Do you always wear a helmet?

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After 35+ years of riding road bikes (won't count dirt bikes and motocross), some years with no helmet law here in Louisiana, some years with helmet law, i've only had 2 bikes hit the ground. One was major accident (1975), and helmet played no role, as I flipped end over end over the car and landed sitting down, the 2nd time my bike hit ground was a little drop at 3 mph in gravel parking lot, again, helmet no factor. I perfer NOT to wear a helmet if law allows, and one reason i travel to my neighbor state of Texas for rallies, etc is that I can take off my lid and enjoy the freedom.

I know, ya think I'm crazy...but let me try to explain my philosophy on this...

1). Live is about reward vs risk, every day we make decisions about how much risk we are willing to take for the enjoyment. Think about the people that are non bikers and how they think we are semi suicidal for even getting on them, the risk outweighs the reward. I think that riding without a helmet is worth the risk for the freedom it gives me. 35+ years of motorcyling, and I'm still here. I weigh the risk everytime i get into my club airplane and fly, every time i jump out of "The Leaping Leprechaun", the Cessna 182 that I skydive out of, every time I get into an ultralight or powered parachute and take fligt, and I weigh the risk everytime I put on my scuba gear and submerge my body in a hostile environment. I am no newbie when it comes to risk, as 25+ years of high risk hobbies have shown.

2.) I think that the most dangerous thing about motorcycling is not the bike, not the cars, but the PILOT...My first line of defense is not my helmet, but my defensive driving skills, skills I try to keep razor sharp so I can still be riding at age 70 and above. If you think your at high risk for a crash, then by all means, wear ALL THE GEAR...if you value wind in your hair type freedom, then assume the risk and take pleasure in the freedom you feel.

3.) As far as LAWS about mandatory helmet use, they are ridiculous...if they are trying to keep me safe, then why not MANDATORY laws about wearing a life preserver when i get into my ski boat?? Or a MANDATORY law making me wear a highly visible vest if i choose to jog or walk or skate across any road that automobiles travel?? If I crash on my bike without a helmet, I only hurt myself, no one else. Let me assume that risk.

4.) Full face helmets are the safest thing to have on your head in the event of a crash, but I dont care what ANYONE says, the helmet significantly reduces your vision and hearing when on the road. I prefer to be able to SEE AND HEAR AND AVOID the problem than to thank my lucky stars when I hit the ground after colliding with something that I maybe had been able to avoid in the first place if i had 100% of my vision and hearing available to me.

Let the flames begin, but dat is da way I see it :bleh:


'04 FJR 1300


I too believe in freedom. And if you are injured without the protection a helmet provides, and you believe that the govt should just pull the plug does that mean you refuse the social security benifits for you widow and children? You are not here to protect yourself so much as your family (if you have one.) Single guys are free to die - so they are needed in the military. But if you have a family you have already given up your freedom - there is no going back. The orphans you leave are a burdon to society. In fact this whole motorcycle thing shows a general lack of responsibility. Transportation death rates are 18 times higher on cycles - this borders on suicide. No wonder the common voters give a crap about us.

I want out.

Forsale 2003 FJR - $7900, 15k mi, Immaculate, RG sliders, other extras. pm me.


When I ride with the harley crowd, we go from NY to Connecticut. When passing the Ct border the "other' crowd LOCKS IT UP to throw their helmets off... Ct has a no helmet law...

I did it once and pulled over because I thought my bike was having all kinds of problems! Noises I've never heard while wearing a helmet! :D

...YADA YADA YADA...I want out.

Forsale 2003 FJR - $7900, 15k mi, Immaculate, RG sliders, other extras. pm me.


15K miles on a 3 yr old bike? you ARE out dude...musta made some SHORT ass runs on that machine to only turn 5K a year.


Friends,I too believe in freedom. And if you are injured without the protection a helmet provides, and you believe that the govt should just pull the plug does that mean you refuse the social security benifits for you widow and children? You are not here to protect yourself so much as your family (if you have one.) Single guys are free to die - so they are needed in the military. But if you have a family you have already given up your freedom - there is no going back. The orphans you leave are a burdon to society. In fact this whole motorcycle thing shows a general lack of responsibility. Transportation death rates are 18 times higher on cycles - this borders on suicide. No wonder the common voters give a crap about us.

I want out.

Forsale 2003 FJR - $7900, 15k mi, Immaculate, RG sliders, other extras. pm me.

Very well said. If you CHOOSE not to wear a helmet, you aren't taking into account the other people involved in that decision. Can you give 100% guarantee that you will not be wiped out by some drunken idiot on a cell phone?

There is the trooper who has to scrape your brains off the road, the medics who take what's left to the ER for the team to pretend to try and save. (Not a lot of effort needed when the skull is leaking brain matter). Then the cop who has to tell your family the news.

Of course, if you carry your donor card AND manage to arrive at the hospital with a beating heart and some blood pressure, you could be a hero. They are not called donorcycles for nothing.



I always wear a helmet and wear gear 99% of the time. That was not always the case, but I've been riding a long time, and I was a different, more foolish and very lucky rider at 19.

I have had road rash before, and don't relish getting it and being debrided again. If I get into an accident that kills me, then it's my time. I know that gear and helmets cannot prevent injury or death in certain cases, but I'm not going to stop riding and tiptoe through life. What I really don't want to have happen is to become a paraplegic or simply badly injured. The possibility of skin grafts that could be prevented with gear motivates me to wear gear. The possibility of only minor injuries with a helmet, as opposed to a vegetative state and/or reconstructing my face motivates me to wear a full face helmet. I'm also not going to tell someone else what choices to make, even if I will feel free to judge another's choices wise or stupid.

Could some of you old timers please point me in the right direction on the gear.

Maybe recommend your favorite jacket (multiseason?), pants, gloves...

God this is getting expensive - the bike seams to be the cheap part.


Could some of you old timers please point me in the right direction on the gear.Maybe recommend your favorite jacket (multiseason?), pants, gloves...

God this is getting expensive - the bike seams to be the cheap part.

Scorpion EXO 700 is the best helmet for the $ in my book. Less than $200 for a really good helmet.

For my multiseason (4 season for me) gear:

Firstgear Kilamanjaro Air jacket

Firstgear MeshTex pants

Both are mesh with removable liners. The liners are warm and waterproof. With liners out, good for 100+ degree days.

I learned early to always wear a helmet. I ran into a tree on my dirt bike when I was about 12. Ever since I have always worn a helmet.

I have ridden around the block in my neighborhood w/o a helmet before and I just didn't feel comfortable. Too much wind noise and I can see it bothering my eyes after a little while. I like the anonymity of having the helmet anyways.

Lessee. My motorcycle once made a sudden stop and I didn't. Result, I went head (face) first into a steel post at 30-35 mph wearing a full face helmet. I had a minor concussion. The EMT said that my eyes were open, but I was babbling. I told her that my behavior was not a symptom of injury. They tell me that at work all the time. Guess what the result would have been without helmet.
Another: highside at about 30 mph. I flapped my arms as hard as I could, but to no avail. I hit the asphalt and gravel side-of-face first and slid some distance. Helmet was torn to crap, but I was still beautilful. :rolleyes: :D

Both times I had all my gear on.

Yup! I wear all gear all the time.


You sure have a way of telling a story, five minutes later I am still holding my belly and laughing my head off.

Lessee. My motorcycle once made a sudden stop and I didn't. Result, I went head (face) first into a steel post at 30-35 mph wearing a full face helmet. I had a minor concussion. The EMT said that my eyes were open, but I was babbling. I told her that my behavior was not a symptom of injury. They tell me that at work all the time. Guess what the result would have been without helmet.
Another: highside at about 30 mph. I flapped my arms as hard as I could, but to no avail. I hit the asphalt and gravel side-of-face first and slid some distance. Helmet was torn to crap, but I was still beautilful. :rolleyes:   :D

Both times I had all my gear on.

Yup! I wear all gear all the time.


You sure have a way of telling a story, five minutes later I am still holding my belly and laughing my head off.
Glad you got a laugh! It's even good for me to laugh about those incidences after the fact.

I won't even tell you of the time I had a knee injury (fall on ice related) and the woman paramedic was having a tough time getting the gurney (and me) on to the ambulance. She asked the male EMT if he could get it on.

...I told them that they shouldn't be having personal relationships while I was there to watch.

Well, being silly took my mind off the pain.


yep i always wear a helmet. i value my melon.

i've even had to get a mirrored visor on my helmet cause i got tired of the boys swerving into my lane as they were trying get a look at me. has helped alot.

it's just common sense to wear a helmet.

yep i always wear a helmet. i value my melon.
i've even had to get a mirrored visor on my helmet cause i got tired of the boys swerving into my lane as they were trying get a look at me. has helped alot.

it's just common sense to wear a helmet.
Curious... Do you carry a clear shield for night riding?

yep i always wear a helmet. i value my melon.
i've even had to get a mirrored visor on my helmet cause i got tired of the boys swerving into my lane as they were trying get a look at me. has helped alot.

it's just common sense to wear a helmet.
Curious... Do you carry a clear shield for night riding?
You should take her advice and try the shield thing-the screaming around you as folks behold the horror that is yer mug might not be so deafening..... :p

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i've even had to get a mirrored visor on my helmet cause i got tired of the boys swerving into my lane as they were trying get a look at me. has helped alot.
What are you doing letting boys (or anybody for that matter) catch up to you? It's just not FJR. ;)


I think he's a she. :p

i've even had to get a mirrored visor on my helmet cause i got tired of the boys swerving into my lane as they were trying get a look at me. has helped alot.
What are you doing letting boys (or anybody for that matter) catch up to you? It's just not FJR. ;)


I think he's a she. :p
You forget which way radman, er, swings.... ;)

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