Do I sell my bike or not?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Sell it or keep it?

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May 27, 2006
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Here is the deal.

I have a perfectly blue 05 FJ with a bunch of farkles plus a whole Rubbermaid tub full of uninstalled stuff that I hardly ever ride. It only has (gulp) 5,500 miles on it.

There are various reasons (three other bikes for one) why it never gets ridden, but none of them are valid excuses. Nevertheless, it just sits there.

I always wanted one. I have forever been a Yamaha guy. I DO love the bike (what I remember of it). I just never ride it…

So here is the primary question, should I sell her? I know the answer is probably yes.

Should I list it immediately or wait until the warmth of spring to motivate buyers?

Do I install the remaining farkles or do I include them with the sale (or do I go the eBay route and sell them separately)?

If I sell, how? Craig’s list, bulletin boards, consignment at a local dealer?

As you can tell, I don’t want to get rid of the hangar queen.

Would somebody please talk some damn sense into me!

So here is the primary question, should I sell her? I know the answer is probably yes.
Primary question for me is 'will I miss it?' If the answer is 'probably not,' then I generally begin the trajectory toward selling.

Should I list it immediately or wait until the warmth of spring to motivate buyers?
I'd wait for the spring market. You've waited this long. Whats another 5 months?

Do I install the remaining farkles or do I include them with the sale (or do I go the eBay route and sell them separately)?
I'm busy takin' farkles off, not putting them on. E-bay, or even this board, can move FJR parts pretty quickly if they're priced right.

If I sell, how? Craig’s list, bulletin boards, consignment at a local dealer?
This year was a bad one for selling any bikes. Things have not picked up a lot unless you're willing to give the bike away. Hopefully the spring market may be better. I ended up going the trade route to move my FJR this past Spring. In a normal year, ebay, the forum, local sales list, craig's list, and even a sign on the bike when its parked, all have the capability to lead to a sale.

Just give it all to me, I will be glad to ride and sell it for you here in sunny California. :unsure:

Box up the farkles and whatever I can't use I will sell and split the money with you. :unsure:

If you go along with this, you will be the first customer in my new consulting business. :p :p

Listen to all the wise advice above.

By even asking the question, you have crossed the Rubicon...sell it to someone who will love it and enjoy it. Don't let it waste away in your garage. The bike deserves more than that.

Maybe one day you will match up better with this bike...but obviously right now you do not.

Sorry to hear you have not been able to ride the bike very much. I see it's a 2005 -- are you the original owner? When did you buy it?

Without hearing the whole story, it already sounds to me like you oughta try to sell. Wait 'til spring.

If you decide to sell the bike, do not add the farkles. You will get more money selling those separately than you would selling them as part of the bike.

Listen to all the wise advice above.

By even asking the question, you have crossed the Rubicon...sell it to someone who will love it and enjoy it. Don't let it waste away in your garage. The bike deserves more than that.

Maybe one day you will match up better with this bike...but obviously right now you do not.
+1, Gunny! Very Wise Words From The Wheaton Warrior!

I got a plan for you...We swap 05s straight up. Then you won't have to feel bad about having a low mileage hanger queen in the garage cause your bike will now have 95,000 miles on it. Then in 6 or 7 years when the queen has about 150K on her we can swap again and you will really feel great. :rolleyes:

Now if for some reason that excellent plan doesn't work for you, can you look around in that Farkle Bin for a Throttlemeister? If you have one I am an interested buyer.



Thanks for all the comments. This may need the push I need.

I probably should have mentioned, while I am not exactly ready for an episode of ‘Buried Alive’, I have a tendency to hold on to things (you might be a redneck if you pay $2000 a year to store $300 worth of stuff <_< ).

This behavior may be harmless when your saving a February 1996 copy of Golf Digest, but when it’s a $7,000+ motorcycle, something needs to change. (You might be a redneck if you clean your garage and discover you didn’t sell your motorcycle).

As far as the farkles, I can’t do it from memory. I need to inventory the container. All I can say is (wont say his name)’s hydration kits (have to have two man, symmetry!) almost justify keeping the bike all by themselves.

To answer the other questions, no throttlemeitser, Audiovox cruise (still in the box, of course), with the switch bracket and a choice of really cool looking vacuum modules.

Yes, I am the only owner. I purchased it new in Denver (they matched the Sunnyside deal). It showed up in July if I remember correctly.

When is the first day of spring?...

It sounds like you actually got the confirmation for what you already felt/knew to be true.

No condemnation for your syndrome: Too many toys...too little time! :dribble:

If you're near Denver, Spring may be a bit later for you than we who live on the "Left Coast". :rolleyes:

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Sounds like you don't ride it much, no biggie. It's your bike do what you want.

Now the inner child deep questions:

1) Do you need the money?

2) Do you care if you have it or not?

3) Do you ever plan to ride it much in the future?

4) ????

My 2 cents. Lots of great advice here. I personally don't like to hang on to things I don't use, especially a higher dollar item like a motorcycle. I also don't like to take things that get crudded up by not being used and let them sit until they get to a state that they need extensive maintenance and repairs.

That being said, not riding the bike is doing the bike no service, it will deteriorate over item and get real nasty to fix. If someone else out there really wants a bike to ride and maintain, seems to me like it would be good to let someone enjoy said scoot.

This is a great place to sell both the bike and farkles. I believe farkles are best sold separately as it won't bring the value of the bike up as much as selling the items alone.

Good luck in your decision. ;)

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Sell it, it will be best for both of you. I assume you are also incurring insurance costs, right? Sell it.

I'm not sure that the cruise control will sell on this forum. I'll pay shipping for it, just to help you clear things out. :p

First day of spring is generally March 21st, I think. What elevation you live at? May need to wait longer for good riding weather in your area.

Don't install additional mods prior to selling. If you have that time, remove the ones already on their and part them out. While on the bike, they add zero to resale unless you find someone who simply has to have that specific mod. Selling them parted out could being 50c on the dollar (maybe more).

I probably should have mentioned, while I am not exactly ready for an episode of ‘Buried Alive’, I have a tendency to hold on to things (you might be a redneck if you pay $2000 a year to store $300 worth of stuff <_< ).
A: you're a HOARDER

B: i HERD sheep

A: it's pronounced HOARD

B: but i HERD sheep

A: yes. you HURT them by HOARDING them

B: [sigh]

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A: you're a HOARDER

B: i HERD sheep

A: it's pronounced HOARD

B: but i HERD sheep

A: yes. you HURT them by HOARDING them

B: [sigh]
I didn't know that Bustanut's sheep problem had gotten that bad. We may need to plan an intervention.

A: you're a HOARDER

B: i HERD sheep

A: it's pronounced HOARD

B: but i HERD sheep

A: yes. you HURT them by HOARDING them

B: [sigh]
I didn't know that Bustanut's sheep problem had gotten that bad. We may need to plan an intervention.
UP, since YOU made the suggestion, I gotta ask you....

....are YOU willing to get between Bust and his sheep?????

Not me!

A: you're a HOARDER

B: i HERD sheep

A: it's pronounced HOARD

B: but i HERD sheep

A: yes. you HURT them by HOARDING them

B: [sigh]
I didn't know that Bustanut's sheep problem had gotten that bad. We may need to plan an intervention.
UP, since YOU made the suggestion, I gotta ask you....

....are YOU willing to get between Bust and his sheep?????

Not me!
+1, Gunny! Point well taken, RH! You could not separate Bustanut joker from his sheep with an abalone iron or C-4!

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