Dr. Rich's Excellent President's Day Adventure

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Ok, who's the one guy that just had to be different and point his front-end the wrong way?

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Thanks Doc for organizing the most excellent ride!! :yahoo: And thanks everyone for showing off your FARKLES; :dribble: now my credit card is really going to get abused. :( I’m glad to have had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people and I looking forward to the next outing!! :D

Many thanks to Dr. Rich for organizing this ride. Here are a few snapshots from the phone camera:

Parked by the wharf


Fearless Leader


Furture FRJ Owner


Stewart's Point Rest Stop





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Here's some video of Skaggs Springs Rd from the bridge to the stop sign. It took us about 10 minutes at moderate speed. The video is 3 minutes, and includes some knee-draggers shooting by. I kept checking my 6 for bikes that wanted to get by, but they were all going the other way!

It Came Out of the Sky!

Great video JB. Thanks for reminding us what we missed yesterday . . . :p

Yep. Nothing better than great motorcycle roads and sunny 65 degree weather in February. It almost makes me feel sorry for those poor snowbound northerners . . . almost.

A big thanks goes out to Rich for putting together a great ride. Christy and I finally rolled into the driveway at 8:30pm, Advilled up and went to bed whipped but happy. I didn’t take but a few pics since I saw so many cameras flying around.

I’m really impressed with the quality of people riding these FJR’s (and a few Beemers). I only wish I could have spent more time getting to know the few new folks I met but the riding season is just around the corner. If this ride is any indication, the Nor-Cal crew will be covering a lot of happy miles this year.

Taking up way too much real estate at the restaurant.


The overcast skies made for a cool ride on the coast. It felt good to get back to the sunshine.


Here's some video of Skaggs Springs Rd from the bridge to the stop sign. It took us about 10 minutes at moderate speed. The video is 3 minutes, and includes some knee-draggers shooting by. I kept checking my 6 for bikes that wanted to get by, but they were all going the other way!
It Came Out of the Sky!
Now I know Christy and I were right behind you guys. The girls on the bridge were still there (I notice things like that) and the supersonic Kawi's sucked the air from our lungs.

Good stuff JB. :D

Thanks to Dr Rich and all the riders that turned out for making this a great ride.

After Skagg Springs We turned north on 101 to 175 and headed for home.

We made it back to Marysville about 6:00 PM

We ate lunch here



Brad and Christy Chowing down some good food




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