Does Friday the Thirteenth get any better than this?

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Tucson, AZ
One of our company's salesman drove his company provided lease car here from another state to meet with a customer. He parked in a metered parking lot and didn't have any change for the meter, being almost late for his appointment decided to skip feeding coins to the meter.

Returning from his appointment he finds a tow truck hooking up to his car and a ticket on the windshield, tells the tow truck driver I'll pay the ticket and tow bill, you don't have to tow it. Tow truck driver tells him yeah, has to take the car to impound, not for the parking ticket, for the expired plates.

Next, stop city police, find out the police won't release a vehicle with expired plates, not even to a tow company, and his home state will not issue new plates without the car being inspected.

Just another way to sick it to THE MAN! Thats like locking up a man for being late on child support so that he will get fired and not be able to pay at all.

You should let the poor dude borrow you FJR to get back home.

Sounds like going to get some change first could have saved him a load of crap! Paying the freight is not an option, it's a requirement. It's hard for me to feel for this guy. Life's tough. Handle your business thusly.

company provided lease car ?
Sounds like it's the companies issue...I'd have rented a car and headed home....Bosses problem.
That will be open to debate, although the company pays the bills, the person that it is assigned to is required to see that all the scheduled maintenance, registrations are kept up to date, and the car is maintained in a safe operating condition.

BTW any type of ticket you get is yours.

I find difficult to feel bad for the guy; expired tags, overdue inspection, late for appointment, no change for meter... guy sounds a little disorganized. I do feel for him being stuck in limbo over getting his car released.
