Do you ride with a radio or Mp3 player?

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IPod Nano (flash memory, not hard drive) snapped into RAM mount and routed through Starcom. In-ear buds (Etymotic) block wind noise and deliver MP3, GPS, intercom, and GMRS radio.

I have been considering mounting an Mp3 player /radio on the Feeger. I was just wondering what everyone else has already worked out? IPOD's? the ZUNE? R3d
Custom molded noise canceling earplugs with an I-Pod, 99% of the time. I also have a set of custom earplugs for the odd time that I don't want music. If riding with DH and using the Chatterboxes, I will route the I-Pod through the Chatterbox helmet speakers. I still wear earplugs, to cut down on the wind noise.

For the most part, I find that music with a MODEST volume helps me to concentrate.


I was using a Sirius Starmate4 radio piped through a Starcom Advance. Unfortunately, I'm on my third Starmate4 radio this year :angry: !! (also, third cradle and second antenna) Seems that the Sirius hardware doesn't like being installed and removed from the cradle very often, in spite of what Sirius may claim. And since I have to remove the radio every day when I get to work...well I guess the radio will have to stay in the truck from now on. I really like the idea of sattelite radio, but the Sirius hardware SUCKS!!

Now I'm trying an iPod through the Starcom. So far this seems to be a good alternative. I'll have to check into the mounting concerns that others here have mentioned.

So, the answer to the original question is:


mounted on a ramball system on stem nut (or will be by this weekend)

through Starcom Advance

speakers in helmet (Starcom)


I have been considering mounting an Mp3 player /radio on the Feeger. I was just wondering what everyone else has already worked out? IPOD's? the ZUNE? if this is a repeat of a topic that has been hashed to death, I apologize in advance.
Iphone, Zumo, ham radio or GMRS/FRS depending on who I'm riding with. All bluetooth linked in the tank bag. :rolleyes:



XM with zumo through the Starcom. I love it. Not distracting to me as long as I don't listen to news.

XM threw my Yaesu FTM-10SR BluTooth to Cardo Q2.

Rider to ham buddy rider / Yaesu FTM-10SR.

Rider to passenger, Q2

Rider to non ham buddy Q2 to Q2.


XM threw my Yaesu FTM-10SR BluTooth to Cardo Q2. Rider to ham buddy rider / Yaesu FTM-10SR.

Rider to passenger, Q2

Rider to non ham buddy Q2 to Q2.

Just curious how the FTM-10sr is working for you?



I just purchased a Jensen Mini Waterproof Radio, that I found here:


This unit has AM/FM/Weather has aux in for ipod & has an output of 15 watts. I'll post up how the unit works & installs when I install it next week with the Autocom Super pro Avi that I also ordered.

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Pioneer Inno2 for a combo XM radio and MP3, mounted on the end of my sleeve. The thing is smaller than the Blackberry I have to carry. Inno2

The better Skullcandy earphones, which are great at blocking wind noise and being both audible and sharp while underway. I looked at the Etymotics ER-6i and the cord looked too fragile. The Skullcandies work just about as well and have a tougher 4-ft cord, which is important for routing the wire from the radio at my cuff.

I started out with an iPod Nano in the map pouch on my tank bag and some cheapy helmet speakers. Couldn't hear the durn thing so I added a Boostaroo amp still didn't do much so I went to some relatively inexpensive Koss earbuds. Now I could hear the iPod but I had a hard time turning volume up or down and skipping or pausing music. I also had the problem of the battery dying on longer rides. Searching for a solution, I added a cigarette lighter outlet under the seat and a car charger cord. Solved my power problem. Found an iJet for the Nano solved my accessibility problem. Upgraded to some good JVC in ear buds, solved my low volume problem. Now unless I'm riding with a passenger that wants to listen to whatever I'm listening to, I leave the Boostaroo at home. I toss the iJet with the iPod installed in the tank bag (never leave home without it!) and put the remote in the map pouch secured with a small piece of duct tape rolled into a donut.

Took me about a year to figure out the setup that works best for me. And BTW, I use the iPod, iJet, and JVC ear buds on a regular basis even when not riding. I use that setup at work when I have to run the Honda powered floor buffer. NExt thing I'm gonna loook into is a Zumo and see how I can set that up.

One tip I can give you if you're interested in an iPod. Check Apples website and search for refurbished equipment. Comes with the same warranty as brand new and costs about 1/3 to 1/2 of brand new. Also check for the iJet. I got a real good deal on mine thru them.



ipod, ijet and The S Plug earbuds from The ijet allows handlebar controls for the ipod and the S Plug earbuds are the best I've tried (I used to have Etymotic ER6i's (which were great until I tried the S Plugs). The S Plugs are quieter than my best earplugs.

An excellent setup! ;)

i love listening to music, have it on whenever i can.

zumo with mp3's on a 4 gig sd card; boostaroo amp; and sony in-ear phones. the in-ear 'phones with the different-sized rubber surrounds seem to be popular---i had a pair of skullcandy's until it snagged on something, decided to try the sony's, they seem to be just as good. that's the one thing i don't like about most of them, the wires seem so fragile.

on this thread, anyone have song/songs that can likely get them in trouble, either legally or crashwise, when it comes on and they're on a ride? there are a few van halen songs that i have to watch myself, aerosmith's "amazing" also comes to mind...



I have been considering mounting an Mp3 player /radio on the Feeger. I was just wondering what everyone else has already worked out? IPOD's? the ZUNE? if this is a repeat of a topic that has been hashed to death, I apologize in advance.
XM radio with Bose Ear buds attached directly to the XM radio. The Bose Ear buds have three sizes of inserts (Large, Medium, and Small). After listening to the bose for some time now, I can't get myself to buy anyhting else in fear that it will sound inferior to the BOSE. The XM radio cost me $9.99 and the Bose Ear buds were $99.00.

