how that works in the day time.......

(JUST A JOKE.. I can see some dork sitting at his computer, about to type me and tell me that I cant do that..... LOL )

So now I have my "day" gear....... and my black "night" gear....... LMAO...LOL :)

I don't know if I look like a cop by my gear, but people sure get the hell out of the way when they see my headlight modulator flashing behind them! :laughingsmiley:

Impersonating an officer of the law is illegal and will be punishible to the full extent of the law.

but, you already knew that.

Happens all the time to me but I ride to and from work in uniform and I carry a sidearm legally. :D

No One,
That was funny. Don't change a thing and Please tell me what to buy to get Your Uniform... or at least I can get those fast lane hoggers out of the way.

Man, it worked FAST... and GOOD ! black pants... black shirt with a white pattern, have to have a helmet....... What I might try next is buying the whole Halloween COP costume with the badge and everything...... see how that works in the day time.......

(JUST A JOKE.. I can see some dork sitting at his computer, about to type me and tell me that I cant do that..... LOL )

So now I have my "day" gear....... and my black "night" gear....... LMAO...LOL :)

You asshat!!! You can't dress up as a cop. It's against the law. Yeah that's right you'll be sent to the slammer for sure you no good half wit.


I am not a dork.

Don't forget your:


:lol: :lol:

My old man has a lot of fun with this, commuting on a retired 1150RTP. The bike is still black and white and has lots of white lights but no pretty colored lights. He wears ATGATT, usually in black.

On July 1st this year, CA enacted a law that made hand held cell phones illegal to use while driving in CA. He said it was worth going to work that day, just for the ride because of the drivers' actions after they saw him. He picked out at least four, who were using phones illegally. Had he been a real cop, the deal would have already been sealed at that point, but their actions afterwards i.e. illegal lane change, evading an officer etc would have upped the fine.

Of course, he didn't follow them as they swerved, changed lanes, exited the highway etc because that might have been construed as impersonating an officer. Besides, it was more fun to go look for the next one.


True story:

When I was a teen (back in the 70's) we used to summer down on Cape Cod with our neighbors from across the street at home. He somehow came up with a magnetic gumball light and more than once pulled over cars full of girls on Cape back roads, once when I was riding shotgun. Of course the girls were suspicious when he'd come up to the car in plain clothes, but times were different then and people (including teen age girls) were way more trusting. Made me realize how vulnerable these girls were.

The ironic thing was he later became a career LEO (now retired). I guess he was "just practicing"...

Happens to me all the time out here, in the day time. Pull up behind people on the feej and you would think moses was splitting the seas. Pull up on them on the R1 and they are pricks and won't move.

HA, lane splitting. Gotta love Kaliforniastan sometimes.
