Doood! What up?

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I bought it because I'm the guy who'll do his best to ruin a perfectly good set of tires on Saturday and do speed limit (ish) with the wifey on Sunday.

Toe & CAFJRider, let me know when you want to go for another coast ride! I'm game!

Could be the dude was just a chillin to some Barry Manilow or Neil Sadaka on his MP3 player and enjoying the scenery, till some hoonsquid on his offroad bike screwed up his mellow by blowing past him at near mach speed. SHAME ON YOU! :glare:
Something wrong with Neil Sedaka?

Hell no, nothing wrong with mr. Sedaka at all. In fact, it's my lowly opinion that the best biker song ever made is Muskrat Love! :D

I was rolling home from Morro Bay myself, and quite honestly not in any hurry to come home to screaming children and a nagging wife!...Hope that answers your question as to, "dooood! what up!
Well, I guess canyonman kinda answered it for you. I guess I'm doubly blessed, wanting to get home in a hurry. Eve got off work at 4:30 and I wanted to beat her there, which I did. We went out to dinner. She might not ride anymore, but she sure understands why I do, and pretty much supports my therapy, as long as I maintain a balance of meeting domestic obligations.

That bike sure looked blue in that light....

I bought it because I'm the guy who'll do his best to ruin a perfectly good set of tires on Saturday and do speed limit (ish) with the wifey on Sunday.
Toe & CAFJRider, let me know when you want to go for another coast ride! I'm game!
You're also the guy I'll never catch up to, unless you catch me, as I rarely ride on Sundays. We'll have to start out together if our paths are ever to cross. Do you have many weekday opportunities to ride?

Fresno-area riders can also visit Central Valley Riders forum for local action. I'm hesitant to ride with them myself, but YMMV .

I played hoolie with some dude on a ZX-10 the other day. It was kind of refreshing to actually be the slower bike for a change. Not many opportunites like that in Harley-infested Fresno.

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