Easy Way to Bleed Hydraulic Systems

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Wait, I don't think I'm quite understanding what you are saying here. Are you saying that you take the long hose connect one end to the bleed nipple at the caliper and then stick the output end back to the master cylinder's reservoir?
Yep...that's exactly it. That's wny I say to start with an empty reservoir. That way, you only recycle NEW brake fluid.
But what about the old fluid still in the lines and calipers? Aren't you pumping that into the reservoir?

Wait, I don't think I'm quite understanding what you are saying here. Are you saying that you take the long hose connect one end to the bleed nipple at the caliper and then stick the output end back to the master cylinder's reservoir?
Yep...that's exactly it. That's wny I say to start with an empty reservoir. That way, you only recycle NEW brake fluid.
But what about the old fluid still in the lines and calipers? Aren't you pumping that into the reservoir?
From my original post --

Attached to a bleed nipple and pump ALL the brake fluid out of the master cylinder, front or rear. Completely empty.
In simpler terms, dump the old crap into a recycle container...even use some fresh brake fluid to "flush" the system completely, THEN proceed to "recycle" ONLY new, fresh brake fluid.


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How much air gets in the line pumping the reservoir "completely dry?" I'd rather risk a smidge of old fluid than chase an air bubble that won't cooperate.

AND, if you want the reservior completely dry, why not remove all the fluid with a syringe. When the reservior is empty, don't pump the brake and refill the reservior with new fluid. Pump until the lines show new fluid, and you're good to go. Done it like that for as long as I can remember, and never an issue.

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Wait, I don't think I'm quite understanding what you are saying here. Are you saying that you take the long hose connect one end to the bleed nipple at the caliper and then stick the output end back to the master cylinder's reservoir?
Yep...that's exactly it. That's wny I say to start with an empty reservoir. That way, you only recycle NEW brake fluid.
But what about the old fluid still in the lines and calipers? Aren't you pumping that into the reservoir?
From my original post --

Attached to a bleed nipple and pump ALL the brake fluid out of the master cylinder, front or rear. Completely empty.
In simpler terms, dump the old crap into a recycle container...even use some fresh brake fluid to "flush" the system completely, THEN proceed to "recycle" ONLY new, fresh brake fluid.

Ok I didn't see the implied step of dumping the remaining old fluid (lines and caliper) before recycling it back into the master cylinder.

How much air gets in the line pumping the reservoir "completely dry?" I'd rather risk a smidge of old fluid than chase an air bubble that won't cooperate.
You dork...(
)...if you pump the reservoir "completely dry", then your entire system (at least on the caliper you're bleeding) is full of air. However, when you refill the reservoir and begin pumping with the bleed hose returning to the reservoir, you simply keep pumping until the hose indicates NO air bubbles.

AND, if you want the reservior completely dry, why not remove all the fluid with a syringe. When the reservior is empty, don't pump the brake and refill the reservior with new fluid. Pump until the lines show new fluid, and you're good to go. Done it like that for as long as I can remember, and never an issue.
Do it whichever way makes you all warm and fuzzy. I was simply putting out a method that maybe no one has ever thought of or used. Though, I bet using your old tried-and-true method, by the time you've got fresh, brand-new fluid coming out the bleed hose, I'll bet you've had to stop and refill the reservoir at least once. My method simply keeps the reservoir filled at all times during the bleed process, Dork-Boi.

Damn rocket surgeons.....

Ooooooooooooh! You know, sometimes you have to draw me a ******* map!! Yes I do have to refill my reservoir during the process.

So you're saying once the new fluid is moving, then you recycle it until bubbles are gone, then fill reservoir. That's a good idea, but I don't usually have bubble issues, I have old fluid issues. Lol...I was looking at two different issues because your explanation was FUBAR.

Ooooooooooooh! You know, sometimes you have to draw me a ******* map!! Yes I do have to refill my reservoir during the process.
So you're saying once the new fluid is moving, then you recycle it until bubbles are gone, then fill reservoir. That's a good idea, but I don't usually have bubble issues, I have old fluid issues. Lol...I was looking at two different issues because your explanation was FUBAR.
I got it first time :p

Just sayin'

Ooooooooooooh! You know, sometimes you have to draw me a ******* map!! Yes I do have to refill my reservoir during the process.
So you're saying once the new fluid is moving, then you recycle it until bubbles are gone, then fill reservoir. That's a good idea, but I don't usually have bubble issues, I have old fluid issues. Lol...I was looking at two different issues because your explanation was FUBAR.
I got it first time

Just sayin'

Like I said before


Hey AJ....some guys "get it"! :D

Ooooooooooooh! You know, sometimes you have to draw me a ******* map!! Yes I do have to refill my reservoir during the process.So you're saying once the new fluid is moving, then you recycle it until bubbles are gone, then fill reservoir. That's a good idea, but I don't usually have bubble issues, I have old fluid issues. Lol...I was looking at two different issues because your explanation was FUBAR.
I got it first time :p

Just sayin'

Like I said beforeBRILLIANT !!!


Hey AJ....some guys "get it"! :D
Whatever...You haven't gotten 'it' in 30 years and Twigg is just being a kiss ass. :****:
