ecu recall and mpg change on 2007

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Jul 10, 2008
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:glare: Can any one tell me how the replacment of the ecu (recall on the 2007 fjr) has changed the mpg if any?? I myself get about 50 mpg and don't wont this to change!!
I did not notice any difference in the mpg figures after the ECU change, although I have never gotten as much as 50mpg.

You might want to try taking her over 1500rpm sometime :grin:

With the new ECU I averaged 51mpg over a 5 day trip of 1032 miles. :yahoo:

But around home and up-n-down the mountains I only get about 42mpg. :glare:


I hadn't noticed any change to my mileage between ECU changes.

I just finished a 700 mile two day ride that has averaged 51.4 mpg, which is hte highest I've ever experienced. My normal is around 48 mpg.. I just turned the clock to 8K..


:glare: Can any one tell me how the replacment of the ecu (recall on the 2007 fjr) has changed the mpg if any?? I myself get about 50 mpg and don't wont this to change!!
If you have a 2008 FJR, why are you worrying about this..?? The revised ECU is already in the '08 model.

:glare: Can any one tell me how the replacment of the ecu (recall on the 2007 fjr) has changed the mpg if any?? I myself get about 50 mpg and don't wont this to change!!
If you have a 2008 FJR, why are you worrying about this..?? The revised ECU is already in the '08 model.

Not i have a 2007 the info on here is wrong?!! I will look in to fixing it THANKS!!

I actually did notice a change, but I have a PCIII also. Before the new ECU I was getting 43-44, now I get 40-41. I recall other posters with PCIIIs also saw a reduction.

I just did the ECU swap for my 2007, and MPG is (still) outstanding for a 124hp machine at 48 to 50ish MPG going NORMAL speeds. I just did a 700 mile ride this weekend and will have overall MPG well above 51, but we were driving at speed limit the entire time (yet still having a ball).

You guys getting 40 - what's up with that?? Perhaps you spend way more time at WFO than I do.

I just did the ECU swap for my 2007, and MPG is (still) outstanding for a 124hp machine at 48 to 50ish MPG going NORMAL speeds. I just did a 700 mile ride this weekend and will have overall MPG well above 51, but we were driving at speed limit the entire time (yet still having a ball).You guys getting 40 - what's up with that?? Perhaps you spend way more time at WFO than I do.
I can't figure out how you guys get 50mpg on the FJR? I'll have to try riding my bike like a Grandmother for a tankfull to see if it's even possible. I don't usually ride over 70mph, but I do get up to the speed limit in a hurry after each stop. Not much WFO, but I ain't shifting at 3k either (probably closer to 6k).

But back on topic, I didn't notice a mileage change with the new ecu. My new PC III is sitting here next to my laptop at work, so we'll see what that does to the mileage.

I did 50.4 on a 25 mile run and I brought the average back down to 38 after a 10 mile run! That 1300 mill knows how to tip em' back when your on the go!!

Has anyone had any bad experiences with the swap out?? (Messed up or loose panels, items etc,,,) I want to have mine done but sometimes worry about having the bike taken apart.

I did 50.4 on a 25 mile run and I brought the average back down to 38 after a 10 mile run! That 1300 mill knows how to tip em' back when your on the go!!
Has anyone had any bad experiences with the swap out?? (Messed up or loose panels, items etc,,,) I want to have mine done but sometimes worry about having the bike taken apart.
The ECU replacment on my bike took less then 10 minutes by the yamaha tech. The only parts of the bike he removed was the seats and the seat high/low postion plastic under the rider seat.

I just did the ECU swap for my 2007, and MPG is (still) outstanding for a 124hp machine at 48 to 50ish MPG going NORMAL speeds. I just did a 700 mile ride this weekend and will have overall MPG well above 51, but we were driving at speed limit the entire time (yet still having a ball).You guys getting 40 - what's up with that?? Perhaps you spend way more time at WFO than I do.

Mixed riding gives me in the low 40's, all HWY at 80 - 90 mph always 49 - 51mpg

I just did the ECU swap for my 2007, and MPG is (still) outstanding for a 124hp machine at 48 to 50ish MPG going NORMAL speeds. I just did a 700 mile ride this weekend and will have overall MPG well above 51, but we were driving at speed limit the entire time (yet still having a ball).You guys getting 40 - what's up with that?? Perhaps you spend way more time at WFO than I do.
I can't figure out how you guys get 50mpg on the FJR? I'll have to try riding my bike like a Grandmother for a tankfull to see if it's even possible. I don't usually ride over 70mph, but I do get up to the speed limit in a hurry after each stop. Not much WFO, but I ain't shifting at 3k either (probably closer to 6k).

But back on topic, I didn't notice a mileage change with the new ecu. My new PC III is sitting here next to my laptop at work, so we'll see what that does to the mileage.

Grandma was a pretty good rider in her day, and lucky for you she's deceased or she would be searching you out for a severe spanking!

No change on my 2007 with ECU replacement.

On a side note- when folks start quoting their mpg experience, it is usually a good idea to compare the mpg figures for those folks that ride in the same geographic area and altitude. Just like selling a house, location is a serious factor.

My experience from a just completed 3200 mile trip:

1. MPG figures from approx 1200 miles riding in a geographic location where altitude averaged 5000-7000 ft resulted in an average of 51-53 mpg. This included many twisties and straight line interstate travel at about 10% above posted speed zone.

2. MPG figures from approx 2000 miles riding in a geographic location near sea level resulted in an average of 45-47 mpg. Again this included many twisties and interstate travel at same speeds.

These mpg figures represent a fully loaded bike with single rider, topcase, tankbag, and aftermarket large windscreen (no PCIII installed). These mpg figures are almost identical to what I received from my old ST1100 and much better than my VStrom DL1000, under same conditions.

Food for thought.

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to add my .02 in, because I have a differant take on this. When I got my 07' AE I rode it for about 1500 miles before I got the ecu swapped. Before the swap I was getting any where from 46 to 51.5 mpg (Town or Highway). After the swap the best I have gotten is 44.5 mpg on a 1K trip in two days. I don't know if it makes a differance, but I do live in Alaska. Now our elevation here actually is not that bad, as say Denver area. In town I'm only getting around 40.5 to 42. I don't know if this helps anyone. I just wonder if I really needed to do the ecu swap, and loose all that fuel...... :(

I saw a decrease in fuel mileage, after my ECU recall. My '07 was getting 43-45mpg, before the recall. Immediately after it was done, the mileage dropped to 39-42 mpg. This increased over time, as the bike racked up miles. 11,000miles on the odometer, and it now averages 41-43mpg, consistently. I might also mention that I changed tires at 8,000miles.

If you're depending upon the bike's computer for mpg, you might want to check this against actual fuel used, when you fill up. Currently, my computer seems to be within 1mpg of actual, but there was greater error, when the bike was newer. These computers are fun, as a guideline, but their accuracy seems to vary quite a bit, from bike to bike. Some (like mine), are pretty close. Others seem to be a pure wild-assed-guess.

I am curious about the higher mileage reported by some owners (ECU recall or not). I've never seen anywhere near 50mpg, on my FJR. My guess is, that those who do:

1. Are reporting inaccurate bike computer information.

2. Always ride downhill.

3. Haven't learned to twist the right handgrip.
