DRZ400 suzuki

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
LaPine, OR
I think there are a few around here with the drz400. I have a guy that wants heated grips installed and was wondering if there is any educated experience out there. That leaves Bust out of it :lol:

I found there is 200 watt max out of the stator and less than 60 left for add on stuff. I think the grips are around 40 so that seems to be cutting it close. I was thinking about wiring a 40-50 watt light right to the batt and run it to check voltage before install. Any thoughts????

Personally, I think the DRZ is about maxed out without any additions.

Is he willing to consider options: battery powered heated gloves, hippo hands, V-strom or KLR type brush guards that would protect his hands from wind?

Ray -- Saw these battery powered gloves from Mobile Warming at the Skagit open house last Saturday. Helmet House is the distributor for these...initial impression was good quality and the battery life seemed reasonable. Might pass along the information to your Suzuki guy as an alternative for the watt challenged.


Educated experience... only from the DR650 with similar output.

I shy away from electrics but I read guys are buying more watts though HID headlights, LED turn signals or high output stator all available at ProCycle. The stock stator should run the grips fine but a Datel would give him peace of mind and could shut them off before draining the battery.


I just back from a day thrashing around at Dove Springs and Jawbone Canyon on my DRZ400S with newly installed heated grips. Worked great and had to switch back from High to Low a few times as they got nice and toasty even though it was in the mid 40s and wind gusting from 20-40! I'm using Dual-Star elements Dual Star and wired them with a double throw center off toggle taking power from the headlight wire off of the ignition switch IIRC. The juice I get from that wire triggers a relay I put in the wire bundle behind the headlight which sends juice to the grips via a 12ga. wire run directly from the battery. I too was concerned about maxing out the wattage draw, but it's working out fine so far.I can confirm these wiring connections if you're interested.

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